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Everything posted by Smowza

  1. some screens would have been nice, or a new vid of zelda since it's been delayed for what seems like an eternity
  2. dark and light beams were just plain crap... nothing about them was good. too right get rid of them, and the whole light and dark worlds too. They were just another way of making the game longer without doing all that much if you ask me
  3. maybe they want less lag.... or the ds just isn't capable (power wise) of online play with voice?
  4. is that it?? 45 minutes speech and thats all we get?
  5. i voted snes (mariokart, mario world and many more) but n64 came a close second (perfect dark was the best multiplayer fps ever)
  6. well one things certain... i wont miss the old mag, it was just embarrasing to read and buy
  7. i would say the best controls would be with the nun-chuck thing... but i have a feeling that nintendo will want to go with just the freehand controller.
  8. after what nintendo power said about reggie's speech today... i'm looking forward to it any news is better than nothing.
  9. well the rev already has a dock/stand... so a smaller version of that maybe?
  10. i'm sure the controls will be great.. i just hope you dont have ammo like in prime 2, that was just annoying!
  11. i'm sure i read somewhere that it is easy to reach the bottom buttons a + b (or maybe they will turn out to be x + y)
  12. whats so funny? looks like prototype designs
  13. thats right! sly dogs Rare giving a watch a lightsabre
  14. how is a cutting beam a lightsabre??? a lightsabre is about 1-1.5m in length , can be used like a sword and can deflect lasers. A beam is infinite in length and cannot be used like a sword or deflect lasers...... anyway, it's just an idea!!! : peace:
  15. The biggest advance the revo can give to the prime series in my view is the free hand control, getting rid of the slightly overly simple lock-on system.. it would just add more skill and involvment to the game P.S. the cutting beam could also be used as a way to enter more areas, like cutting through a wall etc (if it's made of a certain type of substance maybe)
  16. **posted this on Gamespot forums, wonder what u all thought : peace: ** they've already done light and dark beams, flame and ice... whats next?? I reckon one other beam they could make is a cutting beam (like a laser etc). The revo controller would be ideal for this! I imagine fighting one boss where you have to cut key points to make it's armor fall off and reveal it's vulnerable core.... what do you think? :awesome:
  17. My gut feeling is Blu Ray is going to be the next 'Beta Max' in terms of movies etc. I just think that people already know the name DVD and then they go and buy a HD tv so then they just look for HD-DVD makes more sense!... thats if they want to fork out more for another movie collection. Seems like Sony are trying to force Blu Ray through everyone throats with PS3
  18. I too have a 360 (got 2 premiums for just less than £500 and sold one on ebay for £480 lol)... so that takes care of GTA (if it comes to 360) and you do have a point with metal gear.... so that makes Ace Combat, which i can live without.
  19. i will only get a ps3 when they go down in price. Thats if i get one at all. GTA is losing it's appeal and the only other games i might want are MGS4 and Ace Combat.... not enough to warrant buying a new system really
  20. hands are photoshopped red to match nintendo logo arn't they?
  21. wonder what the free gifts will be like.... i can only dream that it would be something mariokart related
  22. lord i hope not.... for too long now nintendo fans have been stuck with a kiddy and embarrasing official magazine, time for a revolutionary look i think
  23. i thought nintendo already said something about demo pods? something like it wasnt suited to be experienced on a demo pod. If they do decide on having the rev in demo pods then i hope they make a better job of it than they did with gamecube, they looked cheap and nasty (apart from the blue lighting).... most of the people who i worked with commented on how the cube was kiddy and never played it even when the shop was closed! er.. rogue leader kiddy??? madness
  24. I'm currently trying to link my pc to my xbox 360, but it just wont work!!! grrr My pc is connected to the internet via a usb wireless adapter (only working phone socket is downstairs) which goes with my wireless adsl router/gateway downstairs. i try to connect my xbox to my mobo's network port but then i realised i would prob need a crossover cable. so instead i connected my pc and xbox to a spare hub i have. Using windows media connect my pc can see my 360. but my 360 fails to find my pc and wont get passed the ip test. If i set my lan network connection to find ip etc automatically it never aqquires an address and once enabled my connection to the internet just falls. I've tried and tried but to no avail... please can someone help me!!!
  25. mario kart rev could control like this: (only one of my ideas btw) Steering is done just like normal with the nun chuk add-on Accelerate - 'A' button Jump - z1 or maybe z2 (whichever is more comfy) Brake - not really thought of as i dont use it in mario kart, could use the z button that is not used to jump Use Item/throw etc - Now come the interesting bit. Mario kart has always been fire this straight ahead or drop it behind etc... but with the rev it is now possible to add more skill to the mix. lets say you have a green shell, a pretty limited item normally but with the rev controller you could bring out the green shell with the 'B' (trigger) button, to fire it you just release the button, but... flick the controller left and release could make you launch it left at a player to your side. Flick the controller towards you and you drop or fire it behind you etc. Now the limited green shells become very handy with a skilled player.
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