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What did you want to be...


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1.) I wanted to be an astronaut or a pilot in the air force. Then I tried cadets and realised I wasn't good at taking orders/being disciplined.


2.) When I left school I wanted to be a journalist, guess I'm still vaguely heading there or somewhere similar.


3.) I'm studying English at University.


4.) I don't have a job, I'm quite lazy you know.


5.) Plan to finish this degree and hope I know for sure what I want to do by the end. May end up learning a second language and teaching English as a Foreign language, or teaching school english, or writing a novel (ideally, this is kinda a dream idea), journalism - specifically freelance - is something of a safety-net idea. Or I might love Uni so much I stay for a masters.

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1. Never Decided on one


2. Investment banking or Market trader (anyone in this line of work, it would be great if I could contact you. I really need even a little work experience in the area)


3. Currently a third (final) year physicist at Oxford (Wadham).


4. Does an insane amount of uni work count?


5. Apply to every firm I've heard of for a job, try and get someone to give me money for something.

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1.) When you were little what job did you want when you grew up?

Man, I had quite a few. I think the one I persuded for the longest amount of time was a pilot. Also: a landlord, and a engineer, building bridges/dams or something.


2.) What job did you want to do when you left school (or currently persueing)

Doing medicine, hopefully will pass my exams and get an MBBS and go on to do some doctory stuff. Not really gave much thought to a speciality yet. Maybe cardiovascular or A&E though :)


3.) What course did you do/are planning to do after school?

See above.


4. ) What job you got now?

Lazy student type.


5. ) Future Plans regarding work/studies

I doubt I'll be intercalating or anything like that. I'll probs just stick with the trusty MBBS and then Royal College exams..


*touches wood*

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Aww, here goes:


1.) When you were little what job did you want when you grew up?


Vet or archaeologist/palaeontologist, you know dig up dinosaurs and save dogs.


2.) What job did you want to do when you left school (or currently persueing)


I had literally no idea and still have little idea, other then anything not in an office with repetitive work.


3.) What course did you do/are planning to do after school?


Currently geologising at university, so I guess I'm following my childhood dream. (Go me)


4. ) What job you got now?


I currently have an unpaid job in essay writing at the position of student.


5. ) Future Plans regarding work/studies


I'll see what comes along/world domination.

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Nice thread :)


1. When you were little what job did you want when you grew up?



2. What job did you want to do when you left school (or currently persueing)

No idea, Footballer was out of the question by then so was just as confused as everyone else in what the meaning of life was and what the word Job meant.


3. What course did you do/are planning to do after school?

I went to College and did a 2 year AVCE in ICT course (2 A levels in IT apparently) passed it but man what a waste of time.


4. What job you got now?

I work for the Ministry of Defence....been there 4 years now and love it.


5. Future Plans regarding work/studies

None at current. Had enough of education after college, didnt wanna go Uni just wanted to start earning some money which im doing. Im not sure if I will stay at the MOD but it's a good job and has many different career paths within... so who knows.

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