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Everything posted by Smowza

  1. but ipod sounds fine thou! Wii (as in 'we') sounds rubbish, just think of the adverts when they say the name, 'only for nintendo we' uurrggghhhhh no thankyou
  2. quite scary how i wrote Nintendo V without reading your post.
  3. i always liked N5... even Nintendo V would have been better than Wii!!
  4. i hope this is all part of the game/puzzle that iwata said they would play. I really think i will never like the name.
  5. Wii might be fairly good looking but when you say it the way they want you to it just sounds BAD.... really bad
  6. i would rather they just called it i, Move, 5, Next or Evo. Anything but Wii
  7. i can tell you right now why they revealed the name now and not at e3. All of the audience would laugh or be completly silent... it would not be good in the kodak theatre of all places
  8. i get what they are trying to do with the name. Wii just like ipod is a funny name. But Wii just sounds bad! CHANGE IT NINTENDO, PLEASE!
  9. i promise you i actually did not realise the joke i my post, only when i read your ba dum bit did i get it i'm ashamed of myself
  10. cheers for that... was cluching at straws hoping it meant something better than 'good' in japanese i came straight onto the forums without knowing the news... i knew something was up when i saw the fact that 92 people were on the revo board! never thought it would be bad news
  11. i dont normally care about names for a console but this really takes the piss. does 'Wii' mean anything in japanese?
  12. please let this be nintendo playing with our minds...... the name sounds awfull and will only make it harder for it to compete with 360 and ps3... what the hell is wrong with N5 or REVO????? ps3 or ps2 are hardly universal! but they work!
  13. I think i still have x-com on the original playstation what a game! (a group of fans have been making a remake for a few years now). i quite enjoyed a game called 'Metal marines' - wouldn't mind playing that again Also i want a finished starfox 2 on the snes please... it's in rom form on the net but from what i've played it's not complete Games i will/might download on VC: Super mario kart (NSTC speed please) Link to the past Mario 1, 3 and world Yoshi's island Starfox (was it starwing here in UK?) Super Street fighter 2 MT punch out Duck Hunt Goldeneye (i can always hope anyway) Tetris Attack Sonic games (2D ones) Chrono trigger
  14. CVG have just jumped on the insider/close source confirmation band wagon http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=138589
  15. can't help but try and figure that out now GRRRRR and i'm not even 100% convinced your an insider!
  16. maybe in the dev kit controllers (the ones connected by ethernet type connector) there is no rumble in the nunchuck and it has just gyro and circuits etc..... but maybe in the final release they have the circuits in the part that plugs into the revmote (the strange large plug) to allow the rumble and gyro things to fit into the nunchuck? prob a stupid suggestion so no flaming please
  17. i really hope this turns out to be true, then a lightsaber game really can be implemented quite easily. mouse look with nunchuk thing, sword/lightsaber/gun aim with the revmote
  18. i was just curious, i know the nano is far simpler and it isn't really that irrelevant as the nano ram order shows people [who have no idea of production times] the time it takes for a simple product to be completed etc.
  19. how long before the nano was out did apple order the ram (just curious)?
  20. November is looking more likley now then. Anyone know when GC's mem chips were ordered?
  21. no i'm not saying that at all. i am only talking about the brightness or contrast between the pictures. scanning a mag picture can make any image look worse than if you just take a pic with a digi cam. Those scans are too red, simple as
  22. Cheers for comparison retro_link.. thats what i was meaning, can someone adjust the scans like the other pic was done?
  23. yeah but thats the prob when you scan some things in (and it depends on how good the magazine paper is)... thats why i want to see them cleaned up a bit, at the mo they are a bit too red in colour
  24. just seen the full scans of Red Steel, could the person who cleaned up the first shots (forgot who it was and can't be bother to look at all 38 pages of this beast thread) clean up the full scans please? (think it was contrast or something like that changed) : peace:
  25. First i want to point out that i dont give a damn about specs. But for those who are interested (based on ign specs): Rev has 1.5 times more powerfull CPU than GC > xbox cpu multiplied by 1.5 = 1099Mhz (previously 733Mhz) Rev has 1.5 times more powerfull GFX than GC > xbox gfx multiplied by 1.5 = 349Mhz (previously 233Mhz) GC was roughly on par with the original xbox, so thats what spec original xbox your looking at. Saying the rev is just an xbox spec wise is stupid
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