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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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If you don't have the compass I'm afraid it's gonna be time to start going through rooms again looking for anything you missed. Now you have the hookshot you'll probably find something interesting to latch onto.


It's alright, I've just killed the dungeon boss now.


I've got to say...wow. That boss was great. I really can't put my finger on what I liked about it, but it just seemed so cool. The music, too. :)

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Bosses are definately excellent in this game. They're all fantastic if a bit too easy for the most part. Number 6 is shockingly easy it's a shame cause it was a very cool concept. The fourth boss is amazing. Yet to see the 7th but heard it's one of the best.

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anyone else thinks the game feels pretty rushed near the end of the game? it's like, you reach the Sky temple then it's straight on to the twilight palace then straight to save zelda and kick ganon ass. I just feel a bit disappointed right now because the rest of the game was so incredibly well balanced. I feel i've really rushed through this final portion of the game...


Also.. I was hoping with this zelda I'd be allowed to explore more of the world after ganon had gone. I do like wandering around game worlds once the main story is "completed", picking up everything you missed, its not quite the same having to go back to an old save. Also, the lack of a slightly alternative mode for completing the game is a disappointment. As others have said, Castle Town was really disappointing. I was hoping for something to rival MM's Clock Town but at the very least beat that main town where a lot is going on in WW (windfall island?) Castle Town didnt even come close to either.


Fantastic game though. I feel like starting again and playing it more thoroughly, collecting everything I can, that type of thing... The final boss(es) were quite something I thought, although on the easy side as usual. Fighting ganon on horseback was pretty cool as was the final one on one. I think Majora's Mask is still my fave Zelda though with regards to so much, plot, atmosphere, the awesome interactivity in the town and the way everyones agendas fitted together. I do hope the next game in the series shakes the formula up a little bit like MM started to do.


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I can see why fishing was made a mandatory part of the game, because no one would want to do it by choice. Absolute shite.


Anyone got some hints for catching some Reekfish?




Plus, is anyone getting a trifle annoyed that it keeps telling you you've found a Rupee and how much it's worth.

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God yes. It gets very annoying quickly. Not sure what the developers were on when they included that bit.

I think it must've been something along the lines of:


"Right... We've got yellow Rupees now. They don't have the same value as they did in Wind Waker..."


"God help us.. You mean we're going back to green again!?"


"I'm afraid so."


"So what are we going to do?"


"There's only one thing to do, remind them of the value everytime they start playing again"


"Genius! Even the Rupees which haven't changed value, the blue, red and purple ones?"




"Won't that piss some players off"


"It's a risk we're willing to take to make sure no one gets confused about yellow Rupees. Plus we'll already have their money"

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I love lure fishing, it's far less random than normal fishing.

It's amazing but waaaay too easy. Reeling up Hylian Loach took me only about 40 seconds and every fish seems to be lazy or something because they don't fight back, ever. Haven't got frog lure yet but hoping that it would be hard to use.


Roll-goal level 1-7 is super fustrating, probably the most fustrating mini game in any Zelda.

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Plus, is anyone getting a trifle annoyed that it keeps telling you you've found a Rupee and how much it's worth.


yes... god yes... im so tired of this... especially when you find a hidden chest and it contains rupees.. and your are already maxed out... grrrrrrrrr

But also in the middle af a battle.. you crack something.. and out pops rupees and links stands there smiling at the yellow rupee with enemies all around him.. ha ha ha

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yes... god yes... im so tired of this... especially when you find a hidden chest and it contains rupees.. and your are already maxed out... grrrrrrrrr

But also in the middle af a battle.. you crack something.. and out pops rupees and links stands there smiling at the yellow rupee with enemies all around him.. ha ha ha


haha yeah.


I am annoyed whenever I reach a chest and it's just 50 rupees but I'm glad you have to put it back when you're maxed out. If ever you need cash you can always visit a dungeon and fill your pockets.


Also I like the bug collecting, but only because if you visit Agitha when you have bugs but tell her you don't and leave, she stops you at the door and says 'I know you have bugs!' just before you leave (the first time anyway)... it was kind of creepy.

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LOL, hadn't realised that. Very cool.


It'd be nice if TP had a bank sort of thing, where we can deposit money when our wallets are maxed out. As long as in-game elements don't rely on us only being able to have a certain amount of rupees at a certain part in the game.

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Guest Stefkov

I just love riding on Epona across Hyrule field!

The music is jsut incredible, when it climax's at one bit in it. When your riding and swiping at enemies it sure makes me happy.

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I can see why fishing was made a mandatory part of the game, because no one would want to do it by choice. Absolute shite.


Anyone got some hints for catching some Reekfish?


Normal fishing IS shite but the lure fishing section is much more like it.


RE the reekfish, I had trouble wondering what to do on this bit too. Just show all the zora the thing (picture?) you have and note what they say and you might work out where you have to go before you can catch reekfish...

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*sigh* got to level 49 of the cave of ordeals, got owned by 3 darknuts. I hate those things.


Also, buy this months Edge. It has an incredible Zelda poster.

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Guest Stefkov
*sigh* got to level 49 of the cave of ordeals, got owned by 3 darknuts. I hate those things.


Also, buy this months Edge. It has an incredible Zelda poster.

Is that the cave near Lake Hylia?

I entered a cave and there were rocks everywhere so i decided to blow one up and it figured it was a maze of some sort. Then I got to on bit and i warped back to the entrace. Is that it?



Plus how do you kills poes. I've seen 2 but I got about 2 hearts beaten out of me.

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Is that the cave near Lake Hylia?

I entered a cave and there were rocks everywhere so i decided to blow one up and it figured it was a maze of some sort. Then I got to on bit and i warped back to the entrace. Is that it?



Plus how do you kills poes. I've seen 2 but I got about 2 hearts beaten out of me.


No, its not. Its much later in the game.


And to kill poes, switch to wolf form and put on your senses. Hit it twice, then rip its soul out.

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Guest Stefkov
No, its not. Its much later in the game.


And to kill poes, switch to wolf form and put on your senses. Hit it twice, then rip its soul out.

aha ok so i wonder what the place I went into was called.


Aboutthe poe thing, I'll have to do it alter, I've not even done saving the zoras.

Never mind transforming into wolf form at will.

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