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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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Some news/updates from the creator of Dragon Quest,Yuji Hori and gives us some tidbits to pass us by.Have to say DQ IX is sounding pretty good now.



To start with, he spoke about how after Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker has sold more than 1.3 million units in Japan already, the follow-up to that game will likely be released after Dragon Quest IX launches on DS, early in 2008. To give that some sort of proper context, he added that the ninth entry into the multi-million main series will hit Japan sometime between now and this Christmas, although given Square Enix's busy line-up already, with the likes of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates due on 23rd August and It's a Wonderful World set for the end of July, it seems a little vague.


Moving on to talk more about that highly anticipated game, he pointed out that whilst traditional turn-based battling had been brought back in due to consumer requests (since it was announced as being a fully action-RPG to start with), some action controls will remain in the game. Elaborating only slightly on this, he mentioned that the type of battling alters depending upon what circumstance you are faced with. So there appears to be a mixture of turn-based and action-based fighting included, to keep everyone happy.


Also, following early speculation, it has been revealed that there will indeed be connectivity with the Wii. However, in what way is still unknown. Could it just be a simple upload of creatures for viewing editing on the system, or will there be features of Dragon Quest Swords that can only be unlocked with the DS game? It seems we shall just have to wait and see.


Dragon Quest IX is set to have around 10,000 characters attributes to play around with for creating your own unique protagonist, rather like a more in-depth version of the Mii creation tool on Wii. You will also be able to gather new friends via Wi-Fi at 'Luida's Bar', similar to how you could in Dragon Quest III.


Moving on, Hori-san stated that although Dragon Quest Swords hits on 12th July for Wii and Dragon Quest IX is coming on DS this Christmas, 2008 will in fact be the 'Year of Dragon Quest'.


So online is still in it.Wonder if you can meet up and battle monsters over wi-fi.



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This game cant come soon enough, its gonna send the popularity of DS even further through the roof - its hard to imagine!


The customisation sounds great as well, its good news that this is predicted for a 2007 release in Japan - what are we gonna guess for Europe then? Next Easter?

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Did the online actually get chucked,or has this site just not aware it got cancelled.


- Battles do not happen randomly. You can see your enemy on the playing field, and must make contact to begin a fight


- You can take customized characters online


- Online allows for up to four players


- Battles in online are still traditional RPG gameplay. Everyone gets a menu, and all of you make your attack/defense choices. All players must make their decisions before the game continues on.


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New Infomation:


While the Final Fantasy series has been getting a lot of attention recently, Dragon Quest IX is due to come out later this year in Japan. It’s being made by Level 5 who made Dragon Quest VIII and it is the first numeric Dragon Quest title to debut on a handheld. Recently Level 5 updated their Dragon Quest IX page with more details on the title and a few extra screenshots. Unlike other Dragon Quest games battles are not random. Slimes freely wander on the main map and it’s up to the player to decide if they want to engage a battle by running into a monster or not. If you want to avoid a fight you can, but slimes will chase you.


Dragon Quest IX lets players customize their main character. You can choose a gender for your hero, pick a face and equip him/her with items to change his/her look.


One of the interesting features is Dragon Quest IX has online multiplayer where you can take your customized hero into an adventure with up to four other players. If your party encounters an enemy you switch over to the standard turn based fighting mode and each player chooses their action from a menu. It’s just like single player combat, except you have to wait for everyone to input their moves.

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New Infomation:


While the Final Fantasy series has been getting a lot of attention recently, Dragon Quest IX is due to come out later this year in Japan. It’s being made by Level 5 who made Dragon Quest VIII and it is the first numeric Dragon Quest title to debut on a handheld. Recently Level 5 updated their Dragon Quest IX page with more details on the title and a few extra screenshots. Unlike other Dragon Quest games battles are not random. Slimes freely wander on the main map and it’s up to the player to decide if they want to engage a battle by running into a monster or not. If you want to avoid a fight you can, but slimes will chase you.


Dragon Quest IX lets players customize their main character. You can choose a gender for your hero, pick a face and equip him/her with items to change his/her look.


One of the interesting features is Dragon Quest IX has online multiplayer where you can take your customized hero into an adventure with up to four other players. If your party encounters an enemy you switch over to the standard turn based fighting mode and each player chooses their action from a menu. It’s just like single player combat, except you have to wait for everyone to input their moves.


I still don't know if that's a sort of online preview from them though.But then again that scan GoNintendo had a while ago about the online was pretty vague and it might not of said "no-online".


Also I posted the important parts above :heh:

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...
Seems very soon- a pleasant surprise! Any chance thats been mistranslated or anything? We've had no info on DQ 9 so its no surprise its been pushed back from 2008... but only as far as Jan 09 isn't that much of a delay at all. Will DQ 4-6 all be released in Japan by the time DQ 9 is out there?


IV and V are already out in Japan, I assume VI will be out soon. Glad to hear some news about IX, they've been really quiet with this one.

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Seems very soon- a pleasant surprise! Any chance thats been mistranslated or anything? We've had no info on DQ 9 so its no surprise its been pushed back from 2008... but only as far as Jan 09 isn't that much of a delay at all. Will DQ 4-6 all be released in Japan by the time DQ 9 is out there?


Only Dragon Quest 6 and Dragon Quest 9 are left to be release in Japan.

I think new infomation will be out in October at the Tokyo Game Show.

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I thought there would have been more breathing space between the release of VI and the release of IX. I suppose they want to capitalise on the hype as soon as they can and get IX out there quickly after VI- not that they need to cos Japan will snap DQ up, hype train or no hype train. Seems kinda "Nintendo-like" how they have been quiet for a year on it, and now they announce its release. We will probably see a media blow out at TGS and continued news, info and previews from then on out.


Here's hoping for an 09 release here in Europe too.

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Isn't it odd that Dragon Quest IX is a DS exclusive? It's basically a portable N64, so that's one generation back from the last game (which was PS2) and two generations back from what it could be. I know it has to be released on a machine that has made it big in Japan, but surely if Dragon Quest is Japan's No.1 series, people would buy PS3s just to play it?


I looked on the back of the box of the Wii spin-off game, and it looked like the monsters had been graphically improved from Dragon Quest VIII on the PS2. Now they have to go backwards.


Just a thought. I'm looking forward to it anyway.

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Isn't it odd that Dragon Quest IX is a DS exclusive? It's basically a portable N64, so that's one generation back from the last game (which was PS2) and two generations back from what it could be. I know it has to be released on a machine that has made it big in Japan, but surely if Dragon Quest is Japan's No.1 series, people would buy PS3s just to play it?
Money talks, it's the console with the biggest userbase out there, and if anything... mobile gaming in Japan is shaping up to overthrown home consoles eventually (note that I don't like this "part" either)


But it is, when we look and see 40 DS titles in a top50.


It was a pretty courageous thing to do, sure... but if we look at it head on; costs are cheaper in there, easier to develop for, has broader public could definitely happen more in the future; if anything, DS is Wii's biggest competitor seeing that "we" already seemingly rendered the competition sort of useless.


I can only hope some other franchises are available to step down from HD consoles to the Wii actually, I like good graphics yes, but those can be good depending on the hardware and more than that... HD games tend to get sort of lost in that area (or try desperately to compete) I'm not fond of that. On the Wii they could focus on what they should (and no, it's not motion controls :p) Hope money talks eventually apply to it too. (well it already does, but a lot of people still doesn't want to understand)


Yes, they could sell PS3's with DQIX, but why should they being a third party? their job is not selling hardware... I mean, why should they be doing FFXIII and a bunch of games for years on platforms that they're predicting now to only really take off in 2010? that's a more pertinent question IMO.


I think the game looks sweet for a DS game, so I don't really mind the downgrade, but I hope DQX is a Wii game (because I'm a home console guy)

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Yes, they could sell PS3's with DQIX, but why should they being a third party? their job is not selling hardware... I mean, why should they be doing FFXIII and a bunch of games for years on platforms that they're predicting now to only really take off in 2010? that's a more pertinent question IMO.


True. I didn't mean I wanted them to help the PS3, just that they could count on people making sure they had whatever console DQIX was released on (maybe I'm wrong).


But yes, the DS has a huge userbase, and I do like playing on mine.

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