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Official Bitch about Twilight Princess Thread!


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It wasnt aimed at any one else to be honest, the fact he classed those who discussed the game with no complaints about it as normal people is clearly incorrect.


Yer, people that play the game with a pre-meditated stance that everything will be great; step back a little and they'll see it may not not perfect. I don't really see why we need an extra thread though, aren't we allowed to discuss the flaws as well, without being shot down by fanboyistic remarks?,Just because its from the exalted zelda series doesn't mean it's perfect.

Also i'd jsut like to say reviews aren't really the best thing to go by, as generally these are an individuals opinion and can affected by bias. Everyone will have their favourite game, and as we all look for different things in a game, there may be flaws to some but not to others. There's no right or wrong opinion really.



That's not what we're saying. We are trying to tell the fanboys that the game isn't perfect. The ridiculous standards where never there, but to fanboys it's the perfect game - to us, it's not. Now let's prove that.



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That's not what we're saying. We are trying to tell the fanboys that the game isn't perfect. The ridiculous standards where never there, but to fanboys it's the perfect game - to us, it's not. Now let's prove that.

I don't see any fanboys on this saying it is perfect

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The problem is, most things people bitch about are ridiculous, for example blender, blender is just being a troll. Everyone wants this game to be OoT and forget that OoT was was different because it was the first 3D Zelda and we were young back then. Things were different and people don't realize that. Other criticisims are, "Oh, that tree should have been pink, green sucks!". But, hey, if I'm countering you're arguments, I'm imediatly a stupid fanboy that thinks the game is perfect. Why don't you stop being so anal and just accept the game for what it is? The truth is, you are being annoyingly and ridiculously overcritical of one of the best game ever created.

I have some critics too, I'd like some horse races and target shooting, but hey it's not there, but I won't whine like a 3 year old girl because not my every whim was satisfied.

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The problem is, most things people bitch about are ridiculous, for example blender, blender is just being a troll. Everyone wants this game to be OoT and forget that OoT was was different because it was the first 3D Zelda and we were young back then. Things were different and people don't realize that. Other criticisims are, "Oh, that tree should have been pink, green sucks!". But, hey, if I'm countering you're arguments, I'm imediatly a stupid fanboy that thinks the game is perfect. Why don't you stop being so anal and just accept the game for what it is? The truth is, you are being annoyingly and ridiculously overcritical of one of the best game ever created.

I have some critics too, I'd like some horse races and target shooting, but hey it's not there, but I won't whine like a 3 year old girl because not my every whim was satisfied.


Yer, but your allowed to have your say, if people have contructive criticism to make , according to how they percieve the game, they should be allowed to do it in the main thread. After all you may see it as the best game ever made, but others might disagree as they thought the story was lacking, controls were flawed,blah,blah because people see games differntly. It's when the criticism becomes fickle and overcrtitical, it goes to far.

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The problem is, most things people bitch about are ridiculous, for example blender, blender is just being a troll. Everyone wants this game to be OoT and forget that OoT was was different because it was the first 3D Zelda and we were young back then. Things were different and people don't realize that. Other criticisims are, "Oh, that tree should have been pink, green sucks!". But, hey, if I'm countering you're arguments, I'm imediatly a stupid fanboy that thinks the game is perfect. Why don't you stop being so anal and just accept the game for what it is? The truth is, you are being annoyingly and ridiculously overcritical of one of the best game ever created.

I have some critics too, I'd like some horse races and target shooting, but hey it's not there, but I won't whine like a 3 year old girl because not my every whim was satisfied.

Well said hellfire honey. I can't help but get the feeling that many people on this forum were/are playing Twilight Princess looking for things to be picky about and criticise. Appreciate the goodness rather than slate the minor flaws guys. Yes we all have gripes, but it gets to the point when the majority of you are critcising the game more than praising it, resulting in an attitude to it that you should only have to a bad game, and Twilight Princess is far from that. It pisses on the majority of other games.

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It's a bit sad we have a whole thread to bitch about a 90%+ game, it's worth discussing in hindsight what could be done to 'improve' it though, I don't see why people need to 'bitch' though.


On another note, anyone got any ideas on which direction the next zelda game is taking. Zelda kart anyone? :grin:

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You are TOTALLY right.


Seriousoly how is every Zelda game the best game? I eman i love twighlight princess, but i still prefer Banjo Kazooie..


I dont need to remind anyone how anally obsessed i am with Metal Gear Solid™ and Big Boss, but i consider none of the games the best game ever.

It seems, with every new Zelda game that comes out, its like, OMG BEST GAME EVER.

Its this attitude where faults are being searched for. There is a reason why Ocarina of Time is hailed as the best game ever at the time, and still is hailed as the best game ever, despite it being slightly dated nowadays, and why TP is not hailed as the best game ever.

No Zelda game, ever, will best Ocarina in terms of how people feel when they first play the game.

Ignoring the 8.8, after reading the gamespot review, i totally agree with a lot of what they were trying to say, there are faults. The reason why people are finding faults, is because some are right there, in front of you.

I dont talk about whats good about TP because the things i expect to be good, have always been good, and will always be good. And these are the fundamental things that make a Zelda game. It's things that clearly needed to be evolved from last century that i criticise. I wasn't really bothered with the story, it felt more like Legend of Midna then anything else, but frankly i don't go to stories with Zelda.

I dont need to go over the music, but there are some people here that are so incredibly rose tinted that Nintendo can come up with any old crap music wise and the fans will settle for that. No, everyone i have spoken to who arent so anal when it comes to criticising Zelda games have agreed with me saying that the music in this game was poor. Some people are easily pleased, thats fair enough, but some people want a bit of evolution.

Ok, i didnt like the Wii controls, my gripe was that, you were FORCED to use these controls. It takes the piss that you have to buy the game all over again just to be able swing a sword without having to aimlessly swing your arm about. Would it of killed Nintendo to add an option, no, its all about money.

All i can say is this, i can pretty much garuntee that this game will be forgotten about sooner then Ocarina, and hell, sooner then Wind Waker.

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I dont need to go over the music, but there are some people here that are so incredibly rose tinted that Nintendo can come up with any old crap music wise and the fans will settle for that. No, everyone i have spoken to who arent so anal when it comes to criticising Zelda games have agreed with me saying that the music in this game was poor. Some people are easily pleased, thats fair enough, but some people want a bit of evolution.


Well, it isn't actually bad to begin with, and the sound hardly makes any difference to the general enjoyment of the game. Just because I don't care about a tiny bit of the game, that doesn't actually make a difference, doesn't make my view rose tinted.

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Tell me about it.


Why isnt there an option in Rayman: Raving Rabbids so that you dont have to move your arms like a loon when playing it. I mean, a simple option. Now if I want to play the game like any normal person would, Im gonna have to fork out for a Playstation 2 and another copy of the game. What a bunch of money grabbing jokers.


*slits throat*

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I actually found the music to be really good? So it's not Orchestral? BIG DEAL. A lot of things aren't. You going to go moan at people who make music in GarageBand at not being Orchestral? No. Shut up then. If it was Orchestral, you'ld all be moaning at the problems that having Orchestral music in a game like Zelda would definitely have such as the merging into the Enemy Music


The music is good, it fits the game and it doesnt sound bad. The music put a smile on my face a lot...it's just epic.

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