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Everything posted by ghost_zero

  1. Yep... Indeed... Hopefully the other 2 DKC-Games are coming out also soon... Although I hope also for Super Mario World, Yoshis Island and All Stars (although I believe All Stars won't be released before they didn't release the 3 NES titles that are bundled in All Stars)... Btw. Shouldn't Zelda ALttP come out soon too?
  2. Well.. If Majoras Mask would have had MORE Dungeons.... And the sidequets it had it might really would have been a great Zelda... But only 4 Dungeons..? A bit less if you ask me... Oh and I don't know if the time thing was that a great idea... Also: I don't want a game in a parallel universe again... They should go on with "main" storyline I think...
  3. Ah yeah Forgot that one Now that you say it Probably I didn't remember it also because I only knew the German name until now
  4. I like that Midna plays more part in the actual story line too... She is far more "integrated" into the game as Navi or so... That is why I like her the most... I mean if Navi would have gone at the end it won't have been like with Midna going... Although she could have had sometimes better advices (I mean most times they were useless - especially against that armored knights or how the were called I would have like some advice)... I need to admit that once I suspected her to work for Ganondorf (after getting the second shadow crystal)... She said something and I thought I don't know if she is really on my side or not... But after the next crystal that changed again P.S.: In which Zelda was the King of Red Lions? Some handheld game (I don't buy handhelds normally, don't like them)...? EDIT: Added some sentences before P.S.
  5. And even if not component has still a much better picture quality than composite an a LCD TV... Not better than RGB (should be the same then or maybe still a little better) BUT much better than composite... so that's the main reason for a component cable and after all it costs the same as the RGB cable... And only through component cable you can get 480p if supported too... P.S.: TVs are normally correct because they know what signal they get... Only thing could be that Twilight Princess doesn't support it but the Wii is "upgrading" it to a 480p signal because you chose it at the Wii Menu (but if that is really so)... Anyway Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz does definitely support 480p... So there will be games that support that mode and there are already games that support it... And don't forget 480p is not 720p or whatsoever like Gears of War a.s.o. And also after all Twilight Princess is also "just" a "ported" Gamecube game... But it would still look much better than every PS2 game and it does because the PS2 is not nearly at Gamecube levels... Let us wait for the Wii Zelda to find out what the Wii more or less is capable of... Although that is not that much important...
  6. I will know as soon as I get it And if it is not that version I will just return it or call them or whatsoever... Although I am quite sure that they have the newest version...
  7. Not if the Freeloader would be installed as Wii-Channel or something like this...
  8. I didn't order from play-asia... I ordered it from codejunkies.com (which normally should have the newest version)...
  9. OK. I already ordered it and Baten Kaitos Origins... So I hope it will work
  10. Have you or he tried Baten Kaitos Origins (US Version) already? EDIT: The question is if they even could block any Freeloader through Firmware alone (maybe through Firmware update plus some change on Game Disks)...
  11. That is why they should make the Wii one upgradeable somehow... But yeah... I also believe that they won't upgrade Cube-Things... Maybe they should install a channel instead of always needing the disk anyway...
  12. Will it also work with v2.1E Firmware (hope so) because I recently updated to that firmware and currently ordered the new Freeloader plus Baten Kaitos Origins...
  13. It should be "Meitantei Conan". Tantei means detective and Mei could mean famous/great or something - of course in the correct Japanese symbols... I am not that sure about the meaning of mei completely but it should not be that wrong...
  14. Well... I thought the launch title for Wii online would be Super Smash Brothers Brawl..?
  15. Well... The game really is called Case Closed ? That would mean that it gets released in the USA too (maybe interesting if it gets released there too; I mean if it gets released only in Japan: I don't believe that many European speak Japanese and that game will require reading text if I am not wrong)? I mean in Japan it should be called different...
  16. @Zell: For me it was just one fish as far as I remember... But as I said: Fishing at the fishing pond then is different and much more interesting...
  17. You just need to get the fishing rod up by moving the controller up and keeping it there until you got the fish... Don't move it down again (which was what I always did at the beginning)... Of course, you need to fish somewhere where you see fishes too... I know that was a bit stupid... Fishing at the fishing pond is completely different (more like real fishing) and way better explained and also more fun...
  18. Damn... sorry forgot to put it under the spoiler tag... My fault... Added it now... Thanks for letting me know... P.S. But as long as you have quoted it without spoiler tags it won't help that much You might should change that too
  19. I don't even got stars with the Wii (as far as I know because I bought it in Austria - and NoE doesn't have something here - OK, I also livei n Austria but I think that is kinda stupid)...
  20. Well a mobil phone has a firmware too but in reality it is too an operating system (but still a firmware too because otherwise it won't work that one is connected here)... That is true... The same here with the Wii... But it doesn't differ that much... What you mean that is that it has too an operating system but still there is the firmware... It is not just an operating system (that's a difference and it was long ago that you had an operating system without some kind of firmware - if you call the BIOS a firmware)... An OS (= operating system) begins normally (you could say so) with the kernel but the firmware is before it is in the hardware itself... With the Wii both things are connected so it is at least firmware plus operating system but not just operating system. OK, there are some things that are not needed and therefore it becomes an operating system too but that's it... Although you are right: I would like to have at least the option to autostart games if I insert them or start the console with it... I don't understand why I always need to go to the Disc-Channel... This would be a nice Firmware-Update...
  21. Therefore I said the should have at least given an option in the options menu, I would probably have played left-handed too although I am right-handed because of the Zelda-Feeling... I hope the add this option in the next Wii-Zelda... (and I also would like to have that sword swing style through Wii-Controller movement added)...
  22. As far as I know it is not possible... That games are only really good playable with the Classic-Controller... With Gamecube controller you can't run and jump together which makes the game nearly unplayable... With classic controller that is no problem... But I have a similar question: NES-Games and game controls on the classic controller suck... It is just stupid to put the controls on a and y instead of e.g. a and x or b and y (like it is for SNES games). Is that changeable (as I said as far as I know not)... If not: Nintendo REALLY should make the controls CHANGEABLE...
  23. Probably the second delay (instead of beginning 2007, end 2007) was I would say damn sure because of the Wii... Btw.: How long do you think will the need for the Wii-Zelda? And what period will it take place (between which games or after which game)? And what I would also be interested is if the sword attacks will be more like HOW you move the controller e.g. if I move it from left to right that he swings the sword from left to the right and if I move from up down that he swings the sword that way a.s.o. Also: What I don't understand is why they didn't put the option into it if you are right or left handed.... Would make also sense where you have the sword (and so you would have been able to make Link left-handed again)... Hopefully they will include this (especially for left-handed people) next Zelda (real Wii-Zelda)...
  24. Eh... You sure no that everything has a firmware or something like it? Even drives (cd/dvd a.s.o.) and other devices (nearly all) have it... It is nothing different with the Wii.. Difference is that the firmware can now be updated and has more features than before (e.g. accessing storage cards a.s.o.)... P.S.: The Gamecube also had accessible firmware already...
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