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Valentine's day


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Copied this from the meaningless post thread.


Oh my, valenfuckingtines day sure was eventful. Beware for the long post, seriously.


First up, girlfriend and I are not together anymore. So, we decided it would be best to go out with 2 different sets of mates tonight.

Anyway, she went out an hour before me, and I was getting ready, I got a text message saying that she would be there with my mates in Wetherspoons. I was a bit annoyed, because I didn't really want her to be there on Valentines Day, not in this way at least.


So, I got to wetherspoons. And, surprise number 2: That girl I had some shameless flirting with on her birthday: Backstory is, I sent her a message a few days after, after discovering she had a boyfriend, and I basically apologised for it. I don't like it when guys try and get on other girls who are already taken, so I felt bad. I didn't know at the time. Anyway, turns out she split up with her boyfriend yesterday. I don't think she's interested anymore either, as she seemed to be trying it on with other blokes, so it's just my fucking luck.


Then, surprise number 3: My friend Chris has a friend from Southampton called Ali. She came down to see him for the day, and I've only met her once before, but she's nice. Turns out, Chris had text messaged a girl (Danielle) he had a fling with 3 weeks ago asking her to be at Wetherspoons. The girl can only be described as half man, half forehead. Think of Vigo the Carpathian in Ghostbusters 2, give it breasts, and you have her.


So, Ali was annoyed cos this girl was hogging Chris. Don't blame her, after she travelled all that way to see him.


Hours later, we were in a club, as it was 80's night. Danielle was still trying to get on Chris, Ali was annoyed, and my ex was drowning her sorrows by getting hideously drunk. My other friend told me that she had broke down in the toilets and was geniunally sorry for what she did, etc, and that she loved me. A bit annoyed at my mate, as I asked her on my birthday if she thought me and my ex would get back together, and she said no.


Anyway, my ex and Danielle sorta befriended each other. My ex got really emotional and went to get her coat to leave. She came back saying that her keys had been stolen, and that could she borrow mine. I was reluctant, but did. We left the club about an hour later, got in a taxi with some friends, and got dropped off. I was walking with Ali, and I said to her that to stop it from being an unsuccessful valentines day and to at least salvage something, we should exchange numbers. We giggled, and did it. So yeah, go me. (there's more later)


I turned the doorhandle, but it was locked. I started knocking...no answer. I went to the side of the house and shouted at the window. Nothing. No lights were on, I had no idea if she was in or not. Basically, I was really, really fucked off. I tried putting my hand through the letterbox and opening the door from the inside, but it didn't work. So, I was cursing, I fucking marched down the street, walked the half mile or however long it was to the taxi rank and got a taxi to my friend's house- the same friend's who had dropped me off. Good job I had some money, otherwise what the fuck else could I have done?!


Got to their house, tried knocking, ringing the doorbell, tapping windows. Nothing. I turned the doorhandle, and it opened. See, now if only my ex had done that. Grrr.

I went in, and my mates were like Jiiim wtf are you doing here?! And I explained the story. They cheered me up a lot. We went upstairs and the four of us lay down on a double bed and just cuddled, it was funny haha.


Ali was sleeping in Chris's bed, as she was his guest. She came in asking how to turn the electric blanket on, and so I helped. I asked her if she was ok, etc, and we basically got talking. I climbed underneath the covers with her, and we more or less just talked all night. I got to my friend's house at 3, and by 8am we were still talking. I'm a "leg man" and she was wearing some small shorts into bed, and I was like :D inside.


So, we talked and talked about everything, how we were feeling, life etc. Then, I went to the toilets and came back. She was now on the floor sleeping, and I asked why she was doing this. She said she didn't want to make my ex angry or anything, cos she did love me and stuff. We had a discussion about this all night, and eventually, after hours, she came back into bed with me. We had a cuddle, which was lovely, and just carried on talking. When she finally did go to sleep, she slept on the floor. I offered to sleep on the floor and her on the bed, but she was stubborn, grrr.


Morning came, and my mates came in and started talking. I caught a few of them looking at me and her and then at me again when they spotted what clothing she was wearing. It probably looked wrong, hehe.


I also got a phone call from my ex, saying that she had left with Danielle last night, got lost and went home, and if I was ok, etc. I told her I'd deal with it when I got home.


Got a lift from Ali, and we said goodbye.


Then, went to my flat. My ex had just had a shower, and I told her to put her clothes on. I told her that last night, she had left me in the lurch, didn't really care how I was, embarassed both of us, and just ruined what was an ok night. So, I told her to leave her keys and to get out. She refused for ages, but it was only when I threatened to throw other stuff of hers out that she decided to leave. I know I was acting like a bastard, but I was so angry. Doesn't justify it, I know. I just told her to get out and said to her something about its nice to be left out in the cold isnt it.

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I had a lovely evening.


Went round this girls house im seeing. She got me a massive photo frame thingy of 3 small black and white beatles photos and a little blurb about them. Proper collectors style thing, I love it.


Anyway we had a good night of lust and I even got a massage!!!

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Anyway we had a good night of lust and I even got a massage!!!


A massage, is that what its called nowadays.


Mine was the usual round of uneventfulness with not a hint of lust of romance what so ever. Didn't even go out as no one could be arsed after going out on Tuesday. Had worse ones though, so I'm fairly happy.

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Then, went to my flat. My ex had just had a shower, and I told her to put her clothes on. I told her that last night, she had left me in the lurch, didn't really care how I was, embarassed both of us, and just ruined what was an ok night. So, I told her to leave her keys and to get out. She refused for ages, but it was only when I threatened to throw other stuff of hers out that she decided to leave. I know I was acting like a bastard, but I was so angry. Doesn't justify it, I know. I just told her to get out and said to her something about its nice to be left out in the cold isnt it.


Well that made for some intresting reading - I think you were perfectly justified to be honest. Can't imagine anyone acting nice after something like that. Well done.

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an excerpt from my night


".. As I approached my house I saw some flames outside it. There where candles in the snow in a heart shape with a "T" in it [my name is Thomas]. I rang the doorbell only to be met with a scantly clad woman with a rose in her mouth. All the lights in the house was off. She had tidied my entire house and put candels everywhere. She opened my bed room door and pushed me in. The bed room was alive with candles, the bed full of rose pedals and on the dresser where pictures of us, hearts and chocolate... undressed... yum.. great... Food out in a restaurant.. back home... good night"

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Well that made for some intresting reading - I think you were perfectly justified to be honest. Can't imagine anyone acting nice after something like that. Well done.


Well that made for some intresting reading - I think you were perfectly justified to be honest. Can't imagine anyone acting nice after something like that. Well done.


Woah deja vu.

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