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About Ike

  • Birthday 03/23/1988

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Gameboy Colour, N64, GBA, GBA SP,GBA Micro, GC, DS, DS Lite, DSI, DSi XL, 3DS, Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS2, Xbox 360, PSP
  • Favourite Game?
    Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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  • Wii Console Number
    7887 8086 8641 1346

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  1. Yeah agreed, that’s what I said yesterday The Zelda movie announcement today seemed suspiciously like a test to gauge their current reach.
  2. Use code SPRING for an extra 5% off.
  3. Touché
  4. Why are the NPC so close. Have the never heard of personal space?
  5. So my theory is that the "new" character is the Princess of Cannock based on that they meet in the castle and the Hero is alone so it's probably when he's searching for the Prince. Plus is keeps it inline with the theme of the game. And they are both blonde. She doesn't seem to appear in the cutscenes though so not sure if she's actually in the party properly or it's some new side quest. Plus it looks like she's standing apart from the main party in the key art which seems a bit sus.
  6. Oh, so you could trade to yourself in Pokémon for example using 1 digital copy? Watch them block that for some reason.
  7. Samus is now Steel/Psychic type.
  8. Is this so they can dump Twitter?
  9. Yeah, not sure what it's for if your not sharing with family members.
  10. Yay, Rhythm Paradise! 2026!?
  11. Dragon Quest I&II. I'm biased, so it might not apply to everyone
  12. Strong opening. New party member?
  13. "Here are the big bucks!"
  14. At least if the TWW/TP ports happen, I will be able to finally put my Wii U away.
  15. Hope you get compensation from @Dcubed due to poor service twice in 1 week.
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