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Driver: Parallel Lines discussion


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one stupid feature I heard about was the ability to teleport around.thought this was meant to be a realistic game? still not interested in this at all...looking at godfather and scarface much more than this.


My main problem with GTA:SA was the ages it took to drive between places in between missions. I'm all for suspending disbelief if it adds to the gameplay.


Going to keep an eye on this, and the other GTA style games. Might be an ideal pressie for my girlfriend, although she still hasn't completed San Andreas. Those flying sections get her every time, lol.

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Like me, anyone looking forward to this?


I think It'll sell by the bucket load regardless of whether it's good or not. I've heard its OK on PS2 and XBOX. It's certainly no GTA beater but will it satisfy a Nintendo fans GTA needs? It has to be better than True Crime, mind you that wouldn't be hard.


I really enjoyed DRIV3R despite awful reviews. Here's hoping Reflections actually make some effort and do "Do an Ubisoft."


i thought driv3r was rubbish, but hey.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Since when were "18" stickers that big?


yeah somethings have started to have these massive 18 stickers wierd! seems to only be for 18's though not 15,12. Guess it's probably to make people aware it isn't a product for a minor.


still not interested in this game really, not when I saw it for £10 in HMV on xbox. I'm looking out for scarface and godfather more, both got better review scores originally, so I have higher hopes that they will make for the better wii games.

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I quite liked Driver 3 actually. Got it for the PC, and was dissapointed that the framerate was unstable (even though my computer can handle DOOM 3 on max graphics), the controlls were much worse than on console, and that certain graphical effects were missing.


I'm a bit sceptical to Parrallell Lines... Can New York be as atmospheric as Miami, Nice and Budapest? Isn't it like a huge grid of roads, with nearly only 90-degree turns everywhere?

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