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Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz Thread


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I've just started playing this, and so far I'm quite disappointed. I like the graphics, and the jumping is an interesting new feature, but I truely hate having boss battles. By all means stick them in a story mode but don't force me to play it.


I want my SMB1. :-( Saying that, it's still a good game, and it's enjoyable, but I don't like it as much as Monkey Ball on Gamecube. I'd like to have a tilt game and an option to use the stick, although obviously that would make these levels really easy. I want solidness!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've just started playing this, and so far I'm quite disappointed. I like the graphics, and the jumping is an interesting new feature, but I truely hate having boss battles. By all means stick them in a story mode but don't force me to play it.


I want my SMB1. :-( Saying that, it's still a good game, and it's enjoyable, but I don't like it as much as Monkey Ball on Gamecube. I'd like to have a tilt game and an option to use the stick, although obviously that would make these levels really easy. I want solidness!!


I agree about the boss battles. I really don't care for them at all. Just gimme the maze/platform goodness.

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I got Monkey Ball yesterday and am so far it's providing a lot more entertainment to me than Need for Speed: Carbon did (I swapped..thankfully)


I actually have found the boss battles ok so far (have done the first 4 worlds) and I do like the main game, but I miss the design of the first game where you had the three difficulty levels (four if you were insanely good) and we're rewarded with bonus stages for doing, for example, all 30 levels on Intermediate without losing a life. I feel that the 'you can't make a single mistake' element has been taken out of it, and I enjoyed that motivation. It all seems kind of easy so far (though, like I said, I have only done up to world 4) ..thank goodness you can skip the credits sequence, that drove me nuts on the DS version so I would just reset when it came on (and thankfully had the data saved)


..definitely better than Need for Speed: Carbon though, I feel very lucky that it was ok for me to exchange..


I like it :hehe:

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I played multiplayer last night. My god did some of those games suck and I mean suck more than some cheap bancock ladyboy.


On the other hand some were alright but wii sports definatly got more laughs and drama during our play session.

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I've got to agree that despite this being billed as a party game, its not. The vast majority of party games are dull beyond belief, a waste of my time and a waste of development time. Culling the number of party games would have been wise, and adding more multiplayer features: I seem to recall that SMB on Cube had an alternating multiplayer main game - sadly lacking (as far as I can see) in this version.


I love the main game, as does my missus. Its just a shame theres no main game multiplay.

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The multiplayer is utter shite [with the exception of about 5 minigames], no multiplayer main game = embarrasing.


However, the main game single player is perfect, sans the boss battles, which are just annoying. That said, I really enjoyed the train-themes one where you had to make your way to the front and smack the button. If the boss battles were more like that instead of the single 'hit the weak spot' crap from the previous worlds I'd definately enjoy them more.


Controls are easy to get the hang of.


All in all, 7/10.

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Single player is ok. But do you not think they have absolutley the simplicity and fun elements of monkey ball by implementing an absoute ridiculous control scheme?


I think it still is quite simple. It's still very fun, and I think at times it is more simple and fun than using an analogue stick.


It can be awkward to use with the way the remote is face. It would have been much easier if they turned the wiimote on its side and allowed us to move that way.

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I think the only thing ridiculous with the control scheme is the angle you have to hold the controller in order to move forward. It makes things more complicated.


Its a simple game, but it would have been even more simple and user friendly if they just used the same control scheme but with the wiimote facing sideways. Sonic for Wii is using tilting functions and that has the wiimote on its side, and its going to work much, much better, imo.


I have very few problems with the singleplayer.


However, the multiplayer on the other hand, I can't believe Sega went for quantity over quality. Are the wiicontrols at fault for these bad multiplayer games? No. Sega are at fault for providing us with some right stinkers that they thought that we would enjoy.

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I agree wholheartedly with your multiplayer comments F_L.


And as regards single player, you are right. It is a simple game, but the essence of monkey ball was the ease of controls. With the Wiimote, it becomes (imo) utterly ridiculous.

It's impossible (almost) to move forward in a straight line. Tilting forward to move your monkey forward seems logical but is completley impractical as regards the games mechanics.

The wiimote doesnt seem to be used to its greatest sensitivity. I find it terribly difficult to move freely in any level of difficulty, my monkey just careers off in the direction I attempt to move him in.


Does no-one else find it so?

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I agree wholheartedly with your multiplayer comments F_L.


And as regards single player, you are right. It is a simple game, but the essence of monkey ball was the ease of controls. With the Wiimote, it becomes (imo) utterly ridiculous.

It's impossible (almost) to move forward in a straight line. Tilting forward to move your monkey forward seems logical but is completley impractical as regards the games mechanics.

The wiimote doesnt seem to be used to its greatest sensitivity. I find it terribly difficult to move freely in any level of difficulty, my monkey just careers off in the direction I attempt to move him in.


Does no-one else find it so?


There are moments where I don't feel I am in as fully-control as I would like to be. Moving forward can be a pain, but so can tilting left and right. If you want to tilt left, you can, but what if you want to go further more to that side? You end up getting all cackhanded. :heh:

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It's not the wiimote capabilities which is the problem, to be honest. It's the way in which they are incorperated.


I just don't understand why Sega opted to use the wiimote in that specific position. It's not as easy to turn your wrist steadily like that than it is with two hands on the wiimote horizontally.


Just turn the wiimote on its side and try moving forwards, backwards, left and right. It's piss easy and much simpler than what was actually used. Plus, you can still perform jumps as A is accessible. Not only that, but the 1 and 2 buttons are now accessible as well!

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I'll be honest, I don't have a game on Wii where i have to use the remote sideways (save for the cow racing in WiiPlay - which is hilarious, I might add), so I can't really give my opinion on it, but it still seems like it would have the same problems. You are just rotating the remote 90 degrees in the plane and although it might feel more natural and easier using two hands, I still think the same problems would exist.


If monkey ball (like SSBB will) used the classic controller (or is it GCN??) i reckon it would much better.

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