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The Meaning of Life


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Well I once watched a documentary on brain surgery, and there was an operation which made a person scientifically dead. Basically the blood within the body was passed out and cooled over time while passing in and out of the body which lowered heart rate etc. The patients ended up saying during the operation they all had out of body experiences.

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We are born, we have kids of our own and we die.


All we are, are a few billion people running around a tiny rock like headless chickens.

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Is it possible to be purposely killed and instantly frozen, and be awoken a day later? If so, has anyone in the world done it to see if they know what happened between death and life?


Personally I don't think there's any way to know what comes after death or why the heck existence itself... exists, short of actually dying.

I don't think so. The main problem with cryogenics is that although flash freezing works for small organs (like a heart), if you put anything bigger in there (like a human body), then crystals form which destroy the tissue, as it's impossible to make everything cool at the same rate. So, ironically, the people who pay to have their body frozen are in fact ensuring that they can never come back to life.


Well... I suppose it's more likely for them to be reawakened than a skeleton or a pile of ash...

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You and Richard Dawkins would make good friends.

I dunno, I think Dawkins puts more emphasis on life itself because of his belief in its brevity. Also, in The Blind Watchmaker, he had a nice argument that humans were the only intelligent life in the universe, giving him another reason to revere their existence.

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Guest Stefkov

We are the real life Sims. God will put 1 person in 100,000 into a small box and burn him/her.

Just for fun.

The rest of us are told what to do.

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How do you know that there was nothing before you were born?


I don't, thats why I put the question in too. I am comepletely unaware of anything from before I was born though, and assume that when I am dead, I will not be anymore, just like I was not back in 1869. I will no longer live, all concepts of afterlife seem to be saying that death is not the end of life, but I think I think it is.

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I dunno, I think Dawkins puts more emphasis on life itself because of his belief in its brevity. Also, in The Blind Watchmaker, he had a nice argument that humans were the only intelligent life in the universe, giving him another reason to revere their existence.

Fair point, I was being a bit over controversial really. But still, Dawkins sees a human mammal as "nothing more than the sum total of his or her DNA "

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There's an interesting theory that's brought up in "Waking Life". Basically, when you die there is 6 - 12 minutes where your body is dead but your brain is still active. When you dream time is distorted, you could have a huge, adventure of a dream that seems like it lasts for hours, but you wake up and only a minute has passed on the clock. This theory basically proposes that while your brain is still active you're capable of dreaming so you live on in your mind. The dream could seem to you like it lasted forever, but in reality is only 6 - 12 minutes.


Interesting stuff.

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There's an interesting theory that's brought up in "Waking Life". Basically, when you die there is 6 - 12 minutes where your body is dead but your brain is still active. When you dream time is distorted, you could have a huge, adventure of a dream that seems like it lasts for hours, but you wake up and only a minute has passed on the clock. This theory basically proposes that while your brain is still active you're capable of dreaming so you live on in your mind. The dream could seem to you like it lasted forever, but in reality is only 6 - 12 minutes.


Interesting stuff.


That's interesting. Makes quite a bit of sense.

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There's an interesting theory that's brought up in "Waking Life". Basically, when you die there is 6 - 12 minutes where your body is dead but your brain is still active. When you dream time is distorted, you could have a huge, adventure of a dream that seems like it lasts for hours, but you wake up and only a minute has passed on the clock. This theory basically proposes that while your brain is still active you're capable of dreaming so you live on in your mind. The dream could seem to you like it lasted forever, but in reality is only 6 - 12 minutes.


Interesting stuff.


Very interesting indeed, but do/would you realise it when it was happening? If not, who's to say any of this is real?? Hmm, this reminds me that I need to see Vanilla Sky, and probably Waking Life by the sounds of it, it's a very interesting topic.

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I remember that Waking Life theory, when they're both in bed, right?

That was an awesome movie.


And now, to quote Layer Cake:

- "You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake son."

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