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Does anyone remember last years BB when Jodie Marsh was bullied just as bad? What Shilpa has recieved is no worse than that. I do not agree with it as I still have my trusty blue band on but I feel the need to stick up for Jade as she has said nothing racist and in this day and age that is quite a serious allegation. The anger some of you guys are showing towards racism is why the word should not be used so easily.

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I feel the need to stick up for Jade as she has said nothing racist and in this day and age that is quite a serious allegation.


I'm sure Jade could stick up for herself if she threatened to crush skulls with those dinnerlady arms of hers. :heh:

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Very well, the argument that what Jade has said is racist or not I shall not go into. However we all can agree that what Jade has said to Shilpa on many occasions has been very offensive. And as a visitor to this country she hasn't see it in a very good light. Personally I think she should have left, infact everyone leaving the three witches alone. And simply there was no need for any of this.

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I think Jodie started arguments with people alot, the cried because everyone pointed out how wrong she was, though yeah there was an element of bullying in that.

I'm quite glad to see that what Shilpa said seems to have got Jade questioning herself, she's talking to Danielle about how she knows famous people and that's her claim to fame, but she's basically just reassuring herself.

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I saw the clip of Shilpa saying she thought she was wrong about thinking it was racism


But then was she around when they were talking about everyone from her country being diseased and eat with their hands, that she should fuck off home, she can't even speak English, she wants to be white...?


As for the "everything gets called racism" nowadays I think you can just as easily say "everything gets called political correctness". Sometimes seems like racism just doesn't exist any more - You could put Hitler in the big brother house and some people would still say "Poor Adolph, I hate it how everyone gets accused of racism these days, just because the 6 million housemates he put in the oven were jewish everyone thinks he's a racist, it's no different to what happened to Jodie really."


And if it was one white and 4 non-white people in the house, you can bet at least some of the people brushing off racist comments in the house would be shreiking "racism" at the top of their lungs.


In an incredible - if perhaps unsurprising - turn of events, the two girls at the centre of this week's media furore gained the most nominations from their housemates.


Incredible and unsurprising eh? The people on the channel four website obviously don't know what "incredible" means. Either that or they let Jade Goody write that bit.

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Anybody seen the clip where Jade said sorry if she offended any Indians thus clearing up that it was not racist in the slightest. If I was thrown in a house with Shilpa i'd fucking hate her as well I hated her from her intro video when she was saying how big she is and how she has an entourage and bla bla bla

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:Yeah....you fucking Brits can't cook cos you eat crap, and your names are Mr. Tea, Mr. Haggis & Mr...somethin' :wtf:


I bet noone would cry racist if that was said in there :indeed:...You f-ing crackers.:heh:



As for the "everything gets called racism" nowadays I think you can just as easily say "everything gets called political correctness". Sometimes seems like racism just doesn't exist any more - You could put Hitler in the big brother house and some people would still say "Poor Adolph, I hate it how everyone gets accused of racism these days, just because the 6 million housemates he put in the oven were jewish everyone thinks he's a racist, it's no different to what happened to Jodie really."

You've now lost your right to voice your opinion if you're gonna compare things like that.

+I don't think that'd ever happened to Hitler, he'd be one of the 1st to be cried racist at, even if he wasn't extreme like he was, being a white atheist (??) and all...the only thing he'd have going for him is not being British.


I do however agree with you that they made Jade Dumbarse a 'Dumblibrity'

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and when someone asked if Jermaine was married to a black person and he replied 'of course!'


What the hell do you mean by that? It's not wrong for a white person to marry a black person is it?


Also i'm positive that someone stated Jade was 'White Trash' i believe. Sorry...but thats racist. Of course...not alot was said about this.

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Anybody seen the clip where Jade said sorry if she offended any Indians thus clearing up that it was not racist in the slightest.


Didn't make her sound any less ignorant or any less racist. "Yeah, but no, but sorry if I offended the indians and that, or the poppadom family and yeah, but no"


Also i'm positive that someone stated Jade was 'White Trash' i believe. Sorry...but thats racist. Of course...not alot was said about this.


I've heard lots of people talking about it and saying it was racist (Certainly mentioned in every CBB thread on the boards I go on) , all while saying "No-one talks about this and says it's racist"


Strangly, no-one says white people who cry 'anti-white racism!" at every opportunity are politically correct. Would it be fair if racism can go both ways, but 'political correctness' only goes one?


:You've now lost your right to voice your opinion if you're gonna compare things like that.


Oh puh-leeze. I'm not comparing Jade to Hitler, get a grip lad.


being a white atheist (??).


Seemed to like talking about Christianity and putting "Gott" on all his belt buckles and insignia a lot for an athiest.

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and when someone asked if Jermaine was married to a black person and he replied 'of course!'


What the hell do you mean by that? It's not wrong for a white person to marry a black person is it?


Also i'm positive that someone stated Jade was 'White Trash' i believe. Sorry...but thats racist. Of course...not alot was said about this.


QFT....I didn't know the 1st bit. The bloody sour, crazy brothered, sunglasses obsessed scum.


Seemed to like talking about Christianity and putting "Gott" on all his belt buckles and insignia a lot for an athiest.

Well I'm sorry I'm not Mr. BlueStar Hitler ;):heh:

I wasn't sure is all, since he fought the Church :heh:

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To be fair there is debate about if Hitler was religious or not (unsurprisingly many Christians want to paint him as an athiest, like many right-wingers want to paint him as a liberal lefty socialist). But he often talks about God. For example in Mein Kampf he says


"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord..
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To be fair there is debate about if Hitler was religious or not (unsurprisingly many Christians want to paint him as an athiest, like many right-wingers want to paint him as a liberal lefty socialist). But he often talks about God. For example in Mein Kampf he says


He also said you cant be a German and a Christian and that Christianity is against the natural order that he stood for.

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He also said you cant be a German and a Christian and that Christianity is against the natural order that he stood for.


He also said

My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.


In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison.


The National Socialist (ie Nazi) State professes its allegiance to positive Christianity.

Hence the debate.

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