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Everything posted by Smowza

  1. whats stopping you from saying? let me guess... your worried about losing your job because your identity would be 'traced'
  2. random but meh: GBA released (march 2001) 3 years later DS released (November 2004) 3 years later? ?????????????????????? what do you think the chances are?
  3. **big time BUMP** I'm in agreement with Fierce_LiNk's new thread, lets get some excitment drummed up.. E3 is nearly here! opk it's not your old style E3 but at least there is going to be conferences, news, loads of videos etc etc this is good stuff people!
  4. lol.... 'it's ok thou, cuz i was gonna get rid of it!' gotta love bad boys 1. I have 12,000 stars...... i wonder how many Wii points it would get me..... 120?
  5. i checked at work again and the pink colour is called 'pearl pink', is the pink ds colour called that? not that i'm interested in pink mind you.
  6. Boobs look so much nicer :wink: nice ones that is.....
  7. not at the mo no, i have a feeling they will be like the ds lite colours
  8. I posted this news today, no pictures of them obviously but they are coming. Blue + Pink http://gonintendo.com/?p=19008#comment-1590050
  9. My cheesy but true first answer has got to be my girlfriend After looking at some of those pictures my non soppy answer has to be space (but my woman still takes top spot! )
  10. A HDD for Wii dosen't really interest me, i just want more good games please..... Wii really needs a killer FPS with excellent online options and a perfected control scheme etc. I hope e3 brings some exciting news.
  11. Super curcuit was a great game, it comes close to the snes one for me. My only problem is when i went back to playing it a while ago, i couldn't get used to the frame rate i was in heaven when it first came out thou :awesome:
  12. not when i played it, i don't think there was any call for the 'ha'
  13. i would say the original mariokart was the best gameplay wise (obviously not best multiplayer thou), 64 started the trend of making mushrooms pants and the annoying waggle sliding... plus it wasn't very fast IMO that is : peace:
  14. MarioKart DS had it's charms but it was too slow just like most previous mariokarts, I agree that the items need to be looked at with regard to distance ahead and i don't think there is any need to have loads of rubbish karts this time. Oh and i really wish they stopped the whole waggle left and right to get a mini boost, i have always hated that. I suppose it could be like the arcade version, i only played that once and i can't remember it being that good but then it was my first try at MK with a steering wheel. I think the arcade version brought back coins thou didn't it??
  15. zelda next year lol..... i'm sure they have been working on mariokart Wii for some time now, i dont expect it this year but i wouldn't complain!
  16. My summer plans: Have lots of rude time with my girlfriend Playing Phantom Hourglass (if it's out!) or any other must have game Drink lots of beer & have as many BBQ's as possible Work I hope that keeps me away from the dreaded Big Brother
  17. When i ask myself 'What part of e3 do i look forward to most?' i have to say the conferences, now am i correct in thinking that they havent changed?
  18. 200cc mode, I pray for the day! how much chance is there of it happening thou?
  19. I'd be fairly happy with excite truck controls if it were a super fast game and not like double dash which was slow as balls imo, but nintendo seem to like mariokart to appeal to young gamers so it will probably be slow Fast, Wiimote aiming, mushroom like in snes MK, no snaking = Great Mariokart = happy Smowza
  20. Am i the only person to not like the whole excite truck controls thing? i'd like traditional controls for steering with the ability to aim and actually throw shells/items with the Wiimote, but maybe thats stupid
  21. Maybe it is early m8 but i only meant announcement meaning a DS2 out in something like a year or so. I have to say thou, what 'big' Nintendo games are yet to come out for DS? i struggle to think of any if you don't count Phantom Hourglass.
  22. The gba is all but dead (it's done well bless it), if you look back at the DS it was an addition to the handheld market. People could still play gba games on it so it had firm foundations already. Now that gba is no longer 'big' the DS is going to be all alone in terms of Nintendo handhelds. I don't believe Nintendo will want this to happen especially with the PSP (+ possible PSP redesign coming soon) on the scene. IMO now or very soon would be a good time to transform the original DS into the foundations of a 'DS2' system just like the gba was to DS, it would continue the winning formula Nintendo used for the orignal DS. I for one would welcome a new DS I could be wrong, would a 'DS2' kill the original DS? or would it strengthen the DS brand? (PS1 did well after PS2 came out, didn't it?)
  23. I'm kind of mixed about e3 this time around. The last e3 was great but that was due to the fact that the Wii wasn't out yet. When i think of nintendo showing new versions of games like Mariokart and Zelda i always get excited but when you look back each of those games have been big jumps in terms of gfx (mariokart is a prime example) but now when i think of what the next Mariokart will be like i just have this image of it looking like double dash. I want a graphically stunning mariokart please nintendo, just like mario galaxy is stunning but will it happen? probably not It would be nice if nintendo announced some new hardware like maybe DS2
  24. I don't really get this new E3, will it be a bunch of demo's and interviews? video presentations? or am i way off? Will we get live updates of any revelations or will it be end of day updates?
  25. I would love the rumour to be true, i doubt it will be thou. None of it seems too far fetched to me (well maybe the part about downloadable content for metroid due to Wii's lack of HDD), the Zelda part is believable to me!
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