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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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Here's some rumoured info from GoNintendo


This news is said to come from the latest issue of Jump, but I cannot confirm the details at this time. Hopefully, we will have confirmation within the next 24 hours.


- download a shopping list from Roxanne (bartender)

- use this list to purchase new items in item shops

- expect rare items, as well as normal items at lower prices

- shop will be updated frequently, with special holiday items included

- playing multiplayer and obtaining a list will result in another unique shopping list

- downloadable quests offered by Square-Enix every week

- quest types: treasure hunting, monster battles, and mini-sub stories

- no word on pricing

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A Famitsu poll including 1000 soon-to-be DQIX buyers...


- 71.7% own a DS

- 21.8% are buying a DS alongside DQIX's launch

- 6.5% will borrow/obtain a DS through other methods

- 30.7% plan to play for one or two hours a day

- 56.4% will name their character with their internet nickname

- 17.3% will borrow a name from a movie or novel

- 17.2% will use their own name

- 26.7% plan to play co-op

- 23.9% won't use multiplayer

- 29.6% didn't know the game had multiplayer

- 22.1% want to be a "Fighter"

- 16.5% want to be a "Magic Fighter"

- 10.5% want to be a "Paladin"

- 63.7% are excited for the story

- 45.5% enjoy the fact that the game is on a portable

- 33.1% are excited for the music

- 30.1% are excited for the battles

- 29.8% are excited for the characters


Been said that a new Nintendo DSi Red colour is now coming out on the same day as Dragon Quest IX



Been nice knowing ya PSP.

Edited by killer kirby
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No, I don't think it has online multiplayer, but it still has multiplayer if around friends. Online is still in it though, allowing you to download new extra quests and such, so makes the game last longer even when completing the game :D




Direct link to the new Dragon Quest IX trailer. Epic game is epic

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Wow. Can't wait for the EU release!


Any news on DQ 6 coming out...?


No sign of it, not even in Japan. I guess they decided to hold it off until after IX is released, I'm sure it's delay didn't help either.

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I'm impressed with how similar it looks to Dragon Quest VIII. The animation is fluid and I think I even saw an Alchemy Pot!


I can't wait to hear the music, although I played DQVIII so much, it'll sound odd to me if the town and overworld tunes aren't similar! I loved that game so much I bought both the orchestral and MIDI soundtracks!


Let's hope it's localised by exactly the same team as DQVIII, as phrases like "None of the books appear to be particularly interesting" (when you look at a bookshelf) are so eloquent. It also helps give a consistency between the games.


Ah, I can't wait! Since DQVIII, the Dragon Quest world has become my favourite fantasy world (tied with Wind Waker's Great Sea), so I'm looking forward to going there again!

Edited by Grazza
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I'm impressed with how similar it looks to Dragon Quest VIII. The animation is fluid and I think I even saw an Alchemy Pot!

It does indeed look like Dragon Quest VIII a lot, but the fact that you can customize your main character is an aspect I am looking forward to.

And yes, the Alchemy Pot is in the game, but unlike in VIII, I believe it remains at the bar, rather then being with you all the time.



I can't wait to hear the music, although I played DQVIII so much, it'll sound odd to me if the town and overworld tunes aren't similar! I loved that game so much I bought both the orchestral and MIDI soundtracks!

If you bought the japanese copy of Dragon Quest VIII it was all done in Midi (Yeah english got it good when it came over here).

But just like the VIII of the series, Sugiyama will most likely be making an orchestrated album for IX.


Let's hope it's localised by exactly the same team as DQVIII, as phrases like "None of the books appear to be particularly interesting" (when you look at a bookshelf) are so eloquent. It also helps give a consitency between the games.

Most likely, I don't know if they did all the other dragon quest games or not as well with translation.


Ah, I can't wait! Since DQVIII, the Dragon Quest world has become my favourite fantasy world (tied with Wind Waker's Great Sea), so I'm looking forward to going there again!

Have you tried out the ones on the DS? If not, I highly recomend Dragon Quest V.

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It does indeed look like Dragon Quest VIII a lot, but the fact that you can customize your main character is an aspect I am looking forward to.


Yeah, I am too. I don't actually know much about this game at all, but I'm looking forward to that now you've said it. Hopefully knowledge of DQVIII will come in handy, eg. knowing that spears and axes can do critical hit moves and are therefore good for defeating Metal King Slimes (as well as high agility), but we'll see!


And yes, the Alchemy Pot is in the game, but unlike in VIII, I believe it remains at the bar, rather then being with you all the time.


That's fine by me. Perhaps it's instant now? Or perhaps it bubbles away whilst you're out.


If you bought the japanese copy of Dragon Quest VIII it was all done in Midi (Yeah english got it good when it came over here).

But just like the VIII of the series, Sugiyama will most likely be making an orchestrated album for IX.


Yep, I've got the PAL game and both Japanese CDs (Symphonic and OST). I'm glad I've got the MIDI ones as well, as songs like Over the Sorrow and Reminiscence are a lot longer (the orchestral ones end just as I'm getting into them!) Plus there are a few MIDI-only tracks like the "Piano Bar" one.


I sometimes play the whole CD (either of them) through as I'm drawing in my sketchbooks. Very relaxing (and inspiring). I look forward to the Symphonic CD of DQIX if the in-game music grabs me. Can't wait to hear it.


Most likely, I don't know if they did all the other dragon quest games or not as well with translation.


I don't think they did the DS ones, as the phrases are different. For example, instead of DQVIII's "None of the books appear to be particularly interesting", DQIV says "There don't appear to be any interesting books". Yup, I played DQVIII so much I noticed all the things like that!


Both are grammatically correct, but I'm so used to the phrases used in DQVIII, it didn't feel like the same universe to me.


Have you tried out the ones on the DS? If not, I highly recomend Dragon Quest V.


Just Dragon Quest IV, which, to be honest, I didn't much enjoy. Thanks for the recommendation of V. I've been busy with Etrian Odyssey, but I will definitely give DQV a go now.

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I highly doubt it shall be that big, I can imagine the whole story itself shall be around 40-50 hours, like all games before Dragon Quest VII


Probably. I don't know if it includes stuff like multiplayer and the downloadable quests.

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I was sure that it was said to have online 4 player ages ago witht he battle system being a bit different, but now it's only wireless play. Now i've gone off the game slightly...


I'm still gonna insta get this when its released, but was really looking forward to that :(

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I just read more about the game (I really shouldn't now >_<)

* DQ9 was conceived as an evolution of DQ3.

* The theme of the game is 'independence.'

* Considering the nature of the content, it wouldn't be far-fetched for one to spend 100 or even 200 hours on the game.

* There are lots of different quests, including some that continue in a line with a steady story.

* You get a damage bonus (combos) for attacking the same enemy consecutively.

* The new dexterity stat affects the chances to run away, and to get a critical hit.

* Items received from breaking pots or barrels might be replenished after some time passes.

* Some of the downloadable quests that will be released after the game is out are supposedly going to be like side-stories involving main story characters.

* Treasure map bosses are very strong and challenging.

* Treasure map dungeon layouts and treasure are randomized to a degree, so each user will have a different experience.

* When you die in multiplayer, you're given the opportunity wait for help or revive at the church.

* You can exchange items during multiplayer.

* The 'medal king' in this game is a former king who wants to be a pirate, Captain Medal.


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