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Everything posted by Will

  1. I'd say that's nuts! Is that the old or new system for groups though? My Elise was a group 43 and wasn't that much more expensive (granted I'm a little older with more no claims) still seems dear to me though.
  2. 3D Glasses: The stands: Bodywash:
  3. Seems a bit weird to me, the whole system is based on a range of risk factors and much as I hate to say it there's a good proportion of idiots who make men higher risk. If all this does is remove one factor my guess is premiums will come down a tiny bit for men and rise dramatically for women. Too bad I have to sell my car, my premium had dropped to £600 for this year.
  4. Since I've been in America I have learnt Flip Cup and Beer Pong. Both are thoroughly enjoyable and I've had many a good night with their involvement.
  5. Love the jager bombs, many a happy night has been enhanced by them. I think.
  6. OKCupid is the only one I bother with as there seems to be so many people. I guess that's location related though. I'd agree the people are better than elsewhere, seems a lot younger than others and I'd say the vast majority are really quite regular people. It's by far my favourite.
  7. 8GB of RAM, $100. My Mac should will love me.
  8. As always when we have these topics come up I'll give my usual seal of approval for online dating. There's nothing weird about it anymore and I can honestly say I've never met anyone weird by doing it. I went on a date arranged online on Friday and it was probably one of the best dates I've ever been on, I'd wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone. Hope the date goes well, make sure you report back to us!
  9. I quite fancy getting back into this a bit, but don't really want to play alone. Does anyone have any servers running at the moment? I really enjoyed it when we were all playing together so I'd love to try that again.
  10. Will


    Thanks for the follows, I don't know why I didn't use this sooner, it so fits what I want my internet contribution to be. I've followed everyone that's posted in here.
  11. Will


    I've decided I'm going to start using Tumblr again. It's a nice mix of what I use twitter and facebook for so it should suit my general needs well. http://willsadventures.tumblr.com/
  12. Today is going pretty well: - Payday - Bigger part of my tax return came in - Really good deals on so bought clothes/drinks/cool stuff - Work going well, reports coming along - Hot date to look forward to later - Weekend!!! Great Friday.
  13. I used to get all of my games for free, nowadays I don't though. The only other thing I can think of is drinks from the company at Christmas. I need to do better.
  14. $30 worth of drinks for $15 at Bullitt, my current favourite bar. $30 worth of drinks for $15 at Tonic, a bar I haven't tried: Superdry, shirts $50, T-shirt $25. Damn sales coming on pay day, I need to stop.
  15. I'm not actually sure which. I bought the watch, then did design your own converse. I didn't intentionally make them look the same but maybe deep down I wanted matching trainers and watch?
  16. Sounds like a fantastic time mr-paul. I've just had the first part of my tax return come through, $1750, just in time for the weekend. Good times will be had I think.
  17. Yeah it's going to be a right pain, they will mostly start around 5am for me I think, not too bad but does pretty much cut out lie ins on a Sunday for the season.
  18. Yeah Australia was great, especially when it was really early in the morning. So exciting getting up for that race. Over here it will be on Saturday evening which will be really weird.
  19. That's true, I suppose I haven't played Wii Sports Resort as much as most so it isn't a massive issue for me. I'd still think there will be enough content to keep people happy though. Monkey Ball is a good shout, what I've played of it I quite enjoy it.
  20. I rather like it, though nothing really stands out. I just wish we didn't have to wait so long for the season to start.
  21. This is by far my number 1 launch game. I don't even care how much there is to do in the game, the best part of the previous ones has been random exploration and I don't see this one being much different.
  22. I'm up for joining a N-Europe business. I'll even donate my wallet, it's not going to get us very far though.
  23. You should write your piece and title it at the end. I could never think of a title until I'd done my research and at least got into it a little. Far too many possibilities to narrow it down this early.
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