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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. a mighty fine station indeed. i found it a while ago its great
  2. I stopped going when they wanted £40 for a game that was £28 down the road. laaaaaaame
  3. i fucking love the x men. the aoe story was the first stuff i bought and i havent stopped since. bloodly awersome comic
  4. i think im buying tomorrow. its got good reviews and stuff. the story let spiderman 2 down alot and its supposed to rock hard this time. sounds hot, looks hotter.
  5. hey guys, just get this in perspective a seccond, it dosent really matter that the ps2 version isnt as good because at the end of the day resi 4 is one of the finest games ever made and capcom should be applauded for making it available to as many people as possible. cut the fanboyism and just go for it kids :wink:
  6. ball point pens. seriously, they're amazing.
  7. Wish i could join you lot online for this, really do. the first game = pure class. so far i reckon i have a contest for cash between burnout and ultimate spiderman. yes, im a marvel whore:)
  8. believe the hype. these guys are very, very good. note: as a Sheffield native it is genetic that I should hype all sheffield music because we just want to be loved. really...
  9. tres bizzare...dunno really
  10. for the albums that just capture you heart and soul its gotta be Grace by Jeff Buckley. I love it so, so much i cant even begin to describe how much i like it. s'the only album to bring me to the edge of tears too. some close runners up would be radiohead on either OK Computer or Kid A. just brilliant albums that really just make you think. also gotta mention Turn Out the Bright Lights. say hello to the angels is playing right now and its so very good. mmmm.
  11. VenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenomVenom. in other news: Venom. ah its good to finally know he's in it, ive known sandman to be in it for a while since ign reported the camera tests for sand visuals. should be pretty cool so see how they do him but i dont know much about him in the comics other than the ace cakes 'revenge of the sinister six' graphic novel i have. on the subject of the origins of the venom suit/alien, wasn't the alien form brought home by John Jamerson, who is in spiderman 2. it wouldnt be hard to do a very brief intro scene where a shuttle lands with venom on board. given the films tendency towards mad scientist origins, however, the ultimate timeline idea would fit nicely.
  12. yeah i'll be back one day....next year when im out of uni halls. for some reason they consider unloading smg clips into guys cold, dead corpse missuse of the network. skanky fuckers.
  13. it is with great sadness that I, Dan, am here to announce my impending retirement from the Halo 2 arena. my sbscription to XBL will expire by the end of november and frankly, im not gonna be home from uni more than 3, maybe 4 times before xmas so theres no point in renewing it. seriously though, if not for you guys i would have quit playing on live a long time before now. i dont think i need to name anyone but you all made it great while it lasted. thanks cept bowzer. he smells. and guy. he's a noob.
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