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About Ike

  • Birthday 03/23/1988

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Gameboy Colour, N64, GBA, GBA SP,GBA Micro, GC, DS, DS Lite, DSI, DSi XL, 3DS, Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS2, Xbox 360, PSP
  • Favourite Game?
    Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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  • Wii Console Number
    7887 8086 8641 1346

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  1. I am desperate for a DS FPGA. Hopefully some day...
  2. I won't be able to play this week.
  3. That isn't true, they did get them for a brief period. (Stolen from Reddit, I can't find the original FaQ page, possibly because they updated it) They got taken away and brought back for TotK.
  4. Because they are replacing it with something else... Right? I was considering going more digital with Switch 2, but looks like I'll be sticking with physical.
  5. Whoa, Square Enix is localising the Dragon Quest: The Mark of Erdrick manga!
  6. @Dcubed Amazon has dropped the price of 2TB cards, do you think it’s worth buying now, or wait and see if they do use that new Express card format?
  7. Sonic Team racing looks kinda promising... Close enough, welcome back Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.
  8. Dunno about you lot, but I thought FS off was way more fun.
  9. It's not a true Xenoblade Chronicles X experience without having the optional texture and voice pack downloads.
  10. Of course a boo steals my only defence item as I'm getting Red Shell'd on Mute City.
  11. I think this is earliest I've ever received a game before the release date. I'm off to post spoilers on Youtube! ...Is what I would say, but it's going straight on to the backlog.
  12. I think the FS Meter is fine for stamina and time, it's only stock that I think we should try with it turned off.
  13. Your video has used a Boo item so I can't see it
  14. They have a page for voting for what game you would like next as well: https://www.gog.com/dreamlist/
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