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Everything posted by peterl0

  1. I would also like to suggest the Rotating Platform: http://therotatingplatform.com/ Its a general gaming podcast by ex journalists from Furture Publishing that worked on NGamer. I like to hear some UK voices on a podcast every now and again. Greg is not enough. Edit: Still have not listened to last Sunday's RFN! Podcasts are like Buses for me at the moment.
  2. The right of the two consoles - the one where you upgrade the manufacturers has 'upgrade battle traits'. But it is noyt really worth it until you have a weapon you want to keep for good. That is also where you build augments and new weapons/skells.
  3. It may well be worth it. I focus on the screen entirely and motion controls are only really for adjusting the aim in the vertical axis. I don't actually ever look at the gamepad screen - only after I have died to jump to a position on the map (although that usually results in death).
  4. In splatoon though you don't look at the gamepad, whilst moving? It felt like a natural extension of the controller for me in that game. An aide to the accuracy that I don't tend to have with twin sticks. Looking at a different screen or moving that same screen to aim is a bit more troubling though. As a one off in parts of Zelda its fine, but for a whole game might be a bit much. I was also wondering whether the use of motion controls in VR experiences would put people off it as it does seem to be a massive turn off for a significant portion of the gaming audience.
  5. I would say equipment is not *that* important, generally enemies can drop better than what is available in the shop for weapons. For armour I would stick with just the highest you can afford, until about chapter 8/9. You should aim to get 'Candid and Credible' open (*) and to level 5 as quickly as possible. This opens up armour with treasure sensor gear that will massively improve the likelihood of a good equipment drop from enemies. Don't bother upgrading battle traits on armour and weapons before the end game unless you are desperate to gain a few more points to defeat a boss - augments are always better value for money/parts. (* I think this is a quest involving L - possibly an affinity mission - you have to have a 30% survey rate for Oblivia) As for classes - max out your favourite and move to another. At max level you will earn the best skills and arts that make all the difference in ground combat. After it is maxed you can use the weapons of that class with another class - making building up that other class far easier.
  6. I also think that in this series it is quite easier to make it fresh and new with each new game - space battles - the one area of games where making it more epic should be a no brainer!
  7. So there's a chance that technology won't get in the way for NX. If they charge us again and technology is not an excuse it will be gouging plain and simple.
  8. The gamexplain video suggested that there were things/secrets you could shoot with the gamepad that were outside of the normal field of vision of the ship. That sounds like an interesting use to me. Will it be enough to justify the motion controls being mandatory? Not sure.
  9. I don't think they have said it will be based on the Wii U architecture - but I might have missed something. It can't easily be based on Wii U and offer simple porting for One and PS4 games. Unless they put a Wii U on the hardware. I have been assuming one or the other.
  10. I imagine that it will be like Splatoon. If they thought about it - you could play that with the pro controller.
  11. I must admit I never really got the game. I think I was turning the game into something I wanted more than something it actually is.
  12. I don't know if that issue alone would put me off buying the console but I would certainly not buy any VC games for it again. It seems like the architecture will be different to the Wii U, so it won't be free for them to develop the new VC. They will want to recoup dev costs of doing that - but perhaps then would be the time for a subscription model or perhaps asking you to pay for the emulation software.
  13. It makes you wonder if they ever will support cross buy for their platforms. In NX is a hybrid then they probably won't. If they re-release the VC games again on the NX and pull this again I think they will be in for massively diminishing returns. Or they should be.
  14. Yes, these updates seem ace and it seems like it might be enough to tempt me back. Come on Nintendo - just the slopes now.....
  15. I thought that this from Serebii was suggesting that it was: But even if it is not, it looks like it could be. Surely it is what they were banging on about at the start of the Wii U's lifespan - asymmetric gameplay. One player is the guard and the other players have to invade. It feels a bit like someone said to Miyamoto - this is not really going anywhere is it? Kick it out the door.
  16. I have mixed feelings about this direct. There is quite a bit to look forward to on the 3DS (and finally a Fire Emblem Fates release date - that's my summer sorted), but hardly anything on the Wii U. What there is on the Wii U also does not seem to have any online mode at all either. I have a group of mates that we all play Wii U online together and we are running out of stuff to play. To be honest, just online dogfighting on Starfox or an online section on Starfox Guard would have been enough I think. Lost reavers might fill that spot, but at the moment looks awful.
  17. I was part listening to the direct and part gaming when I heard the words online and starfox guard. After the event I found out that the online was sharing levels with your friends. Why can we not play this sort of game online Nintendo?
  18. A lot of my hopes for release this year are based on the fact that most of the main Nintendo teams (other than Zelda) don't seem to have been doing that much in the last year or so, they won't have been too distracted by the launch and subsequent teething problems of the 3DS and they should now be familiar with HD development. So in short I hope they have been sufficiently preparing for a release in November that has not been rushed. My gut feeling though is that they have not been. (Based on dev kit rumours and whatnot.)
  19. The article suggest - dev limbo - a bit like Bayonetta 2. Hence the reason it was available for a Nintenod buy out.
  20. But there was that time when they made directs that did have some of this. The one where they announced SMT X Fire Emblem 2 years before it was even released. People want unannounced games to come out that seem cool. Irrespective of what directs are now, that is what they should contain, as this is now pretty much the only way that Nintendo communicates new information with the world having closed down the official magazines.
  21. In this case I can see why they are charging full price for the game - the hype has been quite significant for the game and has been building over the year. If your game is good enough to charge full price and you have made enough people want it by hype or otherwise then I don't see the problem. Launch games are often like this - Final Fight on the SNES, Pilotwings Resort on the 3DS. Both games were pretty short for full price 3DS games. Personally I felt a bit let down for Pilotwings but the hype I had for a new game in that series overwhelmed that and I did not feel too ripped off after the fact. EDIT: For Remakes it can be different I guess - I have skipped Twilight Princess because the pre-launch has not hyped me. Same for Majora's Mask last year - but 8 pounds was a personal sweet spot earlier this year for that game.
  22. Its good that there are teams working on AAA titles for VR devices, rather than just gimmick style demos, but that article seemed more about reputation than actual exciting gameplay. Plus those 360 degree shots look awful. I doubt it looks anywhere near that bad when you are actually using it. If I was the dev I don't think I would want any sites to be using those shots.
  23. Wrong link? I think I know the trailer you mean - from November. That trailer did have a reasonable amount of focus on the gamepad controls, but also it really did not show anything from the game we had not seen before. Therefore I was thinking it might have been created by a marketing team, not the dev team. I personally don't have an issue with the controls as long as they don't get in the way, and there is a great game underneath. From the impressions of people who played the game it seems like it is above average or good (not great/epic) from a gameplay perspective and the controls do get in the way.
  24. No mobile news seems odd. Nintendo are aware Miitomo is releasing this month? I guess they think it is not the right audience
  25. You have a very strange definition of spoiled. One 5 minute direct by another company since December. All I really want is the Fire Emblem fates special edition release date.
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