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Everything posted by Smowza

  1. 5:30 uk time...... when i'm back at work i'm going to destroy some sony products for fun.. the dirty bastards oh and i disagree
  2. lol hamburgler.... can't stop laughing at the image in my head now
  3. if i still owned my psp it would be out the window by now, that little fat jap guys face needs reggies fist in it right now!!!!!
  4. you know what really annoys me...... I'M LOOKING AT A SONY MONITOR RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (sorry for the caps btw)
  5. don't even try to justify sony for this.... dont
  6. i'm so tempted to destroy my ps2... dare me people, dare me
  7. the guy playing it was crap. probably not even his fault due to the shitty motion sensing. oh and it does NOT detect where it is in 3d space
  8. your blind or just stupid then. the lag was definatly there
  9. That made me fucking piss myself... gave me a nice break from the rage!!!! Although i have to point out people... look at the conference video, the lag on the rip off controller was big imo
  10. i reckon the $250 would translate to £200 minimum over here in the taxed heavy UK (still fine by me thou). Can't believe no MP:3 for launch
  11. so it's 1 day, 1 hour and 30 mins before the internet dies then. ''Love that fresh smell of MOAB in the mornin'' (i really have played C&C generals too much)
  12. i loved the jedi knight games but thought the control of the lightsaber was a let down... with the Wii it could be sooo sweeeet ***droool**
  13. only thing i'm hearing about the big secret right now is sensors you put on your body.... adding to the immersive experience. The guy also says the conference will last well over 2 hours. i for one don't believe any of it
  14. I'll be pre-ordering from gameplay i think.... but the potential of delay in the post puts me off.
  15. Buying launch night if i can! If not i'll be there bright and early to get one. Still not decided between white and black thou grrrr. Console, Shell, dvd dongle, component cable?, 2-3 games and maybe an extra controller with nunchuck
  16. no it was CG, thats why they had to stop showing it. Even thou by the time they stopped it loads of people (mostly casual gamers from my exp) thought it was in game
  17. it's funny how they praise the system and then dont give it lots of support, unless e3 proves me wrong *starts praying*). I notice the THQ guy said it's costs between a quater and a half of the dev costs of the ps3 and 360... i hope that doesn't mean they only put between a quater and a half of effort into developing for Wii.
  18. i want Wii to be as successfull as it can be and that means lots of good games, august time would be too soon for that i think. Nov or Dec (europe) would probably be better even thou i want it now god damn it!
  19. (i'm a little drunk btw) what in the name of zueses butt hole is this video he talked about (the one he said was already out months before or something)???
  20. dont think there was any need for the attitude before but meh. I was actually wondering how precise you can be with the nunchuck gyro type tech. Dodging and puching dont seem to answer the question really, i wouldn't call them precise movements. is that ok for me to ask??
  21. In the EA interview they only state it is used for dodging, does that mean it wouldn't be that good for a mouse look type control etc? (i know very little about these accelermeter things as you can tell)
  22. there goes all hope for Wii haters then. Unless they are really being mean by taking the viral marketing way to far lol
  23. this has been said in other posts before, but seeing as there are so many new posts out there i dont blame you for making a topic. I guess we will have to wait and see if the trademark goes throu in the next few days. I too am open to the theory of viral marketing by the big N. After all, they did say they would play a game/puzzle with us.
  24. Sometimes i like the name, sometimes i still shudder (mainly when i say it out loud). It's still growing on me thou... just very slowly
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