because you're body is actually enginered to sleep during the night. I beleive it's something to do with timed hormone releases that maximise the productivity of a sleep.
thats kneejerk bullshit right there. it pisses me right off when cds cant be copied to itunes.
saying that though, X&Y was copy protected but that stopped working on the new versions of itunes, of which there have been many recently.
Starwars is like a meal. first it's great but then it goes bad with age till it makes you sick.
saying that, I actually quite like Empire. easily the pinacle of the series as it has the darth vs luke bit which *is* good.
the art is rockin dude. nice one.
I assume the strip is gonna be Nintendo based rather than games in general? I wonder if Nintendo make enough news for a regular strip...:p
as way of an apology for actually forgetting this thread existed and posting a new one up. heres a fittingly rediclious picture of me in a film i made.
and heres me looking more serious, but with a better haircut
Anyone play this? Ive been on my uni side since september and its well good. been playin tournaments the last few weeks and we won in sheffield. didnt do too well in edinburgh though.
anyway. Click me big boy
bacon and cheese sarnie. add sauce and salad at your own descression.
this works well for a couple of reasons: Bacon and cheese can be found for cheap. the mix of melty cheese (not grilled melted just soft from the heat of the bacon) and the salty meat is probably best described as being beast. well beast.
for the lazy: got a pastie today for fiddy pence. that was good.