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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Just because you don't understand who the sages are doesn't mean it doesn't have continuity. Nintendo always made things mysterious and weird. I think it's normal for beings that have transcended being human forsake shallow things such as appearance.


My point is, the sages were lazilly drawn up. Identical boring wusses really. Constrast with the cool ones from OOT...

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Bashing is justified. These problems while mostly not seriously hampering the game to the point of it being terrible game material, still have a significant impact of the reputation of the series. Millions of people will never see the series in the same light ever again because of this game that ultimately could've and should've been better than it is. I'll be posting my FINAL rating of the game soon...

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What's up with you motion? Every subject seems to hae a negative effect on you, making you respond as if the game is total utter crap. And it's not. Yes, at first glance it seemed like that to me too, but now, when I search the areas again, I notice it's much deeper. Yes, the sages looked weird, but isn't there anyone that thinks there could be a reason for this? It's the style of the game, and theey look good in that way. The sages of ocarina of Time are gone - but here are the new ones, the souls of thee world. I liked them. And then again, this game was never about the sages.


What do I miss in the game (I have just noticed that)? The event-based story. In Ocarina of Time, an item would ngive you acces to so many new places. In Twilight princess, you need to have certain events after events. In term of OoT: if you would have found the Spinner, you would have to use it somewhere in the field to cross a gap or something to reach the next temple. Instead, the next temple will only be reachable if you finished the fourth one and the spinner doesn't give you acces to the new parts of the world. Not that it's a big mistake, but I did like that sense of discovery a little more in previous games. it's a small remark to such a great game, but gain, it's a remark.

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My point is, the sages were lazilly drawn up. Identical boring wusses really. Constrast with the cool ones from OOT...

The sages weren't supposed be to important in Twilight Princess. They served as a small fragment of the story (unlike in, and please stop comparing, OoT) and therefore their design wasn't supposed to put much attention on them. It's a basic storytelling technique.

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Just popped in to say that Midna is what of the most magical, colourful and imaginative characters ever implemented into a video game. That is all.


Except she tends the make her annoying sound after the dramatic and heart-pumping cutscenes. It disrupts the mood. That sound is more anoying than Navi's 'Heyè' or The kind of Red Lions' 'How!'. That du-di-pam is annoying, really. Nobody found it disuprint for the dramatic sense of the game?

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There's an expression in Dutch that Jasper's probably familiar with called ant fucking, which applies here.


Sure you can criticise that game in a lot of areas, but you guys are really exaggerating it.


This one wasn't ant-fucking. I was just pointing it out as an annoying thing after a dramatic cutscene. If you want ant-fucking, you can say that some of the jumps are just a tad to difficult and that the Gerudo dessert is a little to big and empty. But I ain't saying that. It was just an incredible anti-climac sound...


Here's one you all should know from the popular show 'friends": Ezel.



Wich means "donkey" in your language, you English.

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I like when Link does really long jumps he sorta graps the ledge with one hand as though he just made it. Nice touch. For some reason reminded me of all those backflips and somersaults that Link did in MM in the very first scene in the game. What was that about?

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I like when Link does really long jumps he sorta graps the ledge with one hand as though he just made it. Nice touch. For some reason reminded me of all those backflips and somersaults that Link did in MM in the very first scene in the game. What was that about?


It was about WIN. I expected some backflips in these one too.

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This one wasn't ant-fucking. I was just pointing it out as an annoying thing after a dramatic cutscene. If you want ant-fucking, you can say that some of the jumps are just a tad to difficult and that the Gerudo dessert is a little to big and empty. But I ain't saying that. It was just an incredible anti-climac sound...


Here's one you all should know from the popular show 'friends": Ezel.



Wich means "donkey" in your language, you English.

Oh come on, I didn't particularly enjoy the sound either, but to write a four-line post on that and saying nothing more is nitpicky, and ant fucking is thereby justified. It's just so... Belgian :wink:

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I think of it as pure love, actually. Nah, probably it was nitpicking, but there's a lot more to nitpick on. I just really hated this, because it's so anti-climax. Without it, the game would be better. Much better, I think. The story would come to it's rights. But, well, it's just like that.


By the way: we all got perceptions about the other countries, so let's not get started. We are Belgians, and we are the Best. We roXor. Or something like that. And you, dutchlmen, you Suxor. or something like that. Nah, just kidding you. I just like things perfect, or at least those little things, and that's just me. Wait untill you'de meet me in real life - you'de get a lot more of those, unless i'm drunk or smoked some, when I get smoother :wink:

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Game of the year awards are finally compleated and zelda got more awards than it can handel. im only half way there and i can see why.



Gametrailers game of the year award.


Zelda TP got - Best game of 2006

- Best Wii game 2006

- Best use of Art

- Best action adventure game

IGN readers gave it best music, best game, best adventure and best art having not agreed with the editors choice.


I guess zelda done pretty good in 2006.

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Short is a lie. If you wanted longer, yes. But you have to think you still get 36 hours of the game, wich is, in these days, a lot. Most games don't last that long. SO i'm happy with it's length, and even after the initial 36 hours there's still more than 20 hours to find in it. That racks up to the about-70 hours Nintendo told us.

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