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Ashley . . . aren't you UBER tempted to buy a new MacBook now? what with the significant spec increase that happened yesterday?




I was going to either wait until I'm at uni tomorrow night or ask my friend to order one from there today (to get the 15%). So if I ordered one now would it have the spec increase?


Okay I actually bothered to check. Have they gone down in price too? Because before I was looking at the 13 inch 2.0GHz one which was the middle one on their site, with a LArobe case and that came to £775. Now looking at the 13-inch MacBook (White) - 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with the case it comes to £720. Bargain if true. Will have to order this tomorrow (and make it the second most expensive week of my life ever with booking the flights the other day too).

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;443551]Okay I actually bothered to check. Have they gone down in price too? Because before I was looking at the 13 inch 2.0GHz one which was the middle one on their site' date=' with a LArobe case and that came to £775. Now looking at the 13-inch MacBook (White) - 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with the case it comes to £720. Bargain if true.[/quote']


Yep they've gone down by about £50-well the Black MacBook has as i remember it used to be £999 tis now £949, not sure how this price cut applies across the range but still-damn bargainous!!!

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Guest Jordan

I've never posted in here, but i'd just like to make a tiny point and i promise never to return to this thread, ever again.


Please, for the love of god stop being elitest whores in other boards.


Thank you.

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I hate Mac users.


I also hate the MacNN website, all their articles are, "Company X copies Apple." or "Independent group X say we're amazing.".


I have a Mac and I love it though.


Same here actually. I may have been like that for a few weeks. But then I realised I was acting like a fanny and stopped.


I've got a Mac. Big deal.


I'm actually getting Windows PC at the end of the Summer. I don't really have any need for a Mac anymore. When I got it I was doing a lot of design work which Macs are good at, I don't do that anymore. It will be a lot cheaper to get Windows when I go to uni. Software is so much easier to obtain, and the fact that there is a good version (ie. the real version) of MSN available makes it so much more attractive to me. I'll still always like Macs and hope to get one of both some day.

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I hate Mac users.


I also hate the MacNN website, all their articles are, "Company X copies Apple." or "Independent group X say we're amazing.".


I have a Mac and I love it though.


Sadly enough for you, Mac has fair amount of Cult-following, wich means there will always be sites like this. And don't forget Nintendo has exactly the same band of fans doing exactly that (saying: 'Sony? Nai! Nintendo? Ai!' and no arguments). But you're probably right. I'de tell everyone to buy a mac and I'm fair enough to say that Windows did copy a lot from mac (let's call it 'borrow') - but then again, the defining features of Tiger have been announced almost three years ago by Microsoft for tgheir upcoming Vista platform, whil Apple just snatched the features and had an earlier schedule for releasing them...


At least I'm honest enough to see their faults, aswell.

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I think my honeymoon period with my mac is over, and I'm just getting used to using it properly, not just for the sake of doing things if you get what i mean.


I really can't see myself going back to windows, least not to vista, my mom is going to love her mac mini when she gets it. At the moment she's running about all the time with my old laptop or her PC having to get it repaired and stuff, least she should be able to rely on the mac mini which will mean less stress for her, which is a very good thing.

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I'm fair enough to say that Windows did copy a lot from mac (let's call it 'borrow') - but then again, the defining features of Tiger have been announced almost three years ago by Microsoft for tgheir upcoming Vista platform, whil Apple just snatched the features and had an earlier schedule for releasing them...


It's called benchmarking. Almost every business does it.

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It's called benchmarking. Almost every business does it.


Yes, and I don't blame them, it's just their marketing scheme for this is so pafeticly wrong. Let's try to see how...


Get A Mac: You can even run Windows!: Yes, I see - it's a great feature, but if your advertisements are based on insulting windows then why offer this one up to? It's so hypocrit.


Get A Mac: Macs run Microsoft Office: What the hell? So your promoting a three-year old version of Office that Microsoft has canceled for further development all the way? In a year from now, this office will be ancient - rendered inusable thanks to the new XML-container, so I really don't see the point.


Get A Mac, run windows and office on it. let's be honest, how hypocrit can the advertisement get? But okay, even so, Microsoft Windows Vista is quite a good OS and everybody is cracking it down because it has stolen from Mac - but mac just snatched the features and released early. yes, it's called benchmarking, but you don't need to kick good old minisoft for being a little late? They pulled it off anyway (wiuch is, for Microsoft, something amazing, because Vista is their first product with the real finishing touches in the interface).

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Get A Mac: Macs run Microsoft Office: What the hell? So your promoting a three-year old version of Office that Microsoft has canceled for further development all the way? In a year from now, this office will be ancient - rendered inusable thanks to the new XML-container, so I really don't see the point.


I'm sure Microsoft said they're continuing support for Office Mac for another 3 years and are even creating a new version of it?


Edit - According to a thread at http://www.macrumors.com Office 2008 will be coming out in the 2nd half of 2007 for the Mac. This thread was from the beginning of May.

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personaly i've never used windows on my mac but my dad uses it once every couple months. honestly people use it for th same reason that we use x11. ocassionaly we need to use that odd piece of software that dosent yet have a mac version. i'm forced to use word because my teacher demands assignments formated a certain way that dosent work very well in pages (perhaps i could use indesign if i get him again next year as i'm going to learn it over the summer)

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personaly i've never used windows on my mac but my dad uses it once every couple months. honestly people use it for th same reason that we use x11. ocassionaly we need to use that odd piece of software that dosent yet have a mac version. i'm forced to use word because my teacher demands assignments formated a certain way that dosent work very well in pages (perhaps i could use indesign if i get him again next year as i'm going to learn it over the summer)


I have to use M$ office a LOT so i got one of my newly mac owning lectures to sneek me a copy of the student edition and gave it back once installed. i like how word looks on a mac too.

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I'm sure Microsoft said they're continuing support for Office Mac for another 3 years and are even creating a new version of it?


Edit - According to a thread at http://www.macrumors.com Office 2008 will be coming out in the 2nd half of 2007 for the Mac. This thread was from the beginning of May.


My bad - I thought Microsoft pulled all mac support apart from an out-dated edition of Messenger for Mac. But even so, it's still hypocrit to aim your ads against Microsoft and promote the fact you've got Microsoft stuff running on your mac.

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I may have been like that for a few weeks. But then I realised I was acting like a fanny and stopped.

Acting like a fanny is what being a Mac owner is all about. If you're not going to act like a fanny, you might as well just get a PC.

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this thread used to be one of the best threads on the board but latley its becoming pretty boring. hopefully with the mac vs windows thread (which technicaly should be mac os versus windows or macs versus pcs) we should get rid of all the complaints in this thread.

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this thread used to be one of the best threads on the board but latley its becoming pretty boring. hopefully with the mac vs windows thread (which technicaly should be mac os versus windows or macs versus pcs) we should get rid of all the complaints in this thread.


Now let's be honest, we just created the 'bash windows and hail mac' thread over there, almost every single post is over-positive (especially you, Takeo). What's that about those maclovers all the time, even though Windows is a decent Operating System as well (certainly with Vista)? I'm sure that in no time all the Windows-defenders will be scared of by the ever-repeating 'Mac Rulezzzzzz! Windows SuXors!' and it'll end up a 'praise to Steve' thread...


Looking forward to that.

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