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Everything posted by ghost_zero

  1. Well: Actually according to Nintendo it was an accident that the FreeLoader didn't work anymore. They only did this regarding Modchips... Personally, I think they don't have many firmware-possibilities to block GC-FreeLoader because I think they can't modify the GC-Bios itself (not to mention that I don't think they see any need in it)... Regarding a Wii FreeLoader this might be a different thing...
  2. Well: I guess making a Wii one would not be possible without bypassing this problem first, so I guess they would have had to do this anyway... I also wonder when the Wii one will get released (hopefully soon). However, I am happy that I now can play my US/JP-GameCube-Games again (at all because I don't have my GameCube anymore)...
  3. As I also wrote: They are still working on it... So we will get one - sooner or later...
  4. Hi, I contacted codejunkies.com some time ago regarding an updated FreeLoader. They told me that it would be avalable soon. Furthermore they also told me that if I ordered v1.0E (the Wii compatible - I guess not if it is only v1.06 or whatsoever) FreeLoader over their website I will get the new updated FreeLoader for free if I tell them the Order-ID and shipment address. And today: The new FreeLoader arrived and I am able to play Baten Kaitos Origins again on a v3.1E Wii (updated over Internet and also the update from Metroid Prime 3 - it updated something on first insert although I don't know what because firmware version was still the same). Btw.: I tried to run v1.0E over the new FreeLoader and that also worked (although the first time I tried it, it hang up but the second time it worked - I guess you are not allowed to wait to long during the swapping disc process because I started writing this thread during that time)... So if you had ordered from codejunkies.com you might contact their support and ask for the new FreeLoader and you should get one. Also: Updated Action Replay should also be available. Regarding Wii-Games FreeLoader I got also a bit info: They are still working on it and regarding Firmware-Updates it will be probably like this (might be different though): They will send updated Wii-Games-FreeLoaders then out for free if you conatct them regarding them and they won't work after a firmware update anymore and ordered from them. I don't know: Maybe other shops will exchange to the new GC-FreeLoaders too. P.S.: I don't know which version this new GC-FreeLoader is as it doesn't display a version number - the old v1.0E displayed one but that one doesn't...
  5. One question: In Europe this game is called "Fire Emblem: Goddes of Dawn", isn't it?
  6. One question: Is there anything new known regarding the planed exchange of those Game DVDs with the hang up bug?
  7. When will this game be released? And when will Soul Calibur 4 be released?
  8. Is there already known if this game is going to see a release in Europe?
  9. When will be the release in Europe?
  10. That doesn't mean you can't... But well it is not very likely... That is correct... BUT you could still make the Freeloader updateable or whatsoever...
  11. Well: You could make the FreeLoader a Wii channel (which would be way better because you won't need to swap disks) - SD Card - or whatsoever which is updateable through the internet - otherwise with the updates it isn't very useful - (this is important because i think once the FreeLoader works they can only blacklist it or similar things but probably not change anything that won't allow it to work but even if, it would still be possible to update it - over PC or Wii)... Although personally: They should just remove that stupid idea of region-lock as hey had planned... I guess the main reason really is Europe with thinking they might not sell as much or whatsoever (well: I guess this could happen if they take as long as the e.g. needed for Super Paper Mario or don't release games at all)
  12. One other question: Is it sure this game will make it to Europe? Otherwise I really need a Wii Freeloader ASAP
  13. I hope they put the typical Tales multiplayer possibility in it - even if it would be only for two people (although I hope there will be more heroes and that you can play with 4 people; although I wonder if you might be able to control the "monsters" yourself too)... Also: Will you only be able to have one monster at the time (the trailer only used three of the four char slots at max, although there is place for a fourth one - if you are only able to have one monster at the time this might mean at least a third hero?)..?
  14. Is there anything new regarding the replacement option?
  15. Regarding "From NoE" Website: I still wonder why there exists some European versions that have this problem anyway (especially because we had to wait long enough for this game) - I didn't hear of it in the US- or JP-Version and they were way earilier released too.... I hope I don't have to pay for sending it in (they even could add some bonus disk or something like this, would be nice ) - although I still wonder: The bug couldn't be that much of a problem to fix it over an online update (would probably have to be the firmware) - although exchange is probably the best for various reasons (if the start creating Patches for consoles we will soon be there, where we are for the PC)...
  16. Well that and you also didn't need to unlock the worlds A-D...
  17. Actually it would be enough if the parents don't give this to their kids or don't allow them to use it or something like this...
  18. Although the glitch is not that big deal if you know how to avoid it but it still is extremely annoying. Especially if you look at the time difference of the US- and the Europe-Release (or even Japanese-Release). I wonder if Nintendo couldn't fix this through an online update for the game or firmware...
  19. Do you mean you run into my problem too?
  20. I think I found a more or less serious bug - or is my disk defect? This migt contain SPOILERS: In chapter 2-2 you first meet Mimi who tells you to be the housemaid and send you too different rooms. After you passed the last room she sent you (ground floor, first door) - and didn't get the key in the first room she sent you - and talk to her and pressed A twice during the talking (I believe it were two texts you got through) my whole Wii hang up. I couldn't even turn it off. Only by unplugging the power from it. I re-tried this at least 4 times and every time the same thing happened. Whereas, if you got the key you get a different dialog and this won't happen. I also have the latest Wii firmware v3.0E installed and I am talking about the Europe-Verison of "Super Paper Mario". Can anyone confirm this? Or am I only having this problme? I wrote "more or less" because if you just get the key already in the first room you won't run into this problem.
  21. Savegames or suspended states?
  22. So you say that he/she should buy a Japanese Wii to play a game that worked perfectly well before (and even if it didn't work, buying a Japanese Wii for currently one game is completely nonsense)... Furthermore, he/she might want to get US-Games too (if he doesn't have already), so therefore he/she would need a third one..? But if you have that much not needed money: Would you mind transfering it on my bank account so I could buy two other Wiis from different regions..? Although I still wouldn't like it because then I have three consoles standing there, where one should be enough... (That was the reason why I don't use my GameCube anymore but only the Wii for it.)
  23. Well... Not in German
  24. I wonder when the will finally remove that unnecessary message that you have now the possibility to add age restrictions (or however this is called in English)... I mean I get this message again after every update although it was already included with one of the first updates...
  25. Is that Nina (well at least from the image name and the picture itself I would guess so) from Breath of Fire 2? Btw. I have a question regarding this: In the game everone is refering to Ninas BLACK wings but if you ask my the aren't black but violett... So the question is: Is that a translation bug or something else?
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