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Dewy's Adventure

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I love it how the black creatures in that remind me of Miyazaki's films creatures, don't know why, as I see no clear relation though, but they do remind me.



The screens make it look like billy hatcher
No more drinking for you.

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I'm not sure about the length of this particular game, but they have done that. Just because it isn't super realistic and full of blood and gore, doesn't mean the art sucks. This game is far more artistic than most of the games you probably play.


All you are doing is calling it crap because it doesn't suit your tastes, which is stupid.


They have a relative noob producer, they haven't invested alot in it.


I love okami and wind waker.


I never said the art sucked, the game can still have better graphics.

I don't like games that are overly realistic.

If they carn't make an epic game for the wii, then they need to stick with 360 and ps3

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I wonder what that bar is on the left. Maybe is he gets too hot he melts, or too cold he freezes.

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I wonder what that bar is on the left. Maybe is he gets too hot he melts, or too cold he freezes.


Wouldn't it be boils if it's water?

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Wouldn't it be boils if it's water?


Yes, but as you say thats assuming its water. I doubt it's water since it seems to be quite solid.

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Yes, but as you say thats assuming its water. I doubt it's water since it seems to be quite solid.


Then it wouldn't be moving. It's a blob of water :)

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Yes, but as you say thats assuming its water. I doubt it's water since it seems to be quite solid.
Have you even watched the trailer? It's water!!




IGN Wii: What is so special about Dewy? What can the character do?


Mukaitoge: Dewy is the last hope to drive away the evil Don Hedron. He is a droplet of water, and can be heated or cooled to achieve different goals. We don't want to go in to too much detail about this yet.

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Smoke seems really easy to make in Wii. And incredibly well done.


I would hope so considering the gc could do it.

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I would hope so considering the gc could do it.


I don't remember seeing volumetric smoke on GC.

Anyway, great sig fresh!

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Your point?


So it can produce smoke, I want them pushing the wii harder on the graphics. Not just leave them like it is.


I don't remember seeing volumetric smoke on GC.

Anyway, great sig fresh!


That isn't volumetric smoke. Its the same smoke you see when you open the mummys coffin in chibi robo, the first time.

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What's wrong with letting people in this thread be excited about the game this thread is about? :(

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They said this game is only popular on Nintendo consoles and forums and on other platform it wouldn't get any attention, blablabla, but are the ones who give it more attention and make this thread span for pages complaining about it.

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I think this game does look pretty interesting. I kinda like the colourful art style. Personally, I think it brings the game alive. It gives the game a personality, which is very important.


Only thing I'm not sure about is the title of this game.

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Only thing I'm not sure about is the title of this game.
Yeah, I agree... They can find a better title.


This seems to be backed off by the trailer who says "working title" under the name at the end.

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He designed the gameplay first and then the story. Urk!


Why didn't he design the story first then made the gameplay match seems a bit clueless if you ask me

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He designed the gameplay first and then the story. Urk!


Why didn't he design the story first then made the gameplay match seems a bit clueless if you ask me

You really do talk some rubbish!


Do you think the story was the main concern in Mario 64/Super Monkey Ball/F-Zero GX/Soul Calibur etc... etc...


No, the main concern is creating a game you will enjoy with great gameplay!!

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Right first off soul caliber and f-zero franchises are about 80% multiplayer to 20% single player game experiences.


Second, a predominately single player based adventure needs a strong rewarding story. Why do you think a game like GoW or Final Fantasy or even Fire Emblem keep people playing is it for the gameplay, no! Its for the bloody story.

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He designed the gameplay first and then the story. Urk!


Why didn't he design the story first then made the gameplay match seems a bit clueless if you ask me


Every single decent designer first create the characters and his abilities, and only then the world that fits around those characters, and the story. It helps to creat a more fluid gameplay.


Miyamoto is the prime example, all their big characters were made this way.

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Every single decent designer first create the characters and his abilities, and only then the world that fits around those characters, and the story. It helps to creat a more fluid gameplay.


Miyamoto is the prime example, all their big characters were made this way.


Afraid to say this to you but this is a producer where talking about.


Secondly, it doesn't create more fluid gameplay, fluid gameplay comes from a nice neat story from which the characters have objectives so that buy the end of the game all of their realisations have been fulfilled.


Shame, I can see this game as a downloadable for about £10 on XBLA.


And out of all the possiblities of control options they stick with one that is SMB: BB uses.

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