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Everything posted by peterl0

  1. Isn't that event for Wii Sports Resort for the Wii rather than Wii Sports Club on the Wii U?
  2. I find it very weird that video games are held to a stricter standard than films for this kind of thing.
  3. One of the reasons must have been that the Wii U did not offer them the right software though. Those two games when they did come out had weird releases and were not exactly promoted. They should have been launch games (and had more dev effort).
  4. I was thinking they might be actual exercise equipment. So there would be resistance if you squeezed them together. I agree about the wiimote and nunchuk.
  5. They must have come from when Wii Fit U was being considered for release. Never really understood why they did not capitalise more on Wii Sports and Wii Fit for the Wii U.
  6. Available to pre-order on Amazon DE. I think I am going to wait for the UK stores to get it though. http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01EMXHM10/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1638&creative=19454&creativeASIN=B01EMXHM10&linkCode=as2&tag=nintenevery0a-21
  7. Perhaps, but the same video has actually been posted in that thread and I don't think it has caused that reaction. Similar thoughts have been expressed about the controls. EDIT: Too slow.
  8. It feels like a shame to be posting in here and bringing this thread back. The Star Fox Zero thread doesn't really seem like there is a problem there.
  9. Is *is* a tank, but when you are viewing the tank from the front it makes it quite hard to switch left and right in your mind whilst aiming at a weak point. Its not unreasonable, it would just be better to simplify the controls at that point for a more enjoyable experience.
  10. I think they did it to streamline the development process not for nostalgia.
  11. I have only played for about 1.5 hours and 5-6 levels, but I think the controls would be a lot better if: The walker had a dual analog style strafe mode (and barrel roll was a separate button). The all-range landmaster section did not have tank controls but had Mario 64 style left stick control. I find the Arwing and the Copter manageable generally. My ultimate point I guess is that I don't feel the motion controls make the game worse or even that much more difficult to control, but the basic controls underpinning them seem poorly thought through.
  12. Cheers @Ashley. Another good read.
  13. The reason I thought that they were not really pushing that hard for more than 1080p was that they mention 1080p but don't directly suggest trying for higher. It seems to me that if they can have games at 1080p/60fps and a 4K output, they could push it as a 4K media player at the same time. Then they might also see some mainstream success in the same way as they did for PS2/DVD and PS3/Bluray. If 4k or high resolution film disks came out at the same time I would have thought it might soften the blow to anyone worried about the cost or need to upgrade.
  14. To clarify - I meant gameplay features or modes.
  15. Budget Cuts, sounds brilliant on the VIVE: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-04-22-budget-cuts-is-the-future-of-vr-right-freakin-now
  16. Whilst Sony have not substantiated all of this, the rumour does seem to be very likely to be the reality. Eurogamer seem to have gotten developer guidelines for games that suggest that Sony is trying very hard to ensure they don't split the userbase and there are no NEO only or PS4 only features. From these guidelines it does seem very likely that there will be more of a focus on 1080p/60fps than 4k support. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2016-how-playstation-4k-neo-and-the-original-ps4-will-co-exist Specifically:
  17. Mine too. The steel book is very nicely done actually, with internal artwork - and has space for both disks. I still don't really get the point of steel books as a concept - but it is a nice thing.
  18. I am not still playing it, but there was a solid game of tennis underneath this thing, and I did actually enjoy the time I spent with it. Its just maddening that there was not a bit more to the game (like friends mode online). Its quite similar to Streetfighter 5 I suppose from a single player perspective - except with worse online.
  19. I should point out that I am still getting it - I committed to a pre-order, its just a bit worrying. Mind you I have not played the original or any star fox games since the N64 days so it might not seem that stale to me.
  20. You know the descriptions of the controls don't put me off, but some of the reviews are citing familiarity and dull levels - that is a bit more concerning. From the nintendoworldreport review: And Eurogamer:
  21. n-europes review is also up. http://www.n-europe.com/reviews/star-fox-guard Good read - cheers @Ashley Interesting that IGN gave this a better score than Star Fox Zero!
  22. I am quite looking forward to this. Its not Fire Emblem as Zechs has pointed out - but it will be an Atlus style JPRG so should still be good. Its also likely to be bonkers Japanese and not so many of those games come out over here.
  23. It could happen to PC games as well, but now presumably it could also happen to Sony exclusives?
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