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Everything posted by Smowza

  1. from what i can gather you'd have to up till 2:00AM if you wanted to know what was going on as it happens. (thursday morning)
  2. Well you've all confused me now What time are these events on in UK time and how long are the sheduled to last?
  3. i can't help getting my hopes up... i always do this damn it! I just want too many things grrrr Price Release dates final console, Wii-mote & shell design Movies or pictures of Wii's OS Pictures of how the shell attactches to the Wii-mote (if it does!) Confirmation of component out cable New games New movies of games we know about like red steel, mario galaxy and SSB Brawl
  4. no offense but why would they lock it just going by what you say? Give proof and i'm sure it will get locked in no time.
  5. we got a poster at work for our staff room... all it said was get ready for a new product from Apple, it will be announced on the 12th.
  6. i work for argos, they know nothing about the Wii launch or price etc. their games section is mainly based at people who are buying a console and games... not people who want all the new releases straight away (Argos would never sell any consoles if they didn't have games for them). However, they do get most of the popular games in (for the popular consoles that is). The're just not in the catalogue which is printed 5 months before it's even due to come out. Gamecube was dropped ages ago but nintendo made a deal with them to keep stocking it, but we rarley sell one and never get any new games in for it can't really blame them, i blame nintendo and dumbass casual gamers for that. oh and btw, Argos beat everybody when it comes to ps2 and gameboy (ds too i think but i'm not 100% sure on that one) hardware sales.
  7. well i dunno if that was sarcastic or not but meh. i only speak the truth. seriously thou, if Wii turned out to be pants then i guess my 360 and DS would get all my attention in terms of gaming. i already enjoy them both anyways.
  8. dunno really...... maybe have sex with my girlfriend to cheer me up
  9. What would you do if Wii turned out to be crap?
  10. because it's not going to be sat in a shop for over a month before it launches, think late oct but probably early nov as launch window so therefore mid oct at the earliest for demo pods.... your setting yourself up for a big let down if you think it'll be any sooner.
  11. I too think the 10th of November is launch day.... on a side note, i keep getting kids coming into my shop and asking when the ps3 is out, it really gets on my nerves! how can kids or even parents afford a ps3?? it's madness if it sells out (which it will grrr)
  12. Do you really think that?? Sorry, but your mad if you do. Think mid/late october and you'd be more on the mark.
  13. mid september?? are you serious?? :shock:
  14. the large Wii screen is no way 16:9, i know about perspective and conzer16 made a point with the small screen above it.
  15. the second screen might show the player how to play maybe? it look real enough, but why does the Wii screen have 4:3 when all the tv's the Wii has been shown on have been 16:9 haven't they?
  16. I was in a long term relationship from the age of 17 to 22. It finally ended a year and a half ago I should have ended it a long time before that but thats what happens when you get stuck in a rut and you spend more time with your other half's family than your own, i just couldn't imagine not being a part of her family anymore. But then i got to know my current girlfriend, Charlie (short for Charlotte)... we just clicked we were both in relationships and both ended them to be with each other, she is my best friend and as a bonus she is absolutely stunning :awesome: we are hopefully getting a house shortly after christmas and i plan on proposing around that time too. Charlie + Wii + House = HEAVEN Sorry if i made any of you throw up btw guys
  17. i'm not even going to dignify that with a response.....
  18. i say it's fake mainly because reggie would have the brains to shred an important document like that rather than dump it in a bin.
  19. It's fake but it's not done with a photoshop filter.... why would anyone bother with that when they could just print->crumple->scan. Btw the reason the crumples are in the same places on each piece is because they would have been together when crumpled up.
  20. Wii has no 5.1 decoder so having an optical out is a little pointless isn't it? i just want component out with the audio seperate so i can plug it straight into my amp (hopefully they will sell this seperatly).... but we all know it will just come with a standard scart (like the cube) packaged in the box.
  21. we had a countdown clock in our store for the cube. It was weird when it went to zero and started all over again. Countdown clocks in shops are a great idea thou
  22. I've had the exact same problem..... everytime i try the media test it fails on the pc bit. I over come the problem thou, i just ignored the test and tried to stream music... the 360 found the computer no problem then..... very strange!
  23. AA batteries are the way to go... i have a wireless 360 controller and am really happy with AA's. I just have some on charge while i'm playing, they last a while anyway if you get some good rechargables like these which come with a fast charger http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/9804733.htm i'm sure there are cheaper ones too, why bother with a battery like the DS??
  24. If this is around the price then i'm not surprised.... i've posted before that i thought it would be around £160 - £180. That price range is fine by me, but i do think it should come with either the classic controller (or light gun attachment) or some VC game downloads for free... i miss nice bundles like the good old days of the NES and SNES.
  25. is it really bad?? i was thinkin of picking this up as i love Ace combat games.... may have to pass i guess also, i'm up for a game of halo 2 but i'm pretty crap
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