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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Right, I've been skimming past a lot of this cause I don't want too many spoilers, BUT, can anyone tell me how many temples there are in TP exactly? I'd just like to know. Just finished Goron Mines.


This game is awesome. :-)


I'm fairly sure there are 9 in total.




Now I've collected 22 Poes it's time to head back to Castle town and reap the rewards.




Now he wants 60? Greedy, fat, Jew bastard!

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The figure 9 doesn't seem a lot, but I guess it is. I can't remember how many there were in previous Zelda's.


Do the later ones get bigger because Forest & Goron Mines weren't that big? Does Goron Mines count as a 'temple' e.g. one of the 9 - as it doesn't have the word Temple in it?


Lol, sorry for asking random questions. Anyone that can answer, much appreciated.

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The figure 9 doesn't seem a lot, but I guess it is. I can't remember how many there were in previous Zelda's.


Do the later ones get bigger because Forest & Goron Mines weren't that big? Does Goron Mines count as a 'temple' e.g. one of the 9 - as it doesn't have the word Temple in it?


Lol, sorry for asking random questions. Anyone that can answer, much appreciated.



9 is the same as Ocarina, but since there are lots more things to do between dungeons than on Ocarina it really stretches out the time to beat the game.


The dungeons do indeed get bigger and more complex and yes, the Goron Mines are a dungeon. None of the dungeons to my knowledge are called "Forest Temple" as they're all blended into the game world as locations like the Goron Mines and stuff.




Snowboarding is awesome.

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The creativity in this game is amazing. What I said earlier about dungeons not being dungeons per say but areas intergrated into the world has only been fortified by my entrance into the fifth.


So I followed the yeti on my makeshift ice snowboard and there's this huge mansion which is the Yeti's house where he's keeping the fragment of the mirror. I walk in and then I realise his freaking HOUSE is the dungeon.


There are chairs, stairs and all sorts of pictures on the wall yet the map shows the place to be absolutely huge. I mean come on, just how much more awesome an idea can you get?


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The creativity in this game is amazing. What I said earlier about dungeons not being dungeons per say but areas intergrated into the world has only been fortified by my entrance into the fifth.


So I followed the yeti on my makeshift ice snowboard and there's this huge mansion which is the Yeti's house where he's keeping the fragment of the mirror. I walk in and then I realise his freaking HOUSE is the dungeon.


There are chairs, stairs and all sorts of pictures on the wall yet the map shows the place to be absolutely huge. I mean come on, just how much more awesome an idea can you get?


That was definitely the best dungeon, although the one after was really cool too, if just for nostalgic reasons.

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Well another day and another go on Zelda. I plan on getting all the Bugs today ( need 2 more ) I have around 30 Poes left to get and 12 more Heart pieces to obtain.


I loved the whole Yeti racing mini game, it reminded me of FF7 when you are in the snowy area and have to snowboard down the hill.

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Well, having just reached the Sacred Grove I'm really beginning to fall in love with this game!! I wasn't so taken at first - the graphics required some getting used to for me, seeming slightly twitchy and awkward (I even found myself wishing for something more stylised in the vein of WW or Okami).. The smeary composite image didn't help matters.. But then I began to really appreciate the care and artistry of the game, the character and beauty in the design. Yes, it's a shame that a lot of the textures are very low quality, but more often than not everything seems to come together to create scenes of breathtaking imagination. I suppose you could say that graphically TP is more than the sum of its parts!


There is just the right combination of the new and the familiar as well. So many nice touches for fans of Ocarina especially. They seem to have taken all the best aspects of each of the 3D Zeldas - the epic quality of OOT, the dark, surreality of MM, and the slickness and refined mechanics of WW.


Without dishing out any spoilers, there are certain moments in this game that put to shame anything else being done in gaming today. It's so weird when you're playing a game and you can actually feel it working its magic on you!! Can't wait to see what's to come...!

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Well, having just reached the Sacred Grove I'm really beginning to fall in love with this game!! I wasn't so taken at first - the graphics required some getting used to for me, seeming slightly twitchy and awkward (I even found myself wishing for something more stylised in the vein of WW or Okami).. The smeary composite image didn't help matters.. But then I began to really appreciate the care and artistry of the game, the character and beauty in the design. Yes, it's a shame that a lot of the textures are very low quality, but more often than not everything seems to come together to create scenes of breathtaking imagination. I suppose you could say that graphically TP is more than the sum of its parts!


There is just the right combination of the new and the familiar as well. So many nice touches for fans of Ocarina especially. They seem to have taken all the best aspects of each of the 3D Zeldas - the epic quality of OOT, the dark, surreality of MM, and the slickness and refined mechanics of WW.


Without dishing out any spoilers, there are certain moments in this game that put to shame anything else being done in gaming today. It's so weird when you're playing a game and you can actually feel it working its magic on you!! Can't wait to see what's to come...!


Why do I come into this thread. Time to get the tissues again.

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Guest Stefkov

Just made the second place light again and now I need to go up the mountain. I'm not sure if i should talk like this as i mean who will come in here to notl ooks at spoilers...


Im in kakariko village and i need to go up death mountain. I gathered that thats the next boss place as well the gorons are mad and its not hard to figure out. However I've trie to get up and stop that goron but i keep getting knocked off. Do I have to go bak to the spring in Link;s home town and talk to that wolf again and get the special move? Whatever it may be, or am I just crap at stopping this goron?

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