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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. oh....yeah....totally didn't think of that.
  2. Eels- I like Birds. Yes.
  3. point is they might want to help you. that's part of being friends with somebody. It's not a negative quality to be able to open up to someone, you know.
  4. Can we consider dropping the auto merge double post thing? all it's doing for me atm is stopping me posting new stuff in threads like my Diplomacy games that need updating, reguardless of who posted last.
  5. Anyone else not just remember the original and dk64 to be unremitting bullshit? i hated those games, and i was young enough to enjoy shit back then!
  6. seriously, WHAT!?
  7. Rather than a return of cardridges, I predict an end to solid media entirely. All they need is big, cheap HDDs (already possible, just need it diiiiiiiirt cheap) and the innevitable expansion of Steam and XBLA models should mean that buying a game on a DVD or Blu Ray will be a ridiculous way to buy games. just needs a few things: 1. The game purchase should be recognised, permnanently, by the service, and should be re-downloadable to a new HDD registered to your account. 2. You should be able to 'lend' a game to a friend, giving them a 2 week period to play it before they're offered the chance to buy their own copy. It'd be awesome for everyone. we get games on demand, the companies get to drop production costs massively and the parasitic 2nd hand trade goes out the window. result? cheaper games, bigger profits for devs and more innovation.
  8. Black Devil Disco Club, people. Fucking Yes. They're awesome. They're also on the GTA IV soundtrack on Electro Choc.
  9. so who else reckons Claires dead now? I reckon she has been for 2 episodes.
  10. Diemetrix finally finished banging the female population in his country.
  11. What I want to be the mid season finale: One of the main characters to die right at the end, only to wake up in a resurection ship. It'd be *so* good as an introduction to who the last member of the five.
  12. sweet. mmm Heroes. so trashy, but so watchable.
  13. Could be done. Battlefield did it pretty well, as did Aliens (pulse rifles= M16 basis etc) It'd just end up as 'zomg. teh Chinese' though. Or Russians again. Still, i think the purely fictional is a bit out of bounds for CoD. I know 4 was a fictional plot but the settings were all more or less realistic (except communist religious arabs of doom. lol.)
  14. shit I forgot they were halving it. How many in each part?
  15. not that i was part of it, but bring it on bitches! :yay: :yay: oh yeah, and my mate got it on pc. he had no problems far as I know.
  16. ok i just caught up to 6. Pretty fuckin wicked so far. Anyone else seen this weeks?
  17. last time i played hl2 was when i got orange box- played all through the 3 games in sequence and it's incredible
  18. shit. yes. been playing too much diplomacy.....
  19. I'm sorry but I can't let that pass. explain yourself!
  20. I love the abuse they gave sophie's cousin. Genius. 'oh Dobbie, let me chew on your weird hair'.
  21. that's just how you pronounce it though, the name is still !!! meh, might work. It's intentionally annoying either way.
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