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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. Whilst Metroid doesn't have a high attach ratio, it sells a lot of systems. Prime sold 2 million worldwide and had a huge impact on the Gamecube, with Argos, Currys and Dixons all U-turning on their decision to stop selling the Gamecube. All those new console sales meant that they sold more games, which means more $$$.
  2. Gamecube. Whereas the N64 pushed games into 3D environments, the Gamecube finally gave Nintendo enough hardware power to create incredible environments with precise controls. Melee, Prime and Wind Waker were all incredible games that were huge steps over their N64 counterparts and whilst Sunshine was disappointing, it had incredible controls and it looked stunning. Nintendo also delivered with their other franchises...F-Zero, Wave Race and Eternal Darkness were all brilliant and games like Rogue Squadron were simply unbelievable. Then there's Tales of Symphonia, Donkey Konga, Resident Evil (REmake, Zero and 4), Viewtiful Joe etc... The dream <3
  3. Their games definitely have appeal to Nintendo fans, I don't think anyone is denying that. The more pressing issue for me is whether they can still produce system sellers and games that appeal to the wider industry. They've also lost a lot of system sales from fans like myself and others on here who don't think their core software is ambitious enough. It's completely meaningless to post the sales figures as you did. NSMBU sold more than Bloodborne, but which sold more systems? It's great that Nintendo can produce content that has high attach ratio's (although you could make an argument that Bloodborne had much more competition whereas Wii U owners are much more starved of content), but they also need content that's going to inspire us to buy systems. I've purchased the last few Nintendo consoles day 1 but I'm holding off on the NX until they release something special. I buy consoles from software and that's the biggest problem with the Wii U - I've played it all before in some guise or another. That said, their current crop of games is still pretty good and I imagine that hardcore Nintendo fans are relatively satisfied. This was always going to be a transition year compared to say 2013, 2014 etc.
  4. I probably won't touch mine again (unless Zelda DOES come out for Wii U) and I'm sure that the same applies to many on this board and those on GAF. I think it's a long shot to be honest. The 3DS's best year in terms of sales was the fiscal year 2012-2013 - it would need a couple of monster year's to get near the PSP. It's just cruising to the end of its life to be honest...I think most 3DS owners are ready for the next Nintendo handheld.
  5. Man the 3DS number is actually way lower than I thought it was. It's at the end of its lifespan but I was under the impression it was selling better. The Wii U number is depressing, but what's even weirder is that Splatoon and Mario Maker have sold about 4.5 million combined. Using a best case scenario, if Wii U owners only purchased either Splatoon OR Mario Maker, that's less than 50% of owners purchasing the biggest games of the year on the console. Of course, it's pretty likely that most people who purchased Splatoon got Mario Maker and vice versa (which makes that worse), but it does make you wonder how active the current Wii U user base is. Nintendo likely have figures that show how many of the 10 million Wii U owners are actually investing time in their system - it's a shame that we'll never know. I would be very surprised if it was above 5 million.
  6. The funny thing about Milner is that his best position is out wide yet he prefers to play centrally.
  7. I just had to post again after listening to that episode. Brilliant Really enjoyed the NX chat. Very convinced we'll see it in 1 form by the end of the year.
  8. Rodgers needs to play 4-4-2 for Norwich and Villa. If they drop points in those games he'll be under big pressure, but Benteke is too isolated at the moment. Ings deserves a proper shot playing behind him.
  9. Get Hotline Miami. I promise you...you won't regret it.
  10. Great contribution there.. Interesting to see that it might use augmented reality. Didn't Nintendo try that with the 3DS at launch before abandoning the concept?
  11. So I visit the boards after a brief hiatus... God damn, that new thread about Iwata...the first 2 replies sum up everything that is wrong in this place. Right from the get go, any attempt at discussion was thrown completely down the drain. Again, this boils down to the fact that some people feel the need to defend Nintendo and this is more important to them than engaging in a discussion. That thread is quite frankly embarrassing. Serebii, I can only assume that you were having a VERY bad day when writing those replies but unless someone murdered your cat there is no way to justify those responses. I appreciate that some of the problems on this board may come from the fact that some people obviously have social difficulties (I'm assuming that we can still be honest in this thread @Rummy?) but let me be blunt - If that's how you talk to people and if that's how you engage in a discussion at work, you wouldn't be kept there for very long. There are people on here that have literally ZERO interest (or ability) in engaging in discussion and it's ruined the place, quite frankly. Those same people throw around the term 'negative' quite a lot ('The conversations here are so negative'). Just to clarify: The quality of the discussion has nothing to do with whether or not a comment or news article is positive or negative, it comes from the quality of the replies and the discussion that follows. It's a bit like writing an essay really. If you're letting your own personal agenda come to the forefront of ALL of your posts then there is a serious issue. Alternatively, if you lack the ability or experience to engage in proper conversation, then accept that and don't treat the rest of us like shit. Regarding the criticisms about the OP - I thought it was fine, if opinionated. Instead of having a massive go at him for it, a better, more sensible approach would be to list your own thoughts and then have a discussion about it. The childish nature of the replies are saddening and the reason why I, and many others, have stopped posting altogether. That thread probably would have better if myself or Hero posted first but hey ho. That thread could have been brilliant and I had a lot of points to contribute, as I'm sure others did, but it looks like it won't be happening now. Another thread ruined - cheers guys. Ironically, the N-E meet up was absolutely brilliant and we had some great conversations about Nintendo there. I would go as far to say it was better than any discussion that has taken place on this very board for the past 12 months.
  12. In fact, could I join your team? I'm pretty handy. Hit me up, yo.
  13. Get Hotline Miami. Like, do it. Do it now.
  14. Mario is as AAA as Wii games got. Hell, it's actually pretty cinematic too. Much more than many of their other games.
  15. That blondie was alright, you know...@MoogleViper, I thought you were in with her!
  16. It's the best Metroid game you'll play this gen.
  17. I'm glad they didn't edit out the tears at the end because god damn, I was holding back tears too! I'm sad now
  18. FYI, Watchdogs is only £1 at GAME if you spend £10 or more on preowned games. http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/watchdogs-1-today-only-when-spend-10-more-any-preowned-games-game-2262338 Edit. That means you can get Watchdogs and Tomb Raider for £16!
  19. Keep in mind that Double Dash was designed so that the power slide mechanic was high risk = high reward. One boost was worth a little but the whole point was that you could get several throughout one corner. The tracks were generally much narrower too, much like SMK, MK:DS and Super Circuit. Melee is god tier for me because of how bloody quick it is. It still blows my mind - I wish we could see a Smash game with Melee's physics engine but the content of Smash 4. @Dcubed, your thoughts on Sunshine seem to be the same as mine. It lacks good level design but mechanically it's the peak of Mario games. I don't think any 3D platformer has matched it since.
  20. I thought it was a pile of crap until I beat Cleric Beast (literally about 8 hours in after about 20 attempts). That adrenaline rush..I also missed out the first short cut (by the house full of laughing women) which didn't help.
  21. Bloodborne is also totally legit. One of the greatest games I've ever played.
  22. Yeah Sunshine is definitely the worst game overall. It's a shame because they nailed the engine but everything else was so poor I'm sure others prefer those games too, but Brawl was too slow and boring for me. Smash 4 is a better step imo.
  23. Sounds great @Dcubed, a few of us are staying at @Zell's on Friday so we'll just be gaming at his place. I don't want to invite you on his behalf but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you turn up
  24. They certainly get harder as the games progress but the skill ceiling is certainly higher in a game like Donkey Kong than say NSMB or other more recent games. Excited to play Yoshi...Now I've finally finished Bloodborne I'm on it!
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