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Everything posted by Dcubed

  1. How funny I should say that last week... As I said before, the infrastructure is already there if they wanted to do it, they just choose not to because of the costs involved with how they do their emulation for the VC. Next gen will be a different story though... BTW, on an unrelated topic; I've been on a GCN nostalgia fest over the last few days (MKDD!! and Pikmin 2 = ) and now I'm REALLY itching for GCN games to hit the Wii U VC! Hope they announce it sooner rather than later... I'm in the mood to see it happen RIGHT NOW!
  2. You are such a terrible liar! :p You're enjoying watching us squirm and suffer in wait for this dig to start aren't you?
  3. Poor is the understatement of the century! That d-pad was nigh on unusable! Utterly horrific! (never mind the myriad of other problems that controller has too, but GODDAMN! That D-pad! Holy shit! ) Thankfully the Xbone controller is a massive improvement on all fronts (and the D-pad on that is actually legitimately decent now! ) GCN controller is one of my faves too, but it doesn't work well for everything... 2D stuff in general isn't a good match for it, it's lacking 4 buttons in comparison to its contemporaries and the unusually shaped face buttons (while totally awesome for games that are designed around them) don't work well for the games that aren't designed specifically around the GCN controller. Ahem! I'll have you know that my Samsung 40D5000 TV was upper mid range when it first came out thank you very much! (I chose it primarily for its practically non-existent input lag really though :p ) Also I'm rocking my games on these sets of bad boys... ... So I'm not lacking for good thumping sound either! Only the best for my 8 bit soundtracks :awesome: Still... can't say no to that awesome Streetpass mode on the 3DS version
  4. Depends on how long the other games in this series take to be made and released in Japan... The last series was 8 games long and they've only released 3 in this series so far (Afterburner 2, Fantasy Zone and Outrun). The first series was released over a period of 9 months (December 2012-August 2013) and by this point last time they had already released 5 out of the 8 games... So probably not before the end of 2014 (more likely mid 2015...). I do reckon we'll see them localised quicker than last time, but I doubt we'll see them over here before year's end...
  5. Yay! I was hoping that they'd do that Now here's hoping that the Mii voices are just as retarded and hilarious as in MK Wii/8 and MG World Tour!
  6. As tempting as it is to go ahead and dig into the Steam release... I will resist! Shovelry requires only the finest quality dirt that can be found on Wii U and 3DS (yes I'm getting both versions). I will not muddy the waters with a dirty peasant version that would sully my excavation into this deep and glorious earthly wonder! Till that time comes, I must wait for the true versions to land... ok I'll stop now :p
  7. Last we heard from them about its status on Twitter, they said that it has been PEGI/USK/UK rated and it's in the process of getting localised/NOE Lotchecked. The one on Steam is probably English only.
  8. Paging @RedShell... Hope you're ready to KORG some more!
  9. Given the way Link looks in this game, I'd say that's debatable at best.
  10. Hey! Here's something that would no doubt interest @Serebii Game Freak's Quinty/Mendal Palace is getting a Wii U VC release in Japan! http://www.bandainamcogames.co.jp/cs/download/wiiu_virtual_console/ This will be the first time that this game has ever been re-released! Hopefully it heads westward as well... though it may be a bit more complicated here as Hudson (who are now owned by Konami) did the publishing duties over here originally...
  11. I always did want a 4 player version of Balloon Fight on the eShop. It would be total carnage!
  12. There's nothing technically stopping them from offering the same crossbuy deal as what Sony do... Nintendo just choose not to do it. In regards to VC crossbuy VS PS1 PSN Classics crossbuy, that IS different because of how the two services approach emulation (basically VC = per game emulation, while PS1 emulation = system wide - the latter is much more expensive to do than the former but is much more accurate as a result). Still, they could very well offer the same kind of offer if they wanted to, but I don't think it'll happen until the next generation where their handheld and console will both be sharing the same architecture derived from Wii U (making them both capable of running Wii U VC games as they are with no extra dev work required). Doing it now wouldn't be worth it to them because of the costs involved in developing the VC releases for each system seperately. There's nothing technically stopping them from offering the same crossbuy deal as what Sony do... Nintendo just choose not to do it. In regards to VC crossbuy VS PS1 PSN Classics crossbuy, that IS different because of how the two services approach emulation (basically VC = per game emulation, while PS1 emulation = system wide - the former is much more expensive to do than the latter but is much more accurate as a result). Still, they could very well offer the same kind of offer if they wanted to, but I don't think it'll happen until the next generation where their handheld and console will both be sharing the same architecture derived from Wii U (making them both capable of running Wii U VC games as they are with no extra dev work required). Doing it now wouldn't be worth it to them because of the costs involved in developing the VC releases for each system seperately. Still, if 3rd parties want to do it for their games, there should be nothing stopping them from doing so...
  13. Hopefully it is, but there is a decent chance that it isn't benign... Either way, he's very lucky they caught it early. Supposedly it's one of those types that is usually near impossible to find before it has already spread, so that's something worth celebrating at least
  14. Potential bile duct cancer!? Shit... That's really bad... He's extremely lucky that they caught it early, because the survival rate is very low (typically said to be around only 25-40% living beyond 5 years after it is found). There's a decent chance that it could come back again too. It's a very aggressive form of cancer... Even after having surgery for it, survival rates are still very low Even after this surgery, there's still a very good chance that Iwata wont survive for very long (and the stress he's under right now is not going to help either )
  15. Yeah, that it does. The guys at YCG really know how to edit!
  16. GODDAMMIT!! That trailer isn't making the wait any easier!
  17. Not sure if you already know this, but the entire SSW Trilogy is actually available right now on the Wii VC... (Wii Mode)
  18. They'll probably wait until this second series of 3D Classics is already done and then release them in one go over here, like last time.
  19. There's only one way that these Japanese 3rd party developers are going and it's towards mobile. Surely enough, you'll see their console & handheld efforts dwindle away into nothingness. Sure you might see a few games from them that are funded by the likes of Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft for their respective machines, but eventually they'll all get sucked in by the mobile monster...
  20. Fantastic game! The lack of multiplayer does take a big chunk away from it's appeal, but it's still a great game Miiverse will be great for sharing those high scores on the training minigames
  21. If that's the case, then why didn't the DS, GBA or the original GB/GBC get any significant western support outside of smaller devs like Wayforward or throwaway shovelware from the larger studios either?
  22. I don't really have the patience (or the ability to memorise all those item placements!) to do 100% in 90mins, but I was pretty proud of this one at least... :awesome:
  23. Yes, EU codes are region free within the EU... HOWEVER... There is an exception... for games that are released in each language separately (i.e not Multi5); those games' respective codes will only get you that specific language version (The only ones I know of that do this are the two Layton games on 3DS and Link's Awakening VC, but it's still something you should keep in mind...) By and large though, those codes should work just fine on any EU 3DS/Wii U
  24. Yeah I liked that as well and I also liked the new and unique level types they introduced as well like the circus levels and the traditional Japanese style level. Still, SM3DL did that as well, so it's not the first time that they've ditched the idea of themed worlds. I just feel that the gameplay format was done better in SM3DL than its sequel
  25. So I finally "beat" the game (i.e Seen the credits, not 100%ed the game yet) and... I still feel that it's underwhelming as a whole. Don't get me wrong, it's a brilliant game, simply a joy to play, but I can't help but feel that it's missing something. Despite being more fleshed out, I still enjoyed SM3DL much more than this... Maybe it's because it doesn't have that one defining concept that unifies everything together. Like how Mario Sunshine was all about the FLUDD, Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 were all about gravity manipulation & the spherical planetoids and how SM3DL was all about the THREEDEE!!! This game in comparison doesn't have that one defining quality and is instead a mishmash of all different concepts without That-One-Thing to bring it all together (the multiplayer is the closest thing, but even that is basically an alternate take on the form of multiplayer that NSMB Wii pioneered). I reckon that's probably what holds it back in my mind I've been playing it on and off and have been enjoying it, but I've not felt compelled to dig deep into it like most past Mario games. It's odd Edit: Going back and replaying the first two worlds of SM3DL also reminded me of something I hadn't really taken notice of while playing SM3DW... The levels in SM3DW are much longer than its predecessor... (To compare the first levels of each game, my best time for SM3DW's 1-1 is 59 seconds, while the SM3DL equivilent is 39... The former is around 1/3 longer; and the gap only widens as the game goes on). I think that SM3DL's levels are better paced than those in SM3DW. They're also much better fit for speed running too (never forget that level in World 7 where, if you're clever, you can make a jump that allows you to skip almost the entire level ); the world map is also indicative of this as you get into levels much quicker in SM3DL. While I wouldn't say that SM3DW's levels outstayed their welcome, or that the levels didn't have enough fresh and incentive ideas to justify the added length, I do feel that the added length takes away from the rapid fire pace that I enjoyed so much in SM3DL. I feel that this format of 3D Mario gameplay works better in short form than when it is stretched out. As an aside, going back and playing through SM3DL also really reminded me of how well each level really takes advantage of the S3D too! Going in and out of the screen, the top-down platforming levels, the big vertigo inducing drops, the perspective puzzle rooms... It really goes to town in that respect! SM3DW on the other hand only uses the Gamepad for a few specific levels (and even then, it's reletively minor and basic touch screen stuff). Outside of the Captain Toad levels (which were probably the best levels in the game - the fact that they're getting expanded into an entire game of their own tells you enough about that!), it basically goes unused... A big missed opportunity, especially coming from a series of games that always made fantastic use of each respective console's unique control functionality and made a point about it to boot! Yeah, SM3DL is the better game, for sure. For all the great new ideas and gameplay concepts it brings to the table as a Lost Levels/SMG2 style sequel to SM3DL, I feel that it also misses the point that its predecessor was making. Sometimes, less is more...
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