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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Very true. The first few seasons aren't that great, but eventually they realised that politics is hilarious. Nowadays, South Park is smarter, faster, funnier and far better written than anything Family Guy has ever come up with. At the same Family Guy was making jokes about wild firetrucks, South Park was destroying Scientology, Tom Cruise, R Kelly and Isaac Hayes. And they still find time to have gross out humour. It's Genius.
  2. I was just expecting it to be harder that's all.
  3. Just apple juice? that's a bit gay
  4. Right bitches, here's the deal: on the 6th, I'm going to my mates place at uni for an epic birthday piss up sesh, and I need your help! basically, as he's a huge Scrubs fan, I'm going to buy him the ingredients to an apple tini for his present. problem is: what is the apple? Help me Scrubs nerds! i know you can!
  5. DO NOT DRINK CARLING. I'd suggest a vodka mix of some sort- they're usually sweet enough in singles to just taste like coke with a kick to it or whatever. if you're not used to beer, forget about it for now. It's a stronger taste and takes a maturing pallet to get used to. Just remember to take it easy with spirits as they have a tendency to come back and haunt yo punk ass later in the night than you might expect. best of luck anyway!
  6. this is, by the way, a heaving pile of shit. You wouldn't do a fucking thing given the chance!
  7. wow. just when this forum wasn't depressing enough, there you are!
  8. Dan_Dare


    e3 was a ridiculous media circus. It clearly stopped being of any use to anyone a while back- this year events like GDC will be more important.
  9. EEvil, you Belgian trickster, you.
  10. i thought it was pretty good i do wish they'd hurry up and make the stripper important. as it is, her story is bullshit and makes me angry at how much time it wastes.
  11. Yeah, tis the first part of the new stuff. Damn fine watch, too.
  12. Shabba, homie.
  13. same here. Incredible, incredible website. The Horoscopes are particularly funny sometimes. One of them a while back was "This week, your death will be so horrific, police will let your mother down gently by telling her you were sodomised in half by a horse."
  14. South Park is way funnier.
  15. it's alright, but it's hardly South Park. The Cartoon Wars episodes of SP rip into it good and proper.
  16. I talk to myself. more so if I'm pissed off about something. 'Dan, you're such a fuckin spazzoid' is practically a catch phrase. I also tend to ask objects questions. usually my pc, and to the theme of 'what the fuck now, bitch?'
  17. Bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks.
  18. Fine away. Guys who let their dogs shit everywhere are dicks, and should be treated as such.
  19. The mid week ease of a wednesday holds a certian allure, but perhaps Saturdays- a day followed by nothing of consequence means you can do whatever you want with it. Good times
  20. Watched Porkies last night. pretty funny film.
  21. bo staff skills
  22. Reloaded is fuckin awful, and revolutions is, amazingly, even worse. The Last King of Scotland, however, is brilliant. Forest Wittaker deserves Best Actor by some margin of all the films I've seen this year.
  23. Led Zepplin 1. Repeated.
  24. Happy Birthday man.
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