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Everything posted by peterl0

  1. I was also very curious about how much they would put one out for. When it was first announced (and before I really thought about the realities) I had dreams of 4 of them together and it would be good for local multi-player. Thinking of something like: Smash brothers where the gamepad screen gives you a close up view of the action for focused fighting. Super Mario 3D World (but more exploration based) where there is no limitation of everyone being together. Star fox dogfighting with independent screens. (Or Nintendoland metroid with everyone in ships.) I realise now that this would not be possible from a technical front (where it seems even that having different content on a single screen appears to be a struggle), and that online could be used to make most of the games I refer to.
  2. Yeah I think it probably was - the quality of the game would have to be compromised even further to manage the streaming to two screens. Plus it would require you to be rich or have a local friend with a Wii U. Both quite rare occurrences. :wink: EDIT: I wonder how much of a kick in the teeth it was to Nintendo when the first word that came out of most peoples mouths when they saw the Wii U was something along the lines of: 'Cool, can we have two of them?' They had just spent countless R&D hours perfecting the streaming to one and then they were asked for two. Please look at our asynchronous gaming....
  3. I agree the pause is not so much of a problem, but where you have an interactive map (Xenoblade X springs to mind) I don't like touchpads as mouse pointers. The stylus/touch screen can really help there. (I haven't used the track pad, but I am guessing it is similar to the Apple TV gen 4 controller.)
  4. I feel like it should be pointed out that Sony are doing different things in terms of controllers and user interaction - PSVR. Its the same sort of desire, just a higher technology approach. The difference is that they are not insisting people get one out of the gate, they are relying on the coolness of the device to sell the numbers it needs to. If you do that though, you obviously risk splitting the user base. Nintendo could not have done this with the gamepad because it would (probably) not have sold well enough to get even their own support. I guess that should have been enough warning out of the gate. If they change up the controller again this generation it needs to be cheap - like the wiimote, or expensive and optional like PSVR. Hopefully then they won't have too much of an underpowered console.
  5. Cheers, another great read. It really highlighted for me that if Nintendo are going to bet big for a peripheral or controller this generation then they should be damn sure they really know how to make it essential to the games. As you pointed out, Sony had some innovations on the DS4, but they were presumably relatively cheap to add in and so it did not really matter when few devs used them.
  6. Although it was a bit flaky to start with, all of my Wii U updates have downloaded in sleep mode for the last year or so.
  7. I was hoping to be able to download the lost reavers demo to my Wii U - but it seems you can't do that. Not sure if it is because it is a beta, not out yet or because it never will be made available. You can do it with Yoshi's Story already, so it cannot be time related. You can also do it for Runbow and Star Sky 2. Just because it is a beta then? Nintendo
  8. If you have an out of 5 score then I don't see the problem with 100%. It covers a range after all. I would have rated the original Avengers that. Of most of the marvel films I would agree (with what @Daft says) but I got the same enjoyment out of the original Avengers and GoG on repeat watchings. Both of the two reviews make convincing cases for their scores I would say. It is, after all, just as easy to undermine a review for it being too positive.
  9. I don't know is that is the case that is it is the most accurate. From the IGN review it just seems like things in the film bummed him out. For him the Winter solider was the best film and this did not live up to it. The more positive reviews, such as Empire's seemed to genuinely think this is the best Marvel film. If that is the case then I don't feel like the top mark is inappropriate.
  10. I concur. Brilliant article, and it genuinely surprised me that there are so many Wii U third party games available, its just the quality that is the problem.
  11. http://www.gonintendo.com/stories/255780-miitomo-4-million-downloads-1-million-daily-users-280k-made
  12. Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition. Three games of Fire Emblem goodness in one - can't wait. Legend or Zelda Wii U. If it comes out this year.
  13. Cheapest place is probably: http://www.thegamecollection.net/star-fox-zero-wii-u.html As long as you don't mind ordering it from them.
  14. So, when is the review embargo up? Does someone at n-e have the game ready for review? I have been looking around the web for anything pertaining to whether Star Fox Guard is going to be an abomination and very few people seem to have even played it. There are also very few videos. Probably should cancel the first print edition I have pre-ordered, as the game is 20 quid less on the game collection, but something in me is holding on.
  15. If only they had known about mobile when they developed the Wii U, then eh?
  16. Interesting point - could an NFC enabled mobile device read an Amiibo? A possible goldmine for Nintendo there when the sales start to flag perhaps.
  17. Despite only knowing one way to play the game, I have to say I agree.
  18. So I have finished chapters 5 and 6 now and in so doing finished the game.
  19. I could do with a new online game. It would be good if this was it, but somehow I doubt it will be.
  20. Fates special edition with extra coin is now up on the Nintendo UK store: http://store.nintendo.co.uk/games-3ds/fire-emblem-fates-limited-edition/11264774.html Get it while you can and cancel those GAME orders. Free coin tat!
  21. Just edited - yes probably. Have you played any other game in the series? If you have and liked it, or if you like Advance Wars, I don't think you can go too far wrong.
  22. I am a long term Fire Emblem fan and have played all of them through to completion. Fire Emblem is the best by quite a distance in terms of plot mechanics and just general game play, but it is quite hard. There is no ability to level up your characters without taking a risk at the arena. Probably the best Fire Emblem for me until the 3DS game. The story is a prequel to the Fire Emblem of Roy (which was not released outside of Japan) involving his parents- if that sort of thing interests you. Sacred Stones does not have quite as good story and does not have quite as many secrets as the original, but does have out of level support missions that you can use to grind up your characters if you are struggling. Shadow Dragon is OK (it is still a Fire Emblem game), but I felt that it suffers in terms of story and mechanics from being originally a NES game. It really shows through. All have permadeath only because that was the only option back in the day. Should also say that each game gives you about 25-30 maps in the core game, plus a few extras and should take about the same number of hours, give or take, to complete. If you get into it, all will be very good value for money.
  23. I tried to register my children's Nintendo Network IDs and found that you have to be at least 13 to have an account and you need parental permission to have an account from 13 to 18. (I was hoping to get them Flipnote 3D for their 3DS's.) 13 seems sensible for Miitomo because that is the age for social media generally - but does this point to an interesting wrinkle in for possible cross buy/accounts linked to machines in the future? If children can't have a mynintendo account then presumably they will need to keep the Nintendo Network ID around permanently. If they do that will they continue with arcane account systems into the NX?
  24. I must be missing something - why get a digital release when the physical version is cheaper at the game collection (under 30) and shopto (32.85)?
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