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Everything posted by ghost_zero

  1. DKC was always a "fast" (nothing compared to Sonic) game... And that is good so
  2. Also if I don't compare it to Zelda. It is still overrated. You said it yourself too obvious and also probably too linear and they could have removed fighting completely and it would not have been much harder or something like this. Don't get me wrong, I still liked it (some things were nice after all) BUT it was overrated... Kameo (also by Rare) was/is FAR better.
  3. So... I guess no... @Shorty: Have you done this for "Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4 (JPN)"?
  4. I don't really know what you mean. I have played Gears Of War, Kameo, ... offline multiplay. No online. I never play online that often, so I don't even bought XBox Live Gold (just silver for some downloads) but that's it...
  5. Good, if it is v1.0E. Because I soon will get Baten Kaitos Origins and I need that one working, of course
  6. I am with Zell here... The puzzles were always the same and that inside the game itself. Where in Zelda you at least have different kind of puzzles during the game (of course not completely but at least most of it because of different items). In Starfox they were the same and much to obvious. Graphics were great indeed but that's it. Combat system was bad too. OK, it most time is not to hard to kill enemies in Adventure games BUT in StarFox Adventures it is nearly impossible to not win in combat... Kameo may has been innovativ and also has a better combat system than StarFox Adventures...
  7. Jep... I am also for region-unlocking and a media center would be cool too (e.g. playing DivX/Xvid/DVD-Movies a.s.o.)
  8. I have no problem with DKC... Maybe you should try re-downloading it? But could also be a TV-related problem or something like this...
  9. Well doesn't matter... I just wanted to point out that there now seems to exist a modchip - I somehow things that it is interesting and modchips after all are legal in many/most countries what is illegal is to burn games you don't own and use the modchip to play them (in many or some countries it is also illegal to do that but the modchip itself is in most countries not illegal)... As said: If the chip would only be interesting if it could break the Region-Lock... Although: Also the drive has something to do with region locking normally... But not only the drive...
  10. Seems that there soon will be the first Mod-Chip (named "Wiinja" released for the Wii... Still don't know if it is completely true because it didn't got released yet. The manufacturer soon seem to be releasing it for about 40 Euro. The news included a video that shows that it is working - of course this could be faked too - so not 100 percent sure yet but why not? After all I always thought the Wii would be most open to such things: Here is the news: (that one is only German): http://www.computerbase.de/news/consumer_electronics/konsolen/nintendo/2007/januar/erster_modchip_nintendos_wii/ Here the source of the German news (that one is in English): http://www.engadget.com/2007/01/26/wiinja-modchip-enables-wii-gamecube-backups-to-function/ What I am asking myself if this one would also be removing the region lock or not because now it only stats backup-disks are playable... It seems like there also exists a manufacturer site. Not that I like modchips (also not because of warranty) but if it removes region-lock I think it could be interesting too although I will wait for the Freeloader... EDIT: Features stats that it only boots not own region Gamecube games (and that also only through swaping - like Freeloader)... Otherwise you need regioned-game-backups of Wii or GameCube titles...
  11. Shouldn't your warranty be renewed with every exchange console? Could be wrong here though...
  12. @motion2000: If you ask me: No. OK, there were some good ones but I still think they were much too obvious (but maybe only my opinion)... And most were far too similar - much more similar than Zelda puzzles with old Zelda-Games-Puzzles... EDIT: To those above F-Zero-Games: I never played one so I can't say something becuase of it BUT I will definitally buy the Wii-One then I will be able to say how I like it or not... Maybe I will buy the Player's Choich one before but only if I don't have anything to play until then... EDIT2: The next adventure Rare great was (if you ask me) great again: Kameo. I really liked that one. It might was not the longest game too but otherwise I think it was a really great game...
  13. RPGs are some of the games I like most so if, I would say they are underrated Anway: Overrated: Super Mario 64 and Donkey Kong 64. I really like Super Mario Bros and Donkey Kong Country but their 64-Counterparts were not even nearly that great (btw.: I liked Super Mario Sunshine much more than Super Mario 64 although both might not be the best Mario Games but Sunshine was not that bad; I liked that one - but not liked Super Mario 64)... Underrated: I would say Lufia (don't know how much it is known but if you ask me definitally one of the best SNES-Games ever)... I would really like to see it on VC and also to see a sequel on the Wii.... Of course, I could say more things but that is what came to my mind first... EDIT: To Zelda: If you ask me: I really liked Zelda OoT (would never say that it is overrated) but I think e.g. that MM would have been better if it had more dungeons, same for TWW would have been better if it had more dungeons instead of the Triforce collecting thing but after all that one I liked more than OoT and TP was better than all the others I mentioned yet although not perfect. It maybe could have lost to TWW if TWW would have had more dungeons instead of the Triforce collcting at the end. But I don't know where to put OoT: Master Quest, if you ask me that one was definitally better than MM but don't know if I liked it more than TWW (don't think so; at least I liked TP more). The biggest problem with Master Quest probably is that it got released to the public far too late (otherwise...) EDIT2: Overrated: StarFox Adventures. I liked the game but it was far too easy. Also the puzzles were more than obvious and nearly every time something like the same AND it was far too short. If at least it would have been longer it could have been much better and if there were then some better puzzles too it could really have gotten a great game but so... EDIT3: Don't know how they got ratted or accepted by the people but: I think the PSO-Titles were underrated, also Episode 3. They were great. Maybe only Episode 1&2 miss something like a story mode (like in PSU). There was a story but it could have been much better with an appropriate mode, especially because some things are still not clear to me - OK that might be because there would be a need for Episode 4 or 5 or something like this (OK, there is one for Blue Burst but well)... PSU is good too but it has no offline multiplay so not that good (if later there will be a PSU version with offline mutliplay it would be a great game too)... EDIT4: Overrated: Fire Emblem - if you ask me a great game but still just only going from battles to battles gets a bit boring if you could travel on the map too and there would be some puzzles too it would be much more interesting but that is just my opinion...
  14. Mine is still working and it is now about a year old.... Who knows there might be some other games coming out too... I am interested in Mortal Combat, Excite Truck and Sonic... I would also be interested in Prince of Persia if I wouldn't already own The Two Thrones for PC... But probably it is better to currently by a 360 if you look at the avaiblable games... I believe that the next Nintendo-Games (I mean games by Nintendo itself) will get released for the Wii before summer if not even autumn or winter...
  15. I don't know if you like RPGs or not but if there is Enchanted Arms already out for XBox360 and Blue Dragon should come out this year in Europe too... Well: If you think of buying both why don't buy both? But of course the question is if you shouldn't wait for new XBox360 revision for buying the first of the two consoles... For Wii will come out Excite Truck next month... And Mortal Combat should also be out soon as far as I know... The point is just: If you buy a new console WOULD you really buy over 2-3 games at the beginning? King Boo has the problem that if I understand him right that he will only buy one console at all this console generation and therefore he is looking forward for certain Wii games and wants that "at all price" he necessarily would need to get a Wii...
  16. Well the only problem with the Wii is that there are currently not that much games released yet but of course that will change. That is not a rumour. It is fact that there will be a new revision with a new processor (just switched to 65nm otherwise same processr but should produce less heat and therefore easier to cool) and as far as I know it should get released this half-year... What is a rumour is that this console might get a HDMI-Output too... And no it probably won't be more expensive. They just changed the CPU (to 65nm) and coolers... Btw.: I own both consoles. 360 bought January last year and now I bought the Wii (release date)... I am happy with both. They are different and both have their advantages and some nice games (XBox360 currently has more games but got also released over a year)... PS3: No, I won't buy it (at least not for that price maybe after some price drops), especially it is not much better than the 360; if you ask me it is worse than the 360 (it has less memory and as far as I know the graphic card of the 360 should also be more powerful; the processor of the PS3 should be better though but if you have only half the memory you can't do that much)... But I think of buying a PS2. Never had one and now - or at least after PS3 release in Europe - they are not that expensive anymore and after all it has some great games I am interested in (but I had the PS2 controller - is there a possibility to use a wired XBox360 controller?).
  17. First: If you want to buy a 360 I would wait until the new version is out (should be more quiet...
  18. Does anybody know if Kirby's Funpack will get released on VC (some day)?
  19. I won't buy Zelda OoT because I already own it as Gamecube-Game (twice because of the two different bonus disks - own both; so I even have MasterQuest too). BUT I would buy it if I wouldn't have it through Bonus-Gamecube-Game-Disks...
  20. Could be wrong but could it be there is some sort of banana bug? It happend a few times now to me that I slided (like when you drive over a banana) but there was no banana on the screen (and also no other openent - at least no stronger one hit me)...? At least I believe that I didn't experience that with the original game (N64-Version not VC-N64-Version)...
  21. Don't know how they are called
  22. When do the joytech ones get released? They still aren't, are they? P.S.: Hasn't anybody thought about why the Wiimotes do have this two "notches" (correct word?) on the sides (one on each) like you would be able to put it in holder (correct word?), e.g. for recharging....?
  23. Hmm... I googled a bit now and found out that there are different modchips... And there are some that can even be used to run a DivX/XviD/MP3-Player for PS2 and store it on the chip itself. Now my question is which are good and which do have the Player-Feature-Possibility? Although the question is if I don't buy just a US-PS2 because I so or so don't want to play Japanese games but just European or US-Games but I could also just play US-Games (instead of buying a European version of a game I could just buy the US-Version)... Because a modded PS2 would of course be more expensive than a normal US-PS2...
  24. OK. After all that game was great (at least I really liked it). Also: If Taito is onboard: In that case we probably will (or at least could) see Lufia/Estpolis (maybe also real Lufia 1 - US/JP only released) too... Was also a Taito title....
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