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Everything posted by MonkeyPunch

  1. Ep 3 was the worst film in already really crappy trilogy (and saga). I had a great time watching the film though, it was so bad I couldn't help myself laughing. So... I'm not getting it obviously.
  2. After the disappointment that was Gamecube I don't think I'll be getting Ninty's next machine at all, at least not at launch. Ninty's got a lot to prove next generation and I'm not really convinced they can pull it off. I'll be getting a 360 for sure when it comes out and maybe, just maybe, in the distant future a Revo.
  3. PS3 may be difficult and expensive to develop for but if it sells as good as the PS2 it will hardly matter at all.
  4. I just don't understand why your bashing the game that's all. RE4 on PS2 looks way better than anyone expected and it IS a port afterall. The DS is way underpowered compared to the PSP, same for Revolution compared to PS3. But you're not bashing either system, just the PS2. That's what I was saying. And as for 'superior' games: PS2 has got them too and probably even more of them aswell.
  5. ...and the PS2 has way more games than the cube also. Don't you think that makes up for the minor difference in graphical capabilities between them? I certainly think so.
  6. You people are in denial.
  7. After you die you simply rot away, that's it. Reincarnation, the afterlive, heaven (whatever you want to call it) is just something people made up. People want to believe in some sort of afterlive simply because they want their relatives and themself to live on (who doesn't?). As for my funeral, hopefully somewhere in the distant future, I have no special request's (I won't live to see it anyway hehe). As for my body: doctors may plunder it for spare parts if they need them.
  8. It's made by the same people: Nick Park and Aardman studios, so it must be good. Their new film I haven't seen yet but the older ones: Wallace and Gromit: the wrong trousers, a grand day out and a close shave were really great! The curse of the were-rabbit is out wednesday over here, I'll be sure to see it the first day it's out.
  9. He doesn't seem to be the only one offended by the Harry Potter books. This week is a week where children's books are a central theme on primary schools over here. It's sort of a tradition to do once a year. This year the theme is witches, wizzards, magic and the lot (Harry Potter is not left out). However some of the protestant or katholic schools and the parents seem to believe magic to be real. It's used by the devil and devil worshippers, or so they think. I can not help but to laugh at them, it's kinda sad too.
  10. Wow...a charge craddle how very very interesting!
  11. With every new generation of consoles you'll never quite know who will end up on top. Just before this generation many analysts guessed Microsoft's xbox would utterly flop. And it did...at least in the first 6 months or so after launch. Then came the price cut and drastic expansion of available titles...and what do you know? They beat Nintendo. The upcomming console generation will be equally unpredictable. The numbers they've put up for the Revolution seem to me a little low. I mean Nintendo's got way more fanboys than that! Personally I think Sony will once again end up on top, closely followed by Microsoft and Nintendo as a distant 3rd.
  12. Well, because they're both made by Otomo I metioned Akira as being a much better film than Steamboy, which really is not saying much though. It's not my favorite film (or animé for that matter) either and yes, it's overrated.
  13. Nope, sorry I really didn't like it. Flat, boring characters you don't care about, zero character developement and a very boring, cliched story that has been done a thousand times before. That basickly sums up Steamboy, oh I forgot: it really drags too. But yes the music and animation were quite good...comparatively. I can't believe the same guy did Akira too, have you seen that? A much better film imho.
  14. I recently purchased Katsuhiro Otomo's Steamboy, thought it might be good, but was sadly and utterly dissapointed. What was he thinking ?!? Anyway...I may get Millenium actress soon, I heard nothing but good about it. I also can't wait for the Disney release (region 1) of Howl's moving castle and My neighbour Totoro, which is long overdue for release (thanks Disney! ). These last two aren't released untill early next year though.
  15. Hahaha great! Too bad that guy came along. :wink:
  16. I really like playing it with my friends, it's not quite as much fun playing it online tough.
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