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Everything posted by ghost_zero

  1. Here is what I meant by HTML code differences.... If it would only get edit by javascript you would not see those code differences. It either would be there in both cases or not there in both cases BUT not like this. It is still strange though... EDIT: Is it just me or did there get something else added (however this time in FireFox as well)?
  2. The only thing I can tell is that the "april fools" part is not in the HTML part itself - I mean regarding the toggle that it only displays this message on IE (on the IE it is always there and on FireFox and probably others it is never there - I mean in the HTML part; it should be there in FireFox too but just not displayed but it isn't anywhere in the source code). So someone would have needed to hack the page to add that part directly to the .php code.
  3. @DCK: From what I can tell THAT part where THAT sentence is, is not editable... Also doesn't normally someone need to abrove changes on Wiki too. From what I know the author needs to approve the changes or something like this... Also from what I can tell that part gets added over the .php file AND not over the html code itself (otherwise I would be able to find it in the source code of the Opera and FireFox pages as well). @marcel: You are a bit too high to have that sentence in the picture @ShadowV7: I wonder about that too. It is way too early for it OR did they mean to let it be there for until the 1st April is over. Would make some sense as probably not many would fall for that fool if it would have got released on the 1st April.
  4. That's interesting the april fools part only seems to be there by using Internet Explorer. I can't see it with FireFox e.g. but with Internet Explorer it is there. I don't know why it only appears by using the Internet Explorer but it can have various reasons...
  5. @DCK: Probably it will require the update to run correctly (if not of course that should work), e.g. online gaming or stats or whatsoever... HOWEVER, you should be able to use the alternative, selective update method as I mentioned one post above yours which will let it install updates but that way it should not have any influence on the FreeLoader (the FreeLoader should keep working that way), as it seems to selectively install updates or something like this (according to the included booklet in the FreeLoader). That using the alternative, selective update method on games that require updates should be used also on games from the own region to ensure the FreeLoader will continue to work is especially mentioned under the alternative, selected update point in the booklet. And after you did the update that way, you wouldn't need to use the FreeLoader again until for Mario Kart (if it is the PAL copy). It should be fine that way. Probably it won't install such not required updates like from e.g. v3.2E to v3.3E or something like this (especially as this would be problematic with US Firmwares, as you then would update from e.g. 3.0E to 3.1U or something like this).
  6. Regarding Mario Kart update: I just want to mention that the FreeLoader also states that you should use the alternative update method in such a case (also for games from your own coutnry) to ensure that the FreeLoader will continue to work. Probably becasue it only updates necessary parts or something like this and want to such updates that blocks the FreeLoader itself (though I don't know how exactly they would do this but maybe they are storing the update just somewhere on the memory and those parts then get loaded from there by the game, except then really updating the Firmware - or whatsoever). Or you could also use the none update at all method with the FreeLoader - however it only states you need the alternative update method. EDIT: Also from what I read it only got prepared but not released yet..?
  7. I read that the shop channel needs an update, does anybody know if this update has any influence on the FreeLoader?
  8. I guess they might not update that status that frequently. Like if it says "being picked" means that it will be sent out sometime today but they don't necessarily update the status afterwards (when it got sent, e.g. because they are busy or what so ever)...
  9. It is strange though I think... Also it is written in the alternative update part AND also the said UPGRADE method (if it wouldn't upgrade, I wouldn't call it upgrade method). So it is kinda strange or it either does clarify before upgrading if it blocks the FreeLoader from working or not and if it would block the FreeLoader either not update or ensure that the FreeLoader would still work (though I don't know how they would do the second part and also not how the would clarify that the FreeLoader will work after the update or not).
  10. From looking at the first page, it should be the opposite. The alternative does updates and the normal not. And what I am interested about is the last sentence there: This more or less seems to say that f I upgrade using the FreeLoader that the FreeLoader will still work afterwards?
  11. I am stating this again as most of those questions didn't get an answer (probably there is none yet. However, ... Btw.: I have now ordered the FreeLoader plus US Smash Bros. Brawl too...
  12. I have a question regarding the alternative mode: Do I get this right and if I update using the alternative mode the FreeLoader will work for sure afterwards - meaning it either does some tricks during the update or doesn't update if it wouldn't work anymore? Wonder if that wouldn't work for Internet updates then too? However, one more thing: Regarding: If I would need an update for the FreeLoader and haven't bought it from CodeJunkies, would I still be able to get it replaced for free?
  13. From what I can tell that question was only answered for what happens if you have an US Wii and a PAL Wii but not for what happens if you have a FreeLoader. (I guess that is just not known yet though )
  14. OK. Thanks. One more question: Regarding the possibility to update the FreeLoader (if needed), does it make any difference from where I order (in order to get it replaced for free) or should I order from CodeJunkies only or..?
  15. Hi, I have a question regarding the US-Version of Brawl and the Wii FreeLoader - Will it work with Firmware v3.2E? Does anybody know this? What would be also interesting to know: Are the US save games and Europe save games interchangeable (e.g. if I would buy the European version later, would the US save games work with that one?)
  16. From what I know the NEW Premium models have a HDMI port too (don't know if the cable is included though).
  17. Hi, I just wonder if the new XBox360 price cut might influence the Wii price as well. After all the XBox360 price is now dropping under the Wii price. However, as long as the Wii is selling so good with the current price, I am not sure if they will relly drop the price...
  18. If the English games could then be bought and used everywhere in Europe (having English only and Mutli-Lingual games) it could be interesting but just the UK only I wouldn't like either... However: I don't think the could release it at the same time even if localization is gone - as there a differences btw. PAL and NTSC (though that would not be a such a problem with HDTV). Personally: I am against it. The only real way to do it, is to release games in all European countries and US at the same time - for all games. Or only a few days (maximum a week) apart. Though it wouldn't be problematic if at the beginning it would only be an English version in all European countries (the question is just what will happen to the multilingual versions - however I don't think that would be a problem as there are enough who wouldn't be English only versions)... But the best thing would be to make the Wil region-free (they could do this anytime through a firmware update e.g.)... Would solve all problems: Those who want to wait for multilingual can wait and the others could just import... Splitting UK from the rest of Europe is no good idea I think... Not to mention: Australia is also English speaking and they most times get the games even later than Europe...
  19. I thought that was only regarding an US-Release? Or do you mean because they said that it sold well in US and Europe and still sells more than Abyss there?
  20. Is there anything new known regarding a European release for ToS Dawn of the New World?
  21. Is this the first game from Natsume on VC? I am asking because I am especially interested in Lufia (II - in US) and from what I know Natsume was responsible for that one in the US..?
  22. Well.. For me the site works well but I can't get to the Wii-Cards-Shop and I hope they don't really send me cards (as I live in Austria which means sending could be a bit problematic - I even gathererd over 10000 stars by sometimes ordering von amazon.de)
  23. Dragon Quest Swords isn't on the list either and that one has now a release date for spring 2008 (no exact release date - just spring 2008) which would mean it should get released end of Q1 or in Q2 but would be before Q3.
  24. For GC-FreeLoader I don't know if it is that easy to block it over a Wii-Firmware-Update as I don't think you can touch the GC-BIOS itself. Not to mention there is no real need in blocking GC-FreeLoader (the first time it was also just a side-effect). For a Wii-FreeLoader this would probably be different, of course... But even if: As long as I get the update for free, it doesn't really matter, does it?
  25. Yeah: I don't understand this either. I mean there should not have been a problem with making the Wii region-free. It isn't like they won't sell less games from it (maybe different versions but not less games).
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