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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. so few spoilers. These are for episode four AND comic book readers.
  2. yeah geeks. Not really sure I like that- 'roamers' is in the books and much better (other Zeds, presumably more decayed, don't walk around much if at all, hence the name)
  3. I think it goes through about 12-15 or something now (BC, WOTLK), with cataclysm on the way. Wahey. We should try and get an NE squad together- paid transfer is expensive but it depends if any of us have high level toons we could group together. What's the situation?
  4. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't live after Irun bru potatoes, more to the point.
  5. TRIPPLE KILL! Got my graphics card working- going from onboard to a proper g-force is quite something. In Northrend now with my Warrior
  6. suitably mental. Yes! Really like that rolling drum.
  7. If pressed, I don't think many people could do this.
  8. Ha. Good times! Watch out for that though dude- you really need to look after yourself on that stuff.
  9. Excelsior!
  10. OK, turns out I totally shitfucked my install by mixing DL client with expansion discs...but I'm back! Death Knight made, and absolutely hilarious so far. Seems pretty fun to play, too.
  11. This game is fucking intense.It's SO good. It really is like a bleeding edge sequel to the classic Burnout games and the Hot Pursuit multiplayer is genius- it's like asymmetrical death match at 200mph. Yes.
  12. Fired up my Warrior earlier... By fuck, I've forgotten *everything*
  13. This is currently on The List- really want to see it but have so much to watch already and a full time job. Woes.
  14. tempted to try out a Worgan myself. They look amusing.
  15. so is there a server that a few NE-ers are on?
  16. If anyone's looking to get this on the dirt cheap, you can get a free copy with a six month sub to Empire. For £20 Pretty tasty deal- think I'll indulge on pay day.
  17. OK set up is going well so far and I just turned on the free 7 days blizzard are bribing me with... so where you punks at?
  18. YIDDO! :bouncy:
  19. that band suck tramp balls.
  20. sweeeeet! Not sure I ever signed up to B.Net- would a trial version of WoW + my log in work? I never RP'd there- I just played with friends looking for an actually adult place to play the game.
  21. aha. Yes! maybe. Anyway: this coffee is really, really good. Getting up late was also lovely
  22. mhm maybe- but I'd imagine the decent spec pc version (maybe not maxed out) will look much the same as the 360 version- and for most people I think the difference will come down to whether or not they'll play on a tv or a monitor. TBH, if I have a decent enough machine I may well opt for the pc version myself but only if it's notably better. I don't have any notion that Deus Ex as a brand will instantly be made better for being on PC. It's a different world now, not to mention another developer.
  23. When I played, RP realms always had a rep for being much more mature than standard PVP. It was a way to play the game in full (no carebear) without encountering the dregs of society who ganked STV on the regular. ___ I can't find my WOW discs! I found BC but my original game might have perished in The Great Annihilation I visited upon my room recently. Pah!
  24. I don't know why you'd default to PC, really. Clearly, publishers no longer care about the platform so why would you expect the pc version to be better than consoles? 20p says it'll be exactly the same across all three platforms.
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