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Everything posted by peterl0

  1. Thanks, some useful tips. I think I may have missed some aspects of the game......
  2. I am at the end of chapter 2, stuck on:
  3. I would guess a tournament mode or round robin mini league mode. Something more to do other than friend or random I guess. Fair enough. Unfortunately you can't easily read them (other than @Dcubed) before the games release though. For games like this where I am on the fence that is a real benefit.
  4. @Hero\-of\-Time You used to like Eurogamer, as a review site didn't you? Recommended there. Disappointed a bit with the online. It feels like there is an undiscovered niche for fighting games online where they could make some kind of mini tournament mode, where you can watch or play. I used to love 4-8 Super Streetfighter 2 machines linked together in the arcades in tournament mode.
  5. Hmm, online seems typically barebones: http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/review/42277/pokken-tournament-wii-u-review-in-progress So, not awfully bad (Mario Tennis Ultra Smash) but not the levels of Mario Kart/Splatoon. I like the idea that you can build your single player character through online play though.
  6. Cheers. I was actually referring to the ending of the side quests themselves - hard to be specific because I am avoiding spoilers. The suggestion was that if you chose the wrong side in some side quests that someone could die (characters from the sidequests I think) and that these 'bad consequences' had been removed from the localised version.
  7. Now? http://www.gonintendo.com/stories/254035-gonintendo-review-pokken-tournament
  8. That would be too good to be true surely?
  9. Cheers, I may well pick it up on the weekend.
  10. I agree with all you have just said. I wanted a SNES style shooter with standard controls ideally. The ship does not look brilliant either and I am not sure, but the review suggested that your guns auto degrade - which does not sound ideal. Music by David Wise though, and I quite like the BG style.
  11. 8/10 from NintendoLife. http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/wiiu-eshop/star_ghost Reading the review has just made me more unsure about the game though.
  12. Did you watch the gamexplain trailer for the game - they are usually massively positive for any game that they play in preview mode - and they were struggling to find good things to say about it. They were more positive Stare Fox Zero for comparison. As for Red Alarm, I haven't played it, but I have got a Virtual Boy and I think I would take almost any game on a normal console over a Virtual Boy game, that the average person can only play for 15 minutes without some kind of discomfort. Edit: I don't remember hate as such for Metroid Prime, but I do recall a lot of people wondering if it would be successful in 3D. I was more magazines, rather than the Internet at the time though.
  13. The choice between squads is more of a declaration of how you want to play than anything else. I.e. Whether and how often you will get offered a squad mission. You can play online with others by accepting a squad mission when offered or you can initiate one after you have completed the story (I think - I haven't actually done this.) The items list that you can use rewards tickets for is a fixed list of every droppable material in the game. Rare items just cost loads of tickets.
  14. I am not sure if this is what you are talking about, but if you get a weapon out of the ordinary from a monster drop there is an option to select the weapon and offer it as a treasure deal. (You can do this once per monster drop with a maximum limit of something like 5 per play session) This will offer the weapon to anyone in your (possible) 32 man squad. They will get a notification on the screen and the first to see it and press minus will get the treasure. Or do you mean reward tickets? If so, that is a completely different concept. When you complete a squad objective or mission, or fight either of the two global nemeses (Telethia Plume and Yggralith Zero) and break appendages you get reward tickets. You can then use those tickets in the network console of the blade barracks to get rare items - menu item 'Use Reward Tickets' - that can only otherwise be obtained by killing monsters. It is like another currency separate from the miranium and the money, but it saves you a lot of farming for rare monster part drops. Monster part drops are typically used to build augments, Skells in the late game or weapons, as well as complete quests in the earlier parts of the game. You cannot buy the blue crystals though, so if a quest calls for one of those, you just have to keep respawning to find them. One of the more annoying aspects of this and the original game.
  15. I really like the idea of what this could be. Almost a way of Nintendo becoming a third party developer without actually doing it. Presumably some developers would just leave their game as a PC port and some would actually port the game to the controller, and hence pay a small licence fee. (Which could also possibly work using blue tooth for traditional games. I doubt it will happen though.
  16. No. There is a 2 player co-op mode only, but that is more for people who cannot manage the controls, such as young uns.
  17. In the N64 days we used to play Starfox dogfighting almost as much as Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye. The levels were incredibly simplistic, but it had the really satisfying Starfox feel of the laser cannons and smart bomb power ups to play with - along with well balanced health bars. To me, a lot of what makes for an interesting multi-player experience in a game like this is the feel of the weapons and the Star Fox games I have played have nailed this (whether it be in single player or multi-player). It really bugs that this does not have online multi-player. I would have got it instantly if it did. Now I am on the fence. The speed and gameplay stuff does not really put me off, I am happy for the focus of the game to be a bit different, but I also haven't seen much to really get me excited.
  18. I was going to as well as I wanted to support a UK developer, but reading the interview with the guy the controls put me off quite a bit. I did not really like the DK Barrel controls (*) and am not convinced they will work that well with a more traditional shoot em up. (* Where you have to keep tapping a button to maintain upwards momentum, rather than just having directional control.)
  19. A good article. This issue has generated a lot of comment in the media. I hope Nintendo are paying attention to this when planning for the NX.
  20. The extra stuff is different here. I think they got a fabric 3DS case and we are getting a steelbook and map. The art book is the same, I think. I will be quite annoyed if I don't manage to get one. I hope they will have listened to the negative publicity of the shortages in the US and have a bit more in stock. I think I am going to go with the Nintendo UK store for this one. As for price I imagine we are looking in the 60-70 pounds region - roughly the price of the Bravely Second special edition.
  21. 3DS is perhaps less powerful than the PSP, once the OS is taken into account? Doesn't matter anyway - they are too expensive.
  22. Yes, in a bizarre twist of fate, a cross buy SNES VC on the N3DS might actually tempt me to get one of these models. (Drools at this one and the Fire Emblem ones.) I would end up spending 150 pounds to avoid spending 30-40 pounds on SNES VC stuff - but its the principle of the thing. Mind you Japan is getting Mystical Ninja....
  23. Yeah I know but they could have used it in the main game if you could jump to other players using the dpad and did something different with taunts. You can use the map to assess that risk - but the map could have been in a corner of the screen in that case. it would not have taken much.
  24. Sorry - you can only upgrade armour through battle traits and augments. If you want to, only use augments, but I did not until near the end game other than ones I found in chests. Yes - upgrade Candid and Credible for Treasure sensor armour first, after it is unlocked, and then Sakaruba for level 50 Skells, when they become available.
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