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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. VR is not aimed at the mainstream just yet, it's too expensive. It's being aimed at tech enthusiasts and those that are willing to buy into such concepts. Do some research on the law of diffusion of innovation - the whole VR concept is about building towards the future. The costs will have tumbled by 2020. Anyway, we're getting an Oculus Rift for the office pretty soon. We've had an older model for the last few months and it's mind-blowing.
  2. After the first cutscene in Bayonetta 1, I made a decision to skip EVERY cutscene in both games. Made them much better - absolutely incredible games, especially once you get a better understanding of the combo system and chase those Platinum ranks
  3. The best news from this direct is that they are done with the game and can now focus on Smash NX (whether that's with Sakurai or someone in charge). They need Smash out within the first 18 months of NX's launch - it MUST be system seller. Get it out early and I'm sure it will make a difference.
  4. It always blows my mind that the Gamecube got Melee, Super Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker and Metroid Prime (as well as a bunch of new I.P) so early into it's lifespan.
  5. Exactly. It's basically come out 18 months too late. It's one of those games that could be a system seller to a certain demographic but like Zelda Wii U, it's come out way too late.
  6. The whole 'we had injuries' argument is a bit redundant but half of Bournemouth's team has been wiped out through injuries. I really hope they stay up - they play for their manager and completely buy into his philosophy. I don't think the United players know what LvG wants them to do half the time.
  7. At launch they made a profit after 1 game had been sold/1 PS+ subscription had been purchased so I imagine that they've been raking it in ever since. I imagine that they got a really good deal on bulk purchasing their components because unlike Nintendo, they could pretty much guarantee they would sell a lot of units.
  8. It's crazy to think that Arsenal, City and United have already dropped so many points this season yet are still right at the top, behind the mighty Leicester. The league is ridiculously entertaining but I can't remember the quality of football being so poor at the top. Liverpool play Newcastle tomorrow...With United, West Ham, City and Spurs all dropping points, a win puts them right into the mix.
  9. You're doing that thing again where you make up what people are saying... Tempted to get this but I've got Wolfenstein, The Order, The Witcher 3, MGS5 and FFX still to play FFS.
  10. Foxconn leaks are generally pretty accurate. A winter 2016 launch makes too much sense anyway - they can't afford another year with their current sales as it's not going to get any better.
  11. Remember when me and you were discussing a 2016 release for their next console and certain people kept disagreeing? : peace:
  12. Good result for Liverpool today, especially with all the teams around them drawing (apart from City). They are now playing some teams below them (with the exception of Leicester) - wouldn't be surprised to see them in the top 4 around Christmas.
  13. The U.S Black Friday offers are insane. Just got The Order, MGS5, Ultra Street Fighter 5 & Wolfenstein for about £40. The Order was £6...absolutely steal!
  14. What makes that super impressive is the fact that Japan is barely contributing to console sales any more. They've sold about 28 million in the West alone.
  15. It's funny - they've tried to make it more random and chaotic like Mario Kart since the N64 one but they haven't realised is that the fundamental gameplay, particularly in the N64 version, is simply brilliant and doesn't need gimmicks. It's almost as if Tennis is supposed to be fun!
  16. Oh man, that had me in stitches Whilst Twilight Princess looks terrible in the outdoor sections (especially Hyrule Field), many of the indoor areas looked outstanding bank in the day. Temple of Time and the second dungeon spring to mind.
  17. The beginning of the game is hell. Literally hell. It's basically a 'If you can't cope now, don't come back' type of intro, and I spent the first 4-5 hours HATING the game. Then I beat Cleric Beast...... And it instantly became my GOTY. It also gets much easier after the first few hours.
  18. GoT is considered to be the worst of the bunch, but Tales From Borderlands (whether you've played the actual Borderlands games or not) is considered to be as good, if not better, than TWD. The Wolf Among Us is also absolutely brilliant. One of my favourites
  19. Prime caused GC sales to go up 1000% percent in the U.K, in part caused by the bundle and the insane reviews it got. I don't recall MP4 or Animal Crossing having any effect on hardware sales.
  20. AC is third-party though; it's their to bulk up release schedules. If Sony released an Uncharted game every November, I can guarantee that it would get stale and lead to disappointed fans.
  21. Well said - that audience is not coming to a Nintendo console given what's available on other consoles. The 2D platformer topic is interesting..Nintendo have made their consoles the home for platform games but they need to make it the home for other genres too. The Wii U has definitely had too many platform games but the biggest sin for me was letting their biggest Western developer release another one to add to NSMBU/L and SM3DW. Nintendo certainly have the I.P to appeal to western gamers, it's just that they don't necessarily have the development studios to make those games anymore. On a side note, the audience they need to target next is the market that wants sports titles. 1080, Waverace, Excitebike....:awesome:
  22. No reviews there unfortunately.
  23. I never denied that the PS4 sold systems before Bloodborne's release You obviously can't quantify how many systems a game sells but I'm willing to bet than more people purchased a PS4 for games like Bloodborne than they would for say Donkey Kong or Pikmin 3. It's anecdotal but I know a lot of people who got a PS4 for just 1 or 2 games specifically; Nintendo need more of those games on the Wii U to sell systems to those who aren't hardcore Nintendo fans. Out of interest, can someone compile a list of games Nintendo release in 2005 and 2011, which were other so called transition years? How did they fare critically compared to games Nintendo released this year?
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