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Everything posted by ghost_zero

  1. What looks horrible? Are there anywhere screenshots that really show the new Dashboard? What Dante is showing isn't the Dashboard that is Netflix with a menu that would let you return to the Dashboard and other stuff...
  2. I wonder if this game got canceled: I mean from the list it doesn't seem like it gets shown at E3 either (if it isn't gonna show up as a surprise). It might show up the on Square Enix "party" in August but somehow I doubt it. After all the list of the games shown on the SE is known too already and this game isn't on the list. Of course, it could still be in development - I mean: We haven't heard much from FF XIII either but it is at least on the list for the "party" in August... However, I hope it wasn't canceled and might show up somewhere (E3 or SE party) as "surprise". EDIT: At least from what I found out the game was to be confirmed to be still in development 3 months ago, so I believe it wasn't cancelled but still no content at all E3 (though there still might be a small trailer or something like this)..? EDIT2: Btw. I just read that the Wii line up is still not none yet, only the other platforms...
  3. @Dante: When was a "Tales of" for the PS3 announced? Though even if: I think it is most likely a "Tales of Vesperia" port...
  4. I just read that the next main "Tales of..." title(s) will be for the Wii... At least if the translations (from the Tales conference) which I read are correct.
  5. ghost_zero


    Is there anywhere listed how much copies Okami sold (up to now) per region? Btw.: Great game: Only the dodging (on the Wii) with the Nunchak didn't work that well (I think analog-stick plus button or maybe the nunchak detection could have been a bit improved). I hope that they will make a sequel (or prequel - however, I would prefer a sequel) THOUGH it is very unlikely after the original creators closed. But with good Wii sales it might still be possible (from what I read in this thread - however, I don't think a remake normally sales better than the original).
  6. I have heard of a few games that are not yet completely compatible with GeckoOS but are with the FreeLoader but of course those problems very likely would get sorted out soon enough
  7. Thanks the other links works. Regarding my other post (the one about Shadow7's post)..? Btw.: I am not to sure but wouldn't Gecko even be able to load the FreeLoader on a v3.3 Firmware?
  8. @Shadow7: That site seems to be dead..?
  9. That I didn't because I already own the Freeloader but just because it should theoretically work on all games, doesn't necessarily mean it does. e.g. there could be problematic system updates that the game needs to run and the alternative upgrade method isn't of any use there or something like this. Well: I am very likely importing the US version - as I won't understand anything in the Japanese. Btw.: Where would be the best place to get import US Version (also how high are the fees a.s.o.)? I normally have a shop for that one but for some reason I can't find that game at all - which is a bit strange, normally it is listed way before and also the Japanese version would be available. However, maybe they only will release the US version this time... Btw.: I know about Gecko Region Free though. But from what I know the v1.5 (Homebrew-channel version) has problems with Super Smash Brosh Brawl? Though I very likely will use it in the future anyway... Or are you using the Twilight Hack Version of Gecko Region Free (without Homebrew-channel)? EDIT: My fault: I just read that Gecko OS has a newer Version included. So you are using the Gecko OS version plus Homebrew Channel? So does Tales of Symphonia 2 work with Gecko OS?
  10. The game came out in Japan today, didn't it? Btw.: Does anyone know if this game works with the Freeloader (also especially @pedrocasilva)? Futhermore, is there anything new known regarding the US release date - I mean now that the Japanese version got released? @pedrocasilva: From where did you import it?
  11. I haven't said anything that the game will sell extremely well with a bundle. No, I think that a PS3 port is very likely. However, "Mokong X-C" said that there are not even 200.000 XBox 360's in Japan BUT that doesn't necessarily indicate that there won't be more afterwards (especially with a bundle). However, you also need to say that all JRPGs released on the XBox 360 so far, were new ones and not already known labels like "Tales of". Though I don't think this will change much....
  12. I would be surprised, if Vesperia won't get a bundle - so that the XBox 360 itself sells more too... Though I think Vesperia very likely will also get a PS3 release, after all it won't sell that great on the XBox 360 in Japan.
  13. ghost_zero


    I would like to know if Okami is still for release on the 6th June? Because Amazon once had it changed to the 6th June but it is now back at 13th June there..?
  14. Well: Even that you can only say after playing it if you ask me... Though you might be right. Seeing is there is no overworld - this is a part that I don't like either...
  15. Btw.: Did I see correct and that spell from Raine made over 30.000 damage per enemy with one shot? Otherwise I am really interested in how this game turns out. If it is bad or good we will see afterwards but just saying it is bad without having even played it, I think is extremely unfair...
  16. I wonder what spell Colette was using in the video because that one really did much damage and it even seems that it wasn't finished in the video...
  17. However: Now that I saw the new trailer I think that the graphic itself look really good. I mean the screenshots only didn't look that great on some parts... I still don't like it that there is nothing known regarding European release date...
  18. Do you think there will be any news regarding this game on the E3 after all Square Enix USA should be there (according to the list I saw about 3 days ago)...
  19. Is there any news regarding a release date for this game?
  20. I wonder though: The could also make remakes for WiiWare though and get the money from there
  21. I too would prefer full SD card support, especially if they would allow SD cards with sizes over 2GB too.
  22. Normally both should be more than enough to load big games from them. The only question is if the bus speeds on the Wii might have a hardware limit or a software limit (e.g. from the firmware - which could also explain a slow speed). However, especially with SD cards the only real slowdown is the writing process. If you just read from there you can copy 50MB and higher files in a few seconds... Theoretically USB2.0 can go up to speeds of 60MBytes/sec, however reallistically it still would should get 30MBytes/sec (probably more) and therefore a N64 game would be loaded in 1-2 seconds (not even really noticable). However the speed also depends on the HDD and SD card used or USB Stick used. However, HDD should more or less for sure have enough speed.
  23. I think that speed problem maybe could be solved via a firmware update too. However, As you maybe don't need the whole game in the RAM at once it should even work with a slower SD bus speed... But as long as you can't load games (save games, VC, Wii Ware) directly from there... Also: If they release a HDD and if we can only copy content to there but not load directly from there - as with SD cards (I mean it isn't even possible with SD cards, so why should it be with a HDD) - we would have the same issues as currently.
  24. Well I first want to see better SD support and afterwards the can still bring out HDDs. So that they are possible too (at least optional) BUT as long as it is not possible to load games from anywhere different then the Wii's internal memory...
  25. Regarding HDD: What do you want with a HDD? I mean you can't even load VC games and save games from SD card. So it is pretty useless to release a HDD from which you can't load anything. They first should make it possible to load VC games and WiiWare games (and maybe also save games) from the SD card and if they allow the usage of higher SD cards than 2GB too than this should be more than enough anyway and would be way better then if they release a HDD (especially as it would be way overpriced probably).
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