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Everything posted by ghost_zero

  1. If it would be with akku and the possibility to plug it into electricity directly it would be interesting but otherwise...
  2. Exactly what I meant And of course I meant light arrows (typing mistake or had something differnt in mind) although lightning arrows would be cool too and because Zelda only used the light arrows at the end this might have been even better here @Cube: At that time no one knows who that person is and it is also not in the foreground so it doesn't matter that much BUT still interesting Although I don't look that much into manuals... Most times I only look there first because I want to read the story... That was it most time. Only if I need some certain things I can't find out the other way, then I look into it again...
  3. Is there any release date for the game yet? P.S. I might try the latest Naruto Gamecube game... Not that screenshots are that important for a game but still: Are there anywhere screenshots from that game?
  4. Didn't say only OoT? I meant the ice (was it ice I might be wrong here, I believe it was teleport), fire and if I remeber correctly shield magic you were able to get through searching the great fairies. But you were also able to get the fire, ice and lightning arrows... I think it could have been interesting to put in magic like ice, fire and light and you could then combine this with the bow or just alone (like the bombs)... P.S.: I am not that much talking about the fire arrows but about magic in general... I missed it a bit but not so much...
  5. Maybe not necessarily but they were there Well as said... doesn't matter that much...
  6. What I think would be interesting to see in the game (but of course not necessary) would have been magic. Like the one you got from the great fairies in OoT and what would have been interesting for TP would have be if could combine this magic with the arrows, so you also get fire and ice arrows through this...
  7. Zelda not but if Wii tries to connect in the background BUT CAN'T things look a bit diferent... P.S.: It was nothing special I did. No it was something from the main part, if I remeber correctly even a cutscene... Next time I tried I didn't have this problem. And since turning off WiiConnect24 I never had such a problem again... But of course, it doesn't necessarily need to be WiiConnect24 and it could have be fixed with new firmware...
  8. One time during playing Zelda the Wii hang... I believe it was because of WiiConect24 (because I made up an internet connection a "short" time and didn't had this before and after turning off WiiConnect24) was not able to get to the internet (I use W-LAN but only activate it on the router when I need it)... Afterwards I turned it completely off (WiiConnect24) and since that never had that problem again... Maybe this was fixed with latest firmware now... I don't know...
  9. Try to phone them...
  10. @Shorty: I already thought if it would have been better to buy the US-Wii with Freeloader I would have been able to play all Gamecube-Games... Only problem would have been that I would need to always buy US-Games as long there is no new Wii-Freeloader... But VC-Games might would have been better there... What brings me to the point is there any possibility known to get US/JP-VC-Games somehow (as far as I know not but I thought I could ask)? P.S.: How are the Naruto games anyway (I never played one but if they are good I might would get one)...?
  11. Well... Until now we don't know if the will "upgrade" Region Lock through firmware update... Don't think so... Currently it is just that the PAL uses something newer Gamecubes already had. It has nothing to do with the firmware (or at least nothing with a newer firmware)... What I don't understand is why it is just the PAL-Wiis...?
  12. Well... I read somewhere on the Internet (of course I don't know if the information is correct or not and I didn't look who old): That a person bought the Freeloader where it states works with Wii but it didn't work because of PAL Wii. So he contacted (Datel or codejunkies or whoever was responsible but probably Datel) and they said they are currently working on this and that he will get his Freeloader replaced (completely free of course) as soon as the new version that works with the PAL-Wii too is available... @system_error: Yeah, it seems that last time they could only make the Freeloader not work through some (minor) hardware-change but not just through software update (btw.: they could have updated the firmware already for some time would have just needed to install the new firmware with a certain game)... P.S.: Maybe Datel makes the new Freeloader for Wii (not the one for Gamecube used on the Wii) patchable too, e.g. through SD-Card (old disc but uses new content from SD-Card) or something like this... The worst thing that could happen would be that it will get a "fight" (like with copy-protection creators and their opposites for PC) between Nintendo and Datel although I don't believe this will happen. I believe Nintendo this time really wanted to make the Wii Region-Free in the beginning but changed because of some unknown reason and if that is like this they don't need to put that much effort into it...
  13. Well depends on the game and the dungeons... I myself would have wanted at least one dungeons between Zanto-Dungeon (or how he was called) and Ganondorf-Dungeon...
  14. Well: I am interested if the FreeLoader works with Wii and Baten Kaitos Origins (US-Version) because if so I would probably buy both... @Nintendork: If I see this correctly the old freeloader version worked on all Gamecubes (EUR,US,JP) but the new one only seems to work on the cubes (and Wiis?) that it is designed for (like your posted one says for European Gamecube). Or maybe this new message is just for Wii-Consoles... Like that for Wii you need a specialist version for each terretory...
  15. I extremely like the game. It could only have had even more dungeons But that I thought after nearly every Zelda game. At least here it is so that the game was so great that I would have liked it to go on further...
  16. Maybe... although probably there will also be some towns in the lowlands (especially if you remember that there are still towns)... Although if that is the case: Why would the water drain?
  17. Regarding the end (some things I have had in mind and asked myself):
  18. Well at least you can turn off the volume of the speaker through the home Home-Button and going to the Wiimote settings there... But most time I think the quality of the speaker is just fine enough... But a few sounds to really not sound that good, e.g. Link swinging his sword. That sound sounds terrible... The others in Zelda I think are not that bad...
  19. Ah OK. Doesn't matter... just wanted to know... Will it be buyable in normal music stores then?
  20. So you mean there will be no Twilight Princess Soundtrack CD ever? And what do you mean by real (is it related to the US-Soundtrack-CD)?
  21. One question: Is there any sign of a Soundtrack-CD buyable in Europe or maybe over the stars-catalogue?
  22. When will the Final Fantasy for Wii come out ?
  23. Is the Gamecube-Pad an alternate method or is it required? I have them but still I would like to be able to use the Wii-Controller and to use it the way you always use it... But OK... It will be fun this way too and there are other fighting games coming that are probably using the Wii controlling scheme...
  24. Ah btw.: Is there any sign of a firmware update to save (not copy) and play VC-Games from SD-Cards ? Would be kinda nice otherwise it could be that I might need to copy and delete things (later) from SD-Card to Wii-Console and vice versa to play things I want to play... P.S.: Can you store your savegames on SD-Card? I believe one game asked me where to store the data so this should be possible..? Hero-of-Time said the yanks (Americans?) will get Mario Bros. soon, so I asked if he meaned Mario Bros. or Super Mario Bros. because that stupid Mario Bros. game is already available here in Europe, although nobody is interested in THAT game Something more: Will any Final Fantasy titles come out (if: when approximately) for the VC ?
  25. Mario Bros. or Super Mario Bros.?
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