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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    just by being a good friend I think. And I think you can sleep with katie but i didn't dare try it on my first date, despite us both being alarmingly drunk.
  2. sadly I'm too busy for it now. I'm spending all my days in the library, and going to bed early. after the 14th though, definitely.
  3. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    it gets you..stuff. Jacob delivers cheap guns to you, Brucie lends you a chopper etc. not sure who else gives you shit.
  4. Music in Sheffield is ace cakes. off the top of my head: Simian Mobile Disco Hot Chip Squarepusher Arol Alkan Digitalism Justice The Whip We Are Scientists Robots in Disguise Battles Mix Master Mike have all been in the last couple of years, often more than once, and I've seen most of them too.
  5. they've played it though, oui? that's the important bit.
  6. what else?
  7. it's not a very busy place at all, especially in town, but there is stuff going on all the time, especially in the pretty unique music culture.
  8. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    question for those not too impressed: do you like the pop culture atmosphere? for me, that's always been GTA at it's best, and i can't really understand not loving this game unless you're just not in to the city they've made and you're just judging it on the way it plays.
  9. I'm just concentrating on how good it'll be at the cinema. Might book all the seats near me so that nobody can see the raging boner this will probably give me. Also, with Ledger doing his last performance, it's something I want to preserve as much as possible from now on as it looks truly brilliant and i don't want to spoil that.
  10. oh, fuck. no. i won't watch this one. I really, really want this film to be a surprise as modern trailers these days seem to be all about spoiling the entire plot for me. I havn't seen Iron Man yet, but I have a feeling I won't be surprised by the plot for at least the first hour of that. no more batman for me. the last one was too footage heavy alone, so another nooooooooes.
  11. that's true. all my friends in sheffield are weirdos it's brilliant. not to imply that jay is, I was just thinking about who I know there.
  12. ha fair enough. thought you might be more regular. d'oh!
  13. my parents work at both it's pretty amusing when they squabble over which is better. I didn't realise you were both around the city so much. we could cross teh wires next time and meet for a beverage...
  14. means the dumbass who took the italy slot sacked it off and the computer automatically puts their units on hold to keep things ticking over while we keep playing. I knew this would happen, he only made 2 moves, took no territory and then just let the game run for ages while we waited. asshole...
  15. actually it depends on the subject. sheffield uni offers strong courses in traditional academia, while Hallam has a good reputation for stuff like phisiotherapy as it's an ex poly. Both good in their ways, but not very comprable.
  16. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    didn't realise he had a sports car. I have access to the ones on Alagonquin now though, and you're right: they offer such a sweet, precise drive and they're so fast that they make amazing getaway cars. They're not glass fragile either, like in previous games.
  17. ah fair doos. Still, cool place. The uni there is pretty awesome- I'd definitely have applied if i wasn't native.
  18. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    what, really? that's weird. uhh, you gone power boating with brucie yet? that seems to trigger them spawning frequently from what i heard.
  19. hmm, where abouts were you? there's bits of sheffield I'd never, ever want to be alone in but around my area, hell, most of the eastern half of the city, it's really nice. I much prefer it to anywhere else I've been to, but maybe it's just home comfort
  20. better late than never in other news: Boys Noize's album Oi Oi Oi is really quite fuckin sick. Hoorah!
  21. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    you're better at it than me, then! personally, I like the difficulty. It's a challenge without being tedious or a walk in the park. The combat is fast, looks great and fairly punishing of mistakes, too. It's made even better by subtly designed areas that go from looking like innocently placed natural scenery to dynamic, awesome fight scenes in a second. It's genius.
  22. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    that is SO much harder than it should be. what i did: fuck the cops in the building, jus run back the way you came. As you leave the building through the door, turn right and run for the river. There's a power boat in the water that will get you far, far away without being chased. There might be police boats so look out on your map and stay clear. I did it easy first time i tried that way.
  23. far, far less. think about it, if it was nearly 1% then every 1 in 100 sky dives would kill someone or something. hardly anyone dies from it.
  24. Edge have a preview this month (out on 8th) so hopefully they'll have some good impressions.
  25. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    yeah flown em in vice city and multiplayer. was a bit wank at it first but soon enough the attack chopper was a swooping beast. Then i flew in to the getalife building and it snapped in half. I jumped clear of the plummeting cockpit and survived, too.
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