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whats the best FPS on 360 ?


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CoD3 is decidedly average (Treyarch broke the franchise) 2 is good though.

Prey is pretty good, multiplayers a bit fucked though, due to the Doom 3 engines online performance. Quake 4s not bad for single player, FC Instincts is OK if you haven't played the Xbox version.

Rainbow Six Vegas is the best 360 shooter though.

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Perfect Dark Zero.


The end boss in Perfect Dark Zero is part of the super secret hidden final mission.


Taking on the role of yourself, you must single-handedly make your way back to where ever you purchased the game and return it. Along the way you will encounter such unforgettable characters as bus shelter bum, single mother with three kids and samurai.


The final boss is the store manager, who you must use all the skills you've gained in hating the title thus far to convince him why he should take the game back. Bonus points are given if you are shrewd enough to convince him to award you a sum of money for the game, but giving it back for free will be sufficient to pass the stage.


In my opinion it's the best part of the game.

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Guest Stefkov

I was thinking rainbow 6 was third person but then I though thats only when you go into cover and thats GRAW aswell.


Of what I've played of Rainbow 6 thats definitely the best FPS out of my collection.

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i going to on saturday .... but i just bought fear yesterday (its cool cus its trys to scare me) and got my balls fed to me.....

so i put it on easy and now its retardedly easy (always got 10 med kits) ...

i need to go back to medium and not be such a puss....


my only turn off to lost planet was ign's review to it ..but screw ign , im buyin the son of a bitch and theres only two things that can stop me..........god damn it!!

but i wont share them ofcourse ....(that would be uncalled for and completly pointless in every possible regard)

here they are

1.midgets.........and personally i havent see a midget in the chicagoland area since the early 1980's......


2.attack birds.....but were cool now .... we got this packt thing going on (not sexual ofcourse)


p.s. (it really is a sexual thing......you know ..with birds...)

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