I just got it as well.
I've noticed Chrome on Android being weird with tabs in general lately, they turn into blank pages when I go back to them after a while.
I've been wanting to play the Xenoblade games so figured I may as well wait at this point.
Hoping that Switch games got an automatic boost by using DLSS or something rather then needing a native version update.
Game collection has a register interest sign up now too. https://www.thegamecollection.net/featured/switch-2-register-your-interest
Worth noting that the Nintendo Store did an extended warranty for the original Switch, so they might do that again.
Was trying to think why it wouldn't, totally forgot about the obvious reason, the ring.
They could go down the Apple route and sell adaptors I suppose.
Do the new JoyCons have the IR sensors still. Bit hard to tell in that video?