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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. I love their sound- it's uncomplicated but intense, and Peter Hook is a fucking G with his lead bass- I'm surprised nobody has ever tried to copy that to be honest. It's a great trick.
  2. You should both shut the fuck up and slap Where I end and You Begin by Radiohead on, and then shit yerselves in awe. oh yeah, and how did Joy Division grab you Bard? forgot to ask.
  3. ha! your lame joke fails against my metaphysical comment!
  4. I want to have sex with that album it's so good.
  5. I'm probably gonna watch t2 tonight tbh. It's very good- it's just that the original is just more me. I prefer the tone vastly. T2 feels like a proper studio product compared to T1
  6. Is it fuck! The Terminator is a far better movie than Terminator 2. It's darker, the characters are all better, the action is cooler, Arnie is a fantastic villain, and a poor hero in the sequel, while Michael Bhein is Perfect as Reese. Terminator 2 has ginger mullets and John Connor.
  7. She will be mine. Oh yes. She will be mine...
  9. Heat, Hard Boiled, Die Hard. Few more for you
  10. That new trailer is fucking awesome. seriously folks, giant robots ftw.
  11. I'll probably find some kind of epic tv drama series to grab over the summer. All my favourite shows are ending. Perhaps I'll give VM a shot.
  12. In fact, she's ripped almost entirely from X-Men with the character Mastermind. He has exactly the same ability.
  13. That was a superb set of episodes. Spot on character, great jokes, and an interesting set up for the last season.
  14. Try me. I have a degree in this shit, yo.
  15. yep. just about.
  16. Anyone notice how they stole the ted murder from x men 3?
  17. It...It's so beautiful...
  19. For a shocking moment, I thought your friend was wearing jeans.
  20. I think you did, yes. Linderman is name dropped in the episode where Parkman, Ted and Bennet break out. He's the head of the organisation.
  21. 20p says Linderman's death was an illusion by Candice.
  22. Mortal Kombat 1 was genius
  23. I wanna see Claude again. He was excellent.
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