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When we are dead.

THE ganondorflol

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Our spirit moves on to a baby, which is either born or concevied at the time we die, and so, we start a brand new life.
What's the point? If you don't remember the other life, then you're as good as gone forever. I could tell you that my new born neice is your great, great, great, great grandmother - but if we don't know it and she has no memories, in what way is it still that person?


I don't know what happens after death, I want to believe in some kind of heaven. Ever seen "What Dreams May Come" with Robin Williams? Now that would be ideal, but I can't deny it's so perfect an idea that it's unrealistic. To me, any afterlife where you can't remember your life or who you are, may as well be the end of your existence, because I believe that we are our memories. Also the heaven in the Lovely Bones would be great. As long as you remember who you are.


What's with the influx of grim threads though? The meaning of life, things we're scared of, life after death - everyone's so down these days.

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Gee, your a happy person. 'We just die'. Now I'm really looking forward to it. Still, you d not know that at all.

Well neither do you...baka!!!


Do you all honestly believe that? I find it very difficult to comprehend that we just -stop- existing.

Yes, I do...It's not that hard to understand that once your brain powers down then you can't think anything etc etc etc.


If that's how you feel, well then i truly pity you.

That's because you're a brainwashed Christian


And I envy you for believing in something else.


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I don't think it's really worth thinking about. If you die, you are not alive anymore, so that means that this physical world is left behind. I'll let myself be surprised I guess.


Anyway, I 'believe' (I hate the religious undertone in that) there is nothing though. There's no reason for us to have a 'spirit' that can pass itself on into heaven/rebirth, so why would we have one? If you're dead, your brain dies, and so does you conscience. The end.

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Guest Stefkov

Is January the depression month?

I remember being told, whenever someone dies a baby is born. I used to think that the dead person's soul/mind/personality has gone into the baby. However it knows nothing of the other persons life. It just knows it likes carrots etc, is shy etc.

But lives a totally different life.

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If you're dead, your brain dies, and so does you conscience. The end.

Then why were we here in the first place? Who put us here? Why does the Earth exist, with dirt that feeds plants, plants that make air and grow food we can eat... what's the point in the existence of anything (I'm not going to say "the meaning of life", because that's the other thread, but rather the meaning of everything, dead, alive, stone, flesh, molecules and atoms) if it simply stops existing one day?


Also I feel that the human mind is way too complicated to be entirely scientific. Our conscience can't just be something that's defined by electric patterns, nerves and muscles. If everything were scientific, we wouldn't have evolved to have feelings that are of no benefit to our efficiency or self-preservation - like anger, bitterness, sadness, depression, thoughtfulness. All we'd need is a sexual instinct and big claws to fight off predators. I honestly don't think science can explain the human being, which is a grain of hope I have that our minds won't just abruptly disappear when we die.

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That's a bit harsh. It's my choice to believe in what I want just as it is yours to believe in whatever it is you believe.


Just because I am a Christian doesn't mean I am brainwashed.



I'm sure that's what the Nazi's and extremist muslims* think too:indeed:




*and normal ones

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Then why were we here in the first place? Who put us here? Why does the Earth exist, with dirt that feeds plants, plants that make air and grow food we can eat... what's the point in the existence of anything (I'm not going to say "the meaning of life", because that's the other thread, but rather the meaning of everything, dead, alive, stone, flesh, molecules and atoms) if it simply stops existing one day?


Also I feel that the human mind is way too complicated to be entirely scientific. Our conscience can't just be something that's defined by electric patterns, nerves and muscles. If everything were scientific, we wouldn't have evolved to have feelings that are of no benefit to our efficiency or self-preservation - like anger, bitterness, sadness, depression, thoughtfulness. All we'd need is a sexual instinct and big claws to fight off predators. I honestly don't think science can explain the human being, which is a grain of hope I have that our minds won't just abruptly disappear when we die.


Actually.....Psychology can 'explain' A LOT of that.

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I'm sure that's what the Nazi's and extremist muslims* think too:indeed:




*and normal ones



Oh! Okay i think I have it now......I think I'm getting the picture here.


Christians are like Nazi's and Muslim extremists.


Religion is bad.


Not believing in anything is right.


When we die...nothing.





What a load of complete bollox.

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