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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. you're almost right. it's far, far worse than anyone would admit after being duped in to seeing it after the also super shit 2nd film.
  2. Yeah. There's your solution still good point. they were TEH FUCKS
  3. will do. get the app sorted and i'll start a new game.
  4. that's true, it was awesome. got significantly less awesome over time though and you have to wonder what they're still doing unless they've changed loads without anyone telling me...
  5. haha. wondered when you'd show up... good choice though. that is an awesome bass line
  6. the little scythe things were shit hot in the original man. you talk in lies!
  7. yeah...that doesn't work...
  8. basically, you need a 2:1 numbers advantage to take a defended province, so if 2 of your units are next to an enemy held area, you give one the order to move in to the square, and then give the 2nd a support order. The 2nd stays where it is but the attack is now at double strength so you'll win the space. Support hold is basically the same thing but backwards. Two of your units can be given the order to defend a single spot so that any attack has to be 3:2 to succeed. man, your post was much better. haha.
  9. Ash you look like you'd be good at smug, half ironic glances at work place underlings. you should go in to Fashion.
  11. totally valid points in there, I thought.
  12. .... re: beards. I need a shave so bad. Been in the library most days all day for like 2 weeks now and I'm usually in a rush before i go and exhausted when I get home so it's not gone yet. needs to go soon though or I'll get a tan line on my face
  13. he did say he needed more time to play it. I predict a largly positive reaction, mostly because he's not fucking retarded.
  14. don't deny it, I know you're really very turned on by the mere thought.
  15. Weezer? jesus, who gives a shit about them these days?
  16. prepare to have your arse pwnd
  17. the ability to slice off limbs is one i look forward too, frankly. I was a bit sore that only the japanese version had decapitations in the original so they better not censor it. presumably, it's too fundamental to the animation etc etc to do away with this time. also, new weapons look sick as fuck. scythe, claws, akimbo swords. mmmm.
  18. Most things are improved if I do that. Well, they would be if i didn't have slightly disturbing ammounts of shoulder hair...
  19. umm.... yes. that'd be exactly how I roll.
  20. bet it works the other way the syntax of convoys is wank though. really confusing.
  21. I'm pretty sure that should be a legal requirement for everyone anyway.
  22. right: If A is the unit being convoyed, B is the ship doing the convoy, C is the friendly unit on the other side and D is the target... do you do C support A to D or C support B to D?
  23. I'm pretty pumped:) Edge preview this month laments a truly shite camera though. Hopefully it'll still be super fucking wicked anyway like the last one.
  24. huh that's weird I'm not sure how you do that. maybe you support the ship doing the convoying?
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