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About Ike

  • Birthday 03/23/1988

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Gameboy Colour, N64, GBA, GBA SP,GBA Micro, GC, DS, DS Lite, DSI, DSi XL, 3DS, Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS2, Xbox 360, PSP
  • Favourite Game?
    Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
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  • Wii Console Number
    7887 8086 8641 1346

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  1. Some of them are available in the UK store. https://store.nintendo.co.uk/en/nintendo-pop-up-store-donkey-kong
  2. I just got it as well. I've noticed Chrome on Android being weird with tabs in general lately, they turn into blank pages when I go back to them after a while.
  3. I've seen this, but only one time.
  4. I've been wanting to play the Xenoblade games so figured I may as well wait at this point. Hoping that Switch games got an automatic boost by using DLSS or something rather then needing a native version update.
  5. Game collection has a register interest sign up now too. https://www.thegamecollection.net/featured/switch-2-register-your-interest Worth noting that the Nintendo Store did an extended warranty for the original Switch, so they might do that again.
  6. I mean, it's backwards compatible... 👀
  7. The only specs that matters: (Based on leaked/rumoured specs)
  8. Battery life: 7 minutes?
  9. Maybe. They should still work wireless. The second USB-C possibly also be used to connect to a TV for image out?
  10. Was trying to think why it wouldn't, totally forgot about the obvious reason, the ring. They could go down the Apple route and sell adaptors I suppose. Do the new JoyCons have the IR sensors still. Bit hard to tell in that video?
  11. Curious what games aren't backwards compatible. The Labo games?
  12. New. Guess I was wrong about them not doing MK9 yet. Glad the coloured accents were real.
  13. Mario Kart 9 feels too early with them just having released the DLC for 8 Deluxe, but who knows with Nintendo.
  14. https://m.nintendo.com/shared/en-GB/GB/officialPlaylists/3f2df100-9371-4cc0-b147-330843d31752 Match the track to the actual hour. ??? Profit.
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