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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. everything, but it is quite good
  2. when's this out?
  3. I'll give them a listen.. And yeah, the smiths comparison to The Dears is well founded. They have really amazing, intelligent lyrics and some fly arangements musically. nobody sounds quite like them I also love how different their two albums are. Gang of Loosers is much more poppy in a sense, where as No Cities Left is more epic and melancholy. Thankfully, their equally amazing at both directions.
  4. a combination of bringing sexy back, playing alot of games, working as much as possible, rollin an controllin wit mah homies and all that jazz. Oh, andn buying a 360! wehey!
  5. been listening to The Dears again recently. They really are very, very good and more people need to listen to them
  6. yeah man. what did you do? looks like you just watched an entire series of 24...
  7. Hahah yeah I ditched the beard. I decided the hobo look isn't me. in truth, I only grow beards when I'm avoiding a shaving routine as I often get bad turkey neck from it, and I don't mind a bit of stubble. cool picture btw Eenuh. Your hair looks cool
  8. It's all about Grace, muppets.
  9. word up
  10. Had a great game last night, protracted over several hours by pauses and stuff, but we played an ace map: basically it's a long thin strip with resource bases scattered up and down at various points. It went on for so long we used up all of the resources on the map, bar one base I'd not used. Stuart ran out of stuff and I ended up winning. Bastard nearly had me at one point though. managed to sneak a flock of overlords stuffed with Ultralisks in to my main base. Trashed a fuck load of stuff before my scout armarda could put them down Anyone up for a game, pm me and we'll get msn involved for some games
  11. that's going to kill you in your sleep. You know that, don't you?
  12. end of year ball + genrally need a suit for...looking sharp and...getting a job..
  13. I warned you, punks. You didn't stop me! why didn't you try and stop me!?
  14. mastadon have a song called Mother Puncher? You know, sometimes I wish I was in to Metal. You must have the highest concentration of awesome titles for stuff going.
  15. Big up to my burglary risk brother.
  16. Jeff Buckley was funkin incredible. Along with Ian Curtis, I'd say his death is one of the greatest losses to modern music. He could have gone on to so much. Still, Grace is perfect. I could live inside that album for months.
  17. I did that with the spartan laser before. poon dexter on my team leaped, gazelle like, in front of my humming, glowing impliment of death. Thankfully, it carrys on through somebody and it killed the dude i was aiming at, negating the betrayal. I've also managed to kill the dude in the passenger seat of a hog without blowing it up before. Kinda missed but clipped him and took him out. was pretty sweet in a way, even though i missed out on a tripple kill.
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