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Everything posted by Dcubed

  1. The entire point of this retelling is to rewrite history into something totally new. Everything involving the whispers is a metacommentary on existing FF7 fans who don't want anything bastardised or changed (which will be interesting to see what happens when the cast inevitably prevent Aerith's intended death). As long as S-E don't attempt to bury the original game and refuse to let it continue to be re-released in the future. I have no issues with them doing whatever with this new FF7.
  2. Sephiroth is totally gonna whiff that down A and lose his final stock in spectacular fashion.
  3. The issue with any of the info that has been put out there regarding the hardware in Switch 2, is that the damn thing has been delayed for so long now; the hardware would almost certainly have changed completely since we started getting info in 2021-2022. I really doubt any of that old info would still be valid by now. And if it is? God help Nintendo for how old and outdated that hardware would be by the time it launches in 2024-2025.
  4. The Turok series is a great example of where you can tell the exact moment where the original development team left the company to go elsewhere (right after Turok Rage Wars and on to found Retro Studios). The difference between Turok 2 and everything else afterwards is stark.
  5. I don’t recognise anything from a previous Shinobi title. I’m pretty sure it’s all new.
  6. Memories have been available for a good few months now, though I hardly use it myself. Looking forward to those screen filters though! Can also confirm that the 8bitdo NeoGeo CD controller works like a champ now
  7. The Mana games are all real-time (with a pause when accessing your menu), and are more similar to Zelda than Tales of when it comes to combat and traversal gameplay.
  8. @Ike Analogue Pocket 1.2 firmware is out now… https://www.analogue.co/support/pocket/firmware/1.2 Well chuffed about the support for 8bitdo NeoGeo CD controller. Was very upset that it didn’t work before when I first got the controller! Firmware 2.0 (with screen filters for Open FPGA cores) is also due to come out later this month
  9. Are you suggesting it was a fix? Only certain types of games can possibly win GOTY awards. BG3 was the most fitting choice. Simple. Whether or not you feel that it deserves the award, there were only ever two possible choices (BG3 and TOTK), the other three were token gestures, as they never had a single hope. 2D games can't win, so Mario was always out, RE4 would never be chosen since it was a remake (could you even imagine the backlash if a remake won GOTY? How much of an indictment would that be on the industry as a whole!?), and Spiderman 2 winning as a movie license game (and a more-of-the-same sequel to boot) would be an insult to the industry as a whole. So your choice is between TOTK (a rather whimsical Nintendo game), or a gritty dungeons & dragons fantasy RPG. Gee, wonder which one that the critics will pick... I said all along that BG3 was the only viable winner. I don't even like TOTK, but anyone with a working brain should've seen this coming.
  10. Of course BG3 won the TGAs, it was the only game there that stood a chance. The rest are either in the wrong genre, would cause a ruckus for being a remake/licensed game, or are too whimsical.
  11. So... in that like 3 seconds of snippets of gameplay, it's a diablo-like? Could be interesting. Need to see more though (and by more, I mean GAMEPLAY, not stupid cutscenes!).
  12. As long as it's cloud based, I will continue to have zero interest in this thing.
  13. FUCK YEAH!! I love World of Goo! So that means that Little Inferno is now the only 2DBoy/Tomorrow Corporation game to not get a sequel... Clearly that means that Big Inferno is coming next!
  14. I am SO in! Hiroki Kikuta back for the soundtrack!? Say no more! Very interesting that they got Koichi Ishii back as well, if only in a supervisory role. Grezzo have been awfully quiet since they released the Miitopia HD remake in 2021...
  15. There are only 5 English language first party N64 games left to release... ... so if you count the Cruis'n games as extreme sports... maybe? 3rd party wise, only other options are Tony Hawks 1-3 (will never happen due to crazy licensing) and Snowboard Kids 1 & 2 (not impossible, but requires SEGA/Atlus to play ball).
  16. Please play like Dynamite Deka, Please play like Dynamite Deka, Please play like Dynamite Deka, Please play like Dynamite Deka, Please play like Dynamite Deka, Please play like Dynamite Deka, Please play like Dynamite Deka, Please play like Dynamite Deka, Please play like Dynamite Deka, Please play like Dynamite Deka, Please play like Dynamite Deka, Please play like Dynamite Deka...
  17. I bet that this is an online multiplayer game... given that one clip shows the player playing as the coppers chasing down a taxi, and multiple taxis seem to be in play... Could be decent, but I have the feeling that this is going to be the GAAS game that SEGA were apparently working on. So hard pass if that's the case . Shame. I love Crazy Taxi, but not like this...
  18. Looks promising. I wouldn't have expected them to go 3D with such a revival, given the complete disaster that was Beast Rider, but hopefully it's good.
  19. Interesting choice of art style. Not quite like the original, but I guess counterculture is the point here. Not really much to go off of, but hopefully it turns out good.
  20. Looks good. Let's hope it's... well, good!
  21. Couldn't have released any of them earlier throughout the year no? You know, instead of having a massive N64 drought and then just dumping everything right at the end? Ahh well. At least they've finally gotten through that initial promise now. Bring on Banjo Tooie, Diddy Kong Racing, Smash 64, DK64, CBFD, Killer Instinct Gold, Blast Corps, Mickey's Speedway USA and Perfect Dark
  22. I think we know who's making this game... @Glen-i
  23. Based on the logo and the open world looking landscape, it seems to be billing itself around Monster Hunter World's gameplay; rather than Rise's... Will be a hard pass if that's the case, as I did not like World at all, but at least it seems that Palamutes (or at least the new flying Griffen replacement for them) are here to stay for the series proper though I also would suspect that Sony have paid for it to not be made available for Switch 2 as well, given that they seem to have paid for the marketing rights to Wilds (and that they pulled this exact stunt with World before), so don't hold your breath for a Nintendo console version... ... at least it'll finally stop the mouthbreathing fanboys from screaming for Capcom to announce "Monster Hunter 6" already (Wilds is actually MH7).
  24. Bet he immediately threw the console/controller in the bin and said "why would anyone play this?"
  25. https://www.timeextension.com/features/ive-just-resurrected-this-zelda-scratch-card-game-from-1989?utm_campaign=promoted-articles&utm_medium=homepage-listing&utm_source=nintendolife.com Potentially of interest to @Cube
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