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Everything posted by Dcubed

  1. Cross game play is something that has already been done in several Wii U/3DS games (notable examples include Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Mii Maker and Sonic Lost World). Playing actual 3DS games on your TV though is not possible however. That being said though, Iwata has already said that the next Nintendo console and handheld after Wii U/3DS will share the same hardware architecture - meaning that playing your handheld games on your console natively could be done very easily
  2. Nah, can't be. No game blocks the web browser from being used while it's running and Miiverse is just a glorified web page using that same browser as a backend. Every single 3DS game allows framebuffer screenshot grabs and always has done ever since the console launched; it's just that the screenshots have been almost useless since they were only ever used within Game Notes and nothing else. So whatever screenshot blocking that they're using for Miiverse is clearly done server-side.
  3. Wha? really!? What happens when you try to go onto Miiverse then? Does it come up with an error message? Any idea what it says? I can imagine it blocking screenshots, but no Miiverse at all!? Edit: Nevermind, saw it on GoNintendo How bizzare... Mind you though, seemingly the Japanese version of Animal Crossing New Leaf required an update to use Miiverse, so maybe they'll do the same for MH4?
  4. Yeah, I can see where they're coming from (and I never expected them all at launch - hell they even said as much when it was announced!), but it's just such a small selection that it just leaves me feeling disappointed... I mean, come on! Not even MH4 has a community in Japan! Surely that would be the first game after Pokemon and ACNL that you'd get one up for!? I'm sure they're coming eventually, but even just giving us some sort of timeframe with rough release dates for the missing communities would make me feel much better about this.
  5. Good to see that on going games shouldn't have issues with missing communities, but they've still got a LONG way to go to fix the past... No community for Colours 3D or New Art Academy is positively criminal!
  6. Village = Wii U - Island = 3DS? I can digs it
  7. And there it is! Sayonara Umihara Kawase is getting a European release! Oddly enough, it's keeping its original Japanese title, rather than the English name (Yumi's Odd Odyssey) that Natsume gave it
  8. The first game from the second volume of SEGA 3D Classics has been revealed... ... It's Afterburner 2! (The arcade version!!!) http://archives.sega.jp/3d/ab2/index.html Good choice of game to start things off Oh and because they haven't been posted here yet, here's all of the English translated M2 interviews so far... Space Harrier 3D Super Hang On Sonic the Hedgehog 3D Altered Beast 3D Ecco the Dolphin 3D
  9. I bet that the 100 rings not granting you a life was a bug originally. It's such a bizarre change that I find it almost impossible to believe otherwise because they were practically useless without giving you lives.
  10. That's the part that makes it nice. I've bought a few download codes from GAME (got one for myself for Pikmin 3 when it got released early) and you get the full value of DDP points taken from the eShop RRP, despite paying less than the actual eShop price Makes some games quite a bit cheaper than their physical counterparts at time of release (SM3DW for instance would only cost £37.99 - while the physical version sells for £40+ online - Shopto are currently doing it for £39.99) Buying direct from the eShop is a total rip, but the download codes combined with the DDP can make the prices a LOT more competitive
  11. Calling it now, the mystery Streetpass Plaza update shows the NNID Nickname of the person you pass by, allowing you to jump straight to their Miiverse profile from Streepass Plaza
  12. Yup! Infinite transfers are go! Time to scour eBay for 3DS' with lots of download games to score...
  13. Feels good being able to localisation beg for 3DS games too now Overall, I'm pretty happy with it. It's a bit slow, but it does the job. I'm just disappointed that there are so few communities right now - just a paltry 23!? Not even any VC game communities!? The hidden real megaton is the removal of the 3DS system transfer limit. I can now swap my games around across my devices however the hell I want! (and also pick up digital games on the cheap via ebay/system transfers )
  14. Galaxy Force 2 3D will melt my eyes alive with its awesomeness! Can't wait!
  15. No option for the US 60hz version? Too bad NOE. You ALMOST had my money...
  16. OMG LOOOOL @ Cranky Kong! He looks hilariously boss! (And very reminiscent of Scrooge McDuck from the Ducktales games) Tier 1 Kong for sure! He is gonna sooo one-life-in-less-than-an-hour this mother! : peace: BTW, anyone who was honestly expecting them to show anything other than new DKCTF footage is about as smart as a monkey themselves :p
  17. That's cause they're NOT the way to go. Dedicated handhelds (at least the 3DS anyway) are still thriving. People still want quality games on handheld devices and are thankfully still willing to pay for them, despite the mobile race-to-the-bottom prices. Problem is that the media by and large don't care about handheld gaming and are quick to jump on the handheld-gaming-is-doomed narrative bandwagon, because it damages this sector's image. Execs looking for quick cash and a quick share price increase to appease pissed off investors are also looking at the App Store lotto winners with envy and wanting a piece of that same pie, despite the damage that it does to their brands. They're all thinking short-term; while a select few still gaze off into the long term and realise that dedicated handhelds still have a bright future
  18. Maybe not in the same form as with the Vita and PSP, but I do think they'll try again at least one more time next generation... Maybe as a tablet style device, maybe as a phone (with a phone less equvilent model ALA iPod Touch), but I don't see them giving up completely just yet... especially if the Vita does eventually get That-One-Game... (It could even be Minecraft itself! The only proper version of Minecraft on a handheld? Could be a system seller...)
  19. Today's niche could become tomorrow's mainstream. The console is capable of producing decent sales numbers for the 3rd party games that it does get in Japan (like Toukiden) and as long as it does so, it'll keep getting support from those same developers. None of us expect it to become the next 3DS, but it doesn't have to for it to be a worthwhile endeavour for Sony.
  20. Of course not! Vita is actually gaining a bit of traction now and has carved out a niche in Japan for itself at least (while in the west it's mainly an indie games machine with the occasional 1st party game). And of course, so long as it continues to chug away in Japan, there's always the chance of an out-of-nowhere game to come along and change its fortunes like Monster Hunter did for the PSP (hell it could even be an indie title that breaks out, like Minecraft did). So long as they keep supporting the system, they'll be set for any potential break-out scenario. Dumping it would do nothing for them or the Playstation brand though (in fact, dumping it would damage consumer confidence in Sony's capacity to support any future console that goes through a rough patch).
  21. But that would de-value their software and encourage people to just wait for their games to go free. That's exactly the kind of scenario they're trying to avoid! Nintendo have nothing to gain from this; not like Sony did.
  22. @Sheikah There's nothing wrong with PS+ - in fact, I think it's a great service for "light" gamers who don't buy all that many games or really care about building a large collection of games that they'll come back to years down the line. The point I was making is that Nintendo is not in a position where they can offer a similar service and that this kind of service would go against their business goals. Sony could do it because they saw the huge truckloads of cash that MS (as their most direct competitor) were raking in from XBL subs and wanted in on that income (and this was a good way to do just that) - Iwata however has continuously publically stated that they don't want to charge consumers to play online; though of course that doesn't mean that they aren't interested in other avenues of online payments & subscription (Iwata mentioned this before in a shareholder meeting last year) like you see with Wii Sports Club or Pokemon Bank. So something like PS+ simply doesn't fit in with Nintendo's way of doing business... It's not about it being good or bad, it just doesn't fit with what Nintendo wants to do, so it won't happen.
  23. Yeah, it was a very clever move and it seems to have worked very well. But what worked for Sony would not work for Nintendo because they have very different goals in mind. For Sony, it was always a Trojan Horse to get people to pay to play online, but Nintendo don't want to do that... So such a programme is of no use to them...
  24. It's funny that you have people screaming off the rooftops about how great value PS+ is when it was always just a means of getting PS3 owners ready for the concept of having to pay to play online games. Now you have legions of fans defending Sony's decision to charge for online play because they're "getting it for free" because they were paying for PS+ anyway - just as they originally hoped for when they started the programme in the first place Even if Nintendo wanted to implement a similar programme (which they wouldn't want to, because it devalues software and encourages people to "wait for it to go free on PS+" ), they couldn't without some sort of future ulterior motive that would subsidise the costs (both monitory and brand wise) involved. They don't want to implement a charge for online play, so they can't justify a similar programme. They don't want to devalue their software, so they can't justify a programme which actively discourages outright software purchases. They want everyone to get the same experience from the hardware, regardless of how they buy their games, so they don't want to implement a programme that would split their userbase. So it won't happen.
  25. Even without the S3D, the 3DS version would still decimate the iOS version by virtue of having the one thing that undeniably destroys the competition... :awesome:
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