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Blue Dragon

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Got it today too, haven't touched it yet though, Man Persona 3 is aweesoome! (That's why I haven't touched it :p)

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Yes, Dom enjoys RPG's involving people shooting themselves in the head.


Fun eh? :D

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:grin: Wahey got it today too. Did anyone notice the Zola cleavage shot on the back? :wink:

IT HAS Japanese voice acting!!

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Yup there's a choice between English, French and Japanese voice acting when you first start at least in the UK version.

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The Japanese voices adds so much more to this. I love it.

The music is amazing, the graphics are incredible. I'm only an hour in and I love it.

The battling isn't as bad as I thought it would be, I still prefer Eternal Sonata's fighting, where you can actually move, but this is pretty good.


Did I mention the graphics were incredible.

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Stef mate, you ever played Grandia? I really like Grandia II on the Dreamcast, and this looks similar, is it?

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Can't comare, never played Grandia mate. Never heard of it either.


I didn't think to do it at first, but I saw a rock so I decided to press A against it, hcue a little animation he pushes the rock over and gets an item from underneath it.


Anyone whos come across that first "boss", that music was amazing.


Seriously consider this game if you like RPGs like FF, cheesy music after defeating an enemy, it's all good.

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Yup there's a choice between English, French and Japanese voice acting when you first start at least in the UK version.


Woo Hoo!! Sold!!

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Just defeated that massive dragon/dinosaur. I went back and realised there were big trees to push over to get up to more chests. Got Flare level 1, so then Shu knew how to do flare sword. 101 damage..sweet.

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Just taking a quick snack break and popped on here to say how awesome this game is.


I have been on this all morning ( as has Stef ) and to all those doubters that played the demo I say just disregard your bad feelings for the game and buy it.


I have just beaten the 1st boss ( Dragon dude ) and I loved the rock music that kicked in, I got all hyper and thought "Just Bring It!" Shame I killed him in 2-3 turns :) I have a real bad habit of over powering myself when it comes to turn based RPGs


The music, graphics and art style have so far been outstanding. Like I said earlier I have been on most the morning and I have barely scratched the surface of the game. Im also loving the old skool style of RPG play as I love a good turn based game. Add in the fact that you can avoid the battles if you want to and you have a winner! Finally, a game which is going to last me more than a few days play!


As Stef said, if you have the slightest interest in JRPGs then this game is indeed for you.


EDIT: Must be around the same place as you Stef :)

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You've got it spot on. The music was great when I fought that first 'boss'. It took me a few turns to kill him actually.

Did you steal from him? I thought why not and managed to nab a fossil from him...score.

I've just got into the mechat and met up with that bat looking guy. I've had to save it and turn off, going for a meal but I can't wait to get back on it.


Where I'm up to it feels as if I've only just started even though I've played over 3 hours. It feels like I'm right at the beginning, and there's the rest of the disc..and 2 more. This is one epic game.


I saw you got the close the door achievement. I even went back and did it again but some got through again. I'm sure I pressing it fast enough :(

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I'm happy as it seems pretty accessible for people who find RPG'S slightly confusing.


I hope it's easy all the way through actually, i probably enjoy more. :D

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The music is outstanding mostly and IGN gave the sound a 7.0.

I'm up to the end of disc 2.

The storyline so far has it's brilliant parts and I don't mind that it's slightly straightforward.

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Again I have been on it most the day today. I have just finished saving the Devee Village and im on level 19. Nothing has caused me any trouble but that could be because Im overpowered as many on Xbox forums say you should be around level 20-25 at the end of the first disc. Still loving the game to bits :)

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To people playing this. Are you sticking to one class for your dragon?

I had them at the classes they started as, then decided to change the class.

They learn other moves which can be used with another class which is cool.

I think I might keep changing them, but I don't know if I want to.

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To people playing this. Are you sticking to one class for your dragon?

I had them at the classes they started as, then decided to change the class.

They learn other moves which can be used with another class which is cool.

I think I might keep changing them, but I don't know if I want to.


I have kept the same classes all the way up to now. It is pretty cool being able to mix and match abilities. I may change some of them now though as I have leanrt all the moves with Shu and Jiro.


Why do you hide your game status on ur profile mate?


I was sick of getting greif off Yanks for my Gamerscore, got so bad that they started giving me negative feedback but since hiding it has stopped. I put it back on this morning as its very very rare I play with random people now anyway.

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I have kept the same classes all the way up to now. It is pretty cool being able to mix and match abilities. I may change some of them now though as I have leanrt all the moves with Shu and Jiro.


I'm nearing the end of the first disc and haven't changed any of the classes yet, how do you know when you've learnt all the moves for a class? Not sure I understand the whole class thing to be honest (not got the instructions because it's a rental) so any help with that would be nice too.

Not that the game is hard yet anyway, most of the enemies seem to be one hit wonders at my current level!

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I'm nearing the end of the first disc and haven't changed any of the classes yet, how do you know when you've learnt all the moves for a class? Not sure I understand the whole class thing to be honest (not got the instructions because it's a rental) so any help with that would be nice too.

Not that the game is hard yet anyway, most of the enemies seem to be one hit wonders at my current level!


Regarding the Classes its just like the job system in Final Fantasy games. Depending on what Class you are determines what moves you learn. So if you are a Black Magic user then you will learn attack speels but being a White Magic user you will learn healing spells.


Now, say I have learnt all the attack spells I want to learn and then decide I want that character to learn some white magic I will change the class type to white mage but when this happens I still keep all the spells I learnt from the black mage but can also use any new ones I learn as a white mage.


Depending on what class you are also determines the strength of your stats. So if you are say a Monk then you will have high HP and Attack but lower Magic Def.


Hopefully this isnt confusing for you. To be fair I think most people will be able to storm through the game aslong as you are a high enough level.


What level are you at guyfromsparks? I have just past the Murial Mountains and im on level 22.

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I'm on disc 3 and have switched between classes. Generalist is a must though to give you more skill slots to use.

Also Monk is a must for your physical attackers as that gives you the power gauge.


Erm for the resurrection skill does anyone know which claass you learn it from? I'm guessing it's white mage.

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Just got Maro up to level 18. I hate all of them having their exp or SP at different levels, they don't level up the same which is what I like.

I've got Shu up to 15 in Sword Master and Guardian, 14 in Assassin and the magics are at 1.

That's generally what everyone else is like except having different classes. I thought about sticking to one class then I saw the help screen after leaving the Devee village there was so many skills and he had such little HP. So whoever that was was leveling them up equally, which looked like it would be amazing.

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