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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Someone was talking about the Relationship Main Quest? Guys, that thing is glitched to buggery, requires the "Fancy Restaurant" Patch after every crash and you need all sorts of DLC like "shoes" "Jewellery" and "Trips Abroad". Then once you complete the "Wedding Day!" Questline, all the fun goes and you have to either restart the whole thing or settle into a bunch of boring Fetch Quests that give diminishing returns. Unless of course you download the "Mistress/Boytoy" Content Pack, but frankly, that's just as buggy and can end up crashing the game completely and take all your achievements with it.
  2. Well, meant you could instantly teleport yourself out of the situation that you had gotten yourself in if it was too much to handle. However, you could only "Mark" one location at a time. It was useful for making the game more of an experience. One of the main quests was given to you on the very South of the Vvardenfell Island, and then required you to walk all the way to the North, and then locate a well-hidden Ashlander Camp. It took about an hour or so, if you had a good athletics skill AND if you didn't stop to smell the roses along the way. And believe me, that was a big temptation. There were all kinds of Dwemer ruins, wizards towers, tombs and settlements along the way. Then the best thing to do was "Mark" the camp so you didn't have to traipse all the way back. Of course, you could have taken a boat to get near to where you wanted to be, but it was still a 30 minute trek. What gets me about Oblivion and Skyrim is that there are too many generic characters: in Morrowind, every single NPC - with the exception of the guards, had a name. So even the Necromancers in the Tombs were named. On one play through, you stumble into their hide-out and they attack. In another play through, the Imperial Cult sent you there to get them to give you directions to an amulet or statue they wanted. There were no "Necromancer Adept" or "Argonian" characters just wandering the world waiting to attack you. Everyone had a purpose.
  3. It's like a time machine to an era that we'd rather forget. And it appears there's a giant Shadow Man in the house that gets his kicks from nudging bottles of weak lemon drink off old-fashioned floor speakers. That's surreal.
  4. I paid a very limited amount of attention to the end of Voyager, and I've never re-watched it. In fact, Voyager was interesting as a whole for about 15 episodes during the 4th and 5th seasons, then I just couldn't pay any more attention to it, because it went back to the original state of affairs.
  5. Precisely why Morrowind was such a blast. It made the developers FILL the world, rather than just cobble it together. And I know I've said this before: Mark and Recall spells were awesome. I hate the way with fast travel you can only get to certain places /outside/ of your final destination. Oh great, a two minute loading screen.... and now, open the door to the castle... and another loading screen.
  6. The Defiant had Ablative Armour too, it was introduced in Way of the Warrior. That's one of the reasons DS9 was cool. The Defiant. It was too "Star Trek" in the first two series, but then from Series 3 and the continuing storyline underpinning it all was just awesome. I always say that Battlestar Galactica (RDM version) was the TV series DS9 wanted to be: strong character development, real test of moral standing and a thumping good plot line holding it together. Also, that battle in the Sacrifice of Angels, no other series ever got close to that. TNG was too holier-than-thou and Voyager was never ambitious enough to do it.
  7. Salient right there. This was something unlikely to ever really pass in its original form.
  8. That's a lucid argument and I can get behind it. The fact is, they have done this once, will they do it again? And why stop at 24 hours? They got what they wanted, and that empowers them. Empowered people begin to get the idea that they are right and everyone who opposes them is wrong.
  9. Hey, I just click "Paypal" and "5GBP" every now and then. I don't recall such a contract, mind you, I don't pay much attention to anything these days. I suppose you could say that when teachers, nurses and Firefighters strike, the taxpayer doesn't get a rebate either, but we can oppose their action on that basis anyway.
  10. Er... the seventies want their carpet back.
  11. As someone who donates to and edits Wikipedia, I'd object to that, and I'd consider that I do have a right to stop them.
  12. It's a deal. Actually no, my objection to this, and my reason for supporting Serebii in his assertions is that the content providers are using a disruption of service to strike fear into the general public and enact political change. While I support the opposition to the Bill, taking services away from people and saing "would you like to live in a world like this, hmmm?" is, in my book, terrorism. Admittedly, my book only has about seven pages and is mostly pictures of ducks drawn in crayon, but still. I feel the same way aout a lot of labour unions as well. By all means, have your gruntle removed, but don't make other people's lives difficult because that is what someone else has done to you.
  13. To be fair Serebii, I don't hink you're supposed to have ROMS at all...
  14. Agent Gibbs, I would quote you but sure 'twas a long post and it be a wee mite tough to edit on an iPad when your fingers are like big sexy bananas. Anyway, I respect your position, but I take issue with your comments on Bajorans. I think they were awesome, why? Because Trek never seemed to have any true spirituality to it, the Klingon religion was portrayed as savage and tribal, the Bajorans were a rich and culturally diverse race with a deep sense of their religion. They were not so two-dimensional as other races, and DS9 was the first of the modern series that gave us a real sense of continuity - not just with place, but characters as well. There was development in every single character throughout the series, everyone ended up a little older, a little wiser and a lot more damaged than they started. I felt the end was rushed, but it was still good closure. Compare that to the TNG and Voyager endings, and it was practically Shakespeare. At least, unlike TNG, it made some attempt to be sensible to the reality of the situation they had arrived at. Plus: Kai Winn. All the mostly-human "Monster of the Week" type characters were generally idealists that had gone wrong. Winn was the first truly fleshed out evil character that craved power for its own sake. She wanted the power so she could be powerful, not the she had made some error of moral judgement.
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong (but don't) but those things have always been legal grey areas anyway, yeah? I remember hearing as a child that you were not supposed to record football games on a VHS (ouch, my archaism) or in fact any other kind of TV show and keeping it for more than something like 3 days. Or was that just an urban myth with some ring of truth to it?
  16. Thing with innocent until proven guilty is... It's nice if someone is innocent, but when someone is obviously guilty, the temptation is to just... Carpe jugulum. Which is completely the wrong thing to do, of course. And the same problem is when people think they are doing the right thing. You admire their convictions, and their hearts are in the right place, but they need redirection, like a missile that has gone off course. That said, the world is full of terrible people, and you need a weapon equally terrible to deal with them.Guantanamo Bay is a horrible travesty of justice and a mockery of democracy, but if it's between that and a YouTube video of me getting my head cut off by a nutter in a tea-towel, then break out the orange jumpsuits and the shackles.
  17. I actually keep forgetting that you've got an interest in this, should a priori make you a better judge of things than the rest of us. I still object to the name, sounds too much like sofa and how are you supposed to take that seriously? Or maybe that's the idea... If there was a law forcing you to kill a beaver every second Thursday from March to June called the "Affection and Cuddles Resoration Act" I think it wouldn't be so bad.
  18. So educate, don't terrorise. Shutting down websites that people rely on in a form of protest really has no discernible effect other than inconveniencing the people who would be inconvenienced by them being shut down in the future. "Oh, look what would happen if this got through!" Yeah, and that makes you better than them how? You've just demonstrated that if something pisses you off, or your livelihood is threatened in any way, you're going to dig your heels in and go all Union on them. Where does this behaviour stop? You've done it once, there's nothing to stop you having another crack at it, especially as this seems to have worked. People have overreacted, way overreacted to this. They did not examine the facts or the situatin fully before they shot their mouths off, and that is precisely what they are protesting against.
  19. I don't know what this is, and nor do I care. But frankly, that acronym is far too close to "SOFA" for my liking, and I will not have something I love as dearly as my sofa rendered a term of abuse.
  20. Hey, disrespect the law and you disrespect me. My favourite drinking buddy! Let's get some mead!
  21. Let me guess: Someone stole your sweetroll?
  22. But damn the game, if it don't mean nothin'. *titter*
  23. He was talking about Fate. We don't get any continues, the wingmen that back us up are unreliable, you can't restart from a previous save....and cheating can really mess everything up and often ends the whole experience. Live life like there is no tomorrow, by all means, but prepare yourself for the terrible risk that the sun might rise again.
  24. That last one looks like some kind of cybernetic beetle spy thing. Anyway, I am starting to respect Pardew: he's kept a level head about the players, picked some got teams, chosen his transfers wisely and has overseen some thrilling matches. Like Hughton before him, I trust the man more than the Chairman behind him. Still, we are punching well above our weight, and I'm waiting for us to finish lower-mid table come the end of the season. EDIT: We signed somebody! Le Grand Signage, yo'.
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