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Everything posted by Will

  1. I'm not sure it would even be legal for Nintendo to dictate how retailers handle their stock. Granted it's been a while since I worked with retail but I'm pretty sure you have to just sell them the stock and let them get on with it.
  2. Will definitely pick this up, excited already to finally play a proper version of Star Fox 2. Looks like it will be out right around Tokyo Game Show which is super convenient.
  3. I'd agree that was the best race of the season so far, good to see so much action happening on track. Thoughts on the Hamilton/Vettel incident? Seems to me the initial incident was basically 50/50 but as Vettel was behind you'd have to place the blame with him even though I can understand why he might be pissed by it. After that, I actually don't think he really meant to hit Hamilton and I think that's why he's been a bit sheepish in interviews afterwards. Up until that point, he felt he had the right to be pissed, but once he hit him he's the bad guy and he doesn't really know how to justify it without either looking like a dangerous driver who deliberately hit someone or a crap driver that accidentally hit someone. I am surprised he hasn't been pushed more on it. I feel like the media should have really questioned him on it, and I also feel like he should be punished more for it. For me I think anything like this should be worthy of something quite heavy on the punishment side, I'd go as far as to look at race bans quite honestly.
  4. I may have added a few people then changed the annoying default username afterwards.
  5. Well this one is turning out to be quite eventful!
  6. From what I've seen of Duolingo you're not going to learn anything useable from it in a month. I think you'd be better off finding a phrase book and trying to memorize things you think you're going to use.
  7. Added you guys too, my username is WillJP. I also made an N-Europe club, though I'm not sure what that does, the code is MRPTNG if you want to join.
  8. Ah, I see! Does it unlock more once you get to the end? I guess as they only just added Japanese it could be limited so I'm not sure. I really like the way this works but it seems to only like American english for a lot of the questions where you have to type out an answer. I do hope they add more and pad out the Japanese, I could see myself using this a lot.
  9. Picked up Arms, which seems quite fun after an hour or so. and flights to Japan for another business trip
  10. I had to send a few Japanese emails this week and realized how much I'm starting to forget not speaking it all the time, so I was pretty glad to read that Duolingo has finally released a Japanese version. It does seem quite good but a little too strict on some of the word orders imo. I decided to start from beginner rather than do the placement test, is there any way to bring up the placement test afterwards? It seems very basic right now.
  11. I've managed to miss the last few weeks, is the move to Thursday going to be permanent?
  12. Nice work guys, I love this forum software so I'm glad we've finally upgraded. I'm sure it will be even more awesome once the content is worked through for a few weeks. You can click on the circle to the left of the topic to go to the first new post in there.
  13. Personally, I think Invision is great, much better than what we have currently. I'd vote to make the switch to it, the longer term benefits will far outweigh a couple of initial hurdles.
  14. The shareholders officially voted to approve my position as a director this week. Doesn't really make a big difference to my day to day, but it's nice to have some sort of approval on what I'm doing.
  15. A couple of games: And flights to Manila for a business trip:
  16. I'm aiming to join, but there's a chance my alarm won't wake me. I'll do my best!
  17. I would call them, there are all sorts of internal things that could be going on that would delay things regardless of the answer. They're not going to change their mind just because you give them a ring, better to give yourself some peace of mind and find out what's going on.
  18. There's nothing stopping you doing that one whenever you want though, is there?
  19. Will


    I really like My Dad Wrote a Porno. Really funny, easy to listen to and the third season is about to start. The group that present it are a likable bunch and I believe it's become quite popular there. I'd recommend giving it a go.
  20. Lot's of fun, looking forward to the next round.
  21. For me i really depends what comes out. Recently it's been a fair bit with PS4 Pro, PSVR & Switch + games all coming out in fairly quick succession. But before that I was probably just buying 3 or 4 Gamecube games a month dependent on what I happened to find when out and about. Now that the Switch has got me back into the flow of gaming a little I'll probably buy most of the decent games that become available, which I guess will work out to 1 or 2 per month so maybe around 60/70 or so?
  22. As a huge Saturn fanboy I've started watching through that GB stream. I quite like watching the games but the discussion is a little bit distracting. It's basically Jeff (who admittedly I'm not a huge fan of anyway) talking about games and answering questions from the others, quite often incorrectly. I quite like the guy at the back, but the rest of them remind me of being at terrible industry parties that you just can't wait to get away from. I'll keep watching just to see if there is anything in there I'm not familiar with, but it's not easy.
  23. 3am Saturday morning for me, so I'll do my best. Have wanted to take part previously but timing made it difficult. I guess there's a good chance of some drunk-driving from me but that's all part of the fun.
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